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There was always one table that got out of hand during the holiday season. Usually because office parties began halfway through the day with drinks, then led to meals out, where people tried to one up each other with assholery. On the plus side, they nearly always gave good tips. He hoped the waitress would find it worth it.

“Thanks.” She gave him a tight smile. “But I can handle them.”

“Okay.” He grinned at her. “In that case, I need to head across town.” With things being so crazy he tried to visit each restaurant at least twice a week during service, as well as working on the renovation of their latest venture. He couldn’t remember the last time he didn’t eat on the go. Each night he’d crawl into bed sometime after two in the morning, his body aching from being up since eight the previous day.

It was manic, but this was the restaurant business. He really didn’t have a choice.

When he climbed into his car, he saw Courtney had replied.

No coal yet, but it’s still early. Thank you for trying to fulfill all my needs though. - C ;)

His skin heated up as he thought about the need he really wanted to fulfill. He shook his head at himself, a half-smile pulling at his lips. The poor woman was pregnant. She’d only just stopped throwing up at the drop of a hat. She didn’t need him lusting after her.

Yet he did. All the damn time.

He flicked the Bluetooth button on his car, and said her name. The next moment he could hear the ring of his phone echoing through the stereo speakers.


“I’m driving, so I thought I’d call instead of messaging.” And if he got to hear her smooth-as-honey voice? All the better.

“You still working?” she asked softly.

“Yeah. Busiest time of the year.”

“It’s our quietest.” There was a smile in her voice. “Yet at the same time we kind of fulfill the same aim, don’t we?”

“Do we?” That half-smile was still lingering. It always did when he talked to her.

“We feed people. I grow it, you cook it. Same kind of thing.”

Weird how warm that made him feel. “Have you been working today?”

“A little,” she told him. “I had to repair some fences. Literally not metaphorically.” She laughed, and it made his body feel tighter. “But then I slept all afternoon. I don’t know why but I’ve been exhausted these past few days. I thought the second trimester was supposed to be easier.”

He frowned, coming to stop at a four way. “Are you okay? Did you talk to the doctor?”

“I’m fine. And if I called the doctor every time I was tired I’d end up having to remortgage the farm.”

“You know you don’t have to worry about money, right? If you need to call, you call.”

“Thank you. But really, it’s to be expected. My work is physically hard even at this time of year. Add that to the pregnancy, and being tired is par for the course. I’ll be fine after a good night’s sleep.”

A car honked its horn and he realized it was his turn to pull out. He lifted a hand in apology and crossed the intersection. “I should be back home for a couple of days next week. I’ll come and check on you.”

“I thought it was your busiest time?”

Logan blinked. It was, but the need to see her overrode anything else. The business, Paris’s anger, his brothers’ amusement. “It’s just for a couple of days. I have business to take care of there,” he said smoothly. It wasn’t a lie. She was his business, wasn’t she?

Or their baby was at least. And since she was the one carrying their child, then she was his concern, too.

“Maybe I can take you out somewhere,” he suggested. “Make sure you’re eating properly.”

Her laugh was soft. It did things to him. “I’ll never say no to food right now.”

“Okay. I’ll send you some details. Now go to bed and get some sleep.”

“You’re bossy.”

Tags: Carrie Elks The Heartbreak Brothers Romance