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“But I’m gaining so much more.” He couldn’t help but stroke his hand against her stomach. Just that simple connection grounded him. “I know that Mary and Ellis are important to you. Carl, too. Even if he is a dick sometimes.”

“Say what you really think.” Her eyes were warm. “And yeah, they’re important. But you and the baby, you’re the most important things in my life. I should have told you that on the phone.”

His chest felt tighter than ever. The pain he’d been feeling all week was joined by another, stronger emotion.


“There’s room in your heart for all of us. I get that now,” he told her.

She nodded. “Love isn’t limited. Nor are hearts. They keep growing as more people are taken inside.” She took his hand, moving it up until it was pressed against her chest. “You feel this?” she asked him, as her heart beat strongly against his palm.

“Yeah, I feel it.”

“It’s yours,” she whispered. “You stole it months ago.”

Christ, he was going to cry. He blinked back the tears, letting out a ragged breath. “I don’t want to control you,” he told her. “I don’t want to tell you how to live or who to be with. I just want to be part of your life, however you’ll have me.”

Her own eyes were watering. She nodded.

“Whatever you decide, I’m still moving back here,” he told her. “We’ve already got a couple of people interested in investing in the restaurants. I’ll still have part ownership, but I’ll be a sleeping partner. I want to be here for the baby. And for you. But if you want us to only be co-parents, that’s okay, too.” It would kill him, but he’d do it.

“You’d still leave Boston?”

He nodded. “Yeah. I’m going to look at some houses this week. I’d like you to come with me if you can. Just for an opinion. Even if you don’t want to live with me, the baby will be spending lots of time there. I figure you should get a say in it, too.”

“Who says I don’t want to live with you?”

Another pulse of hope. “I don’t want to presume…”

She took his hand once more, this time lifting it to her lips. She kissed the center of his palm, then laid it against her cheek. “I love you,” she told him. “You’re my future. And I want it to start right now.”

He ran the pad of his thumb along her jaw then slid it up to trace the outline of her plump lips. She stared up at him, their gazes clashing in a way that sent desire right down to his groin.

“Will it always be like this?” Courtney said, her voice low. “Will I always want to tear your clothes off whenever you’re close?”

He smiled at her words. “God, I hope so.” He stepped closer, sliding his hand around to the small of her back. “Because that’s exactly the way

I feel. Every time I look at you I want you.”

“Show me,” she whispered.

A loud squawk came from the chicken coop. “Quick,” Courtney whispered urgently. “Before Hester notices you’re here.”

He dropped his brow until it was pressed against hers. “Has she missed me?”

“Like crazy. As in really crazy.” Her eyes sparkled.

He would have asked more, but he was too busy scooping his hands beneath her denim clad behind.

“Are you sure you want to do that?” she asked. “I’m heavier than ever.”

“I’m sure.” He told her, lifting her into his arms. “And you look perfect.”

By the time they’d made it inside, Courtney had already unfastened three of his buttons. He kicked the front door closed and turned around, pressing her against the wall to steady her. Then he kissed her, hard and firm, his lips warm against hers as he showed her exactly how much he wanted her.

She was his future, and he was hers. And the beautiful thing was, he had no idea what their future looked like.

But he knew he wanted it.

Tags: Carrie Elks The Heartbreak Brothers Romance