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“How much tranq did they give him?” one of the humans asked.

“Enough,” came the reply.

I moved closer, and then the crystal-clear realization of who the male was solidified in me.

Sebastian. Adryan’s vampire cousin and probably equally as psychotic.

“Vampire! My female,” I roared, my hands on the bars, not giving a shit if the pain was excruciating. “Have ye seen her? Have ye seen my Larkin?” I felt feral as I stared at the vampire.

They were halfway past my cell when, faster than any of them could anticipate, the creature across from me reached through the bars, grabbed the nape of the guard closest to him, and jerked the human backward so forcefully that I heard the back of his skull crack against the bars.

And then total fucking chaos ensued.

I watched as the guards started shouting, one of them talking into his earpiece as he called for backup.

The guard who had been slammed against the cell was still standing upright, but that was only because the creature had a scarred, thickly muscled forearm wrapped around his throat.

The human’s eyes rolled back, his mouth went slack, and then I smelled the scent of his blood.

I looked back at Sebastian.

As if he felt my gaze on him, he turned his head in my direction. His eyes were hooded, glossy and unfocused, but when he slowly smiled and I watched his fangs descend and elongate, I felt my own grin spread across my face, my wolf rising.

Sebastian rose up so swiftly he was a blur. He grabbed one of the humans by the throat, brought him forward, and sank his fangs into the side of his neck. Sebastian drank his fill before ripping his mouth away so violently a chunk of the human’s flesh came clean off.

Then he turned toward the next guard, spitting that chunk out so it hit the human in the chest before it slid down to the ground with a wet, squelching noise.

I felt my adrenaline start to rush through my veins faster with the excitement of battle. I wanted out of this fucking cage, and it was clear all the other creatures around me were feeling the same way.

They were roaring, growling, banging their fists on the bars.

My wolf scented the blood in the air and paced wildly right below the surface of my body, but whatever tranquilizers they gave me weren’t allowing me to shift.

So all I could do was watch the chaos, witness Sebastian destroying the guards in the most efficient, savage way his kind could. But then more guards rushed in, shouting orders and going after Sebastian.

They shot him in succession, so many tranquilizer darts going into his huge body that it made the vampire even more pissed. He stood there for so fucking long, holding his arms out, letting them shoot him in the chest as he grinned.

Yeah, definitely fucking related tae Adryan.

The drugs started taking hold, as his expression grew slack a second before he fell forward and hit the floor. The glowing red eyes of the creature across from me, started to dim as the sedation took over.

“Fuck,” one of the guards said. “Fuck!” he yelled as he looked at the carnage. “Throw the vampire bastard in a cell and make sure he stays out cold.”

The guard who’d spoken glanced around before staring at me. I let my eyes flash blue, let a grin slowly spread across my face as I felt my canines lengthen.

Come here. Come closer.

“Clean this up,” the human snapped and looked away. “Tore is gonna shit himself.”

I took a step back, and another one, until the shadows swallowed me, and I could find a way to get out of here and find my female. And I would, even if it killed me in the end.




I wasn’t sure how much time had passed, didn’t know where they’d transferred me, but I was still in hell.

Tags: Jenika Snow The Lycans Erotic