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Though that thought was thin and full of holes.

I was waiting for Karson to argue. He did not play games, didn’t try to make this into something less than it was. He’d made it clear that he wanted me. Wanted this. And that it was a fuck of a lot more than just sex.

Men liked to take their relationship with me public. Because of the social cache it would give them, because having me on their arm looked good for them.

I knew Karson wasn’t like those men, but it didn’t stop my stomach from swirling with unease.

“We’re not going to tell anyone about this,” he agreed after a few long moments of silence.

I blinked in surprise.

His arms tightened around me. “I’m quite content to have you all to myself without whatever fuckin’ complications come with the sunlight.” He cleared his throat. “Not that I’m not prepared to go into the sunlight with you. I’m planning on it, Wren. Make sure you understand that.”

He flipped me on my back then moved down so I could feel his breath where my thighs met.

“But in the meantime, there are many, many things we will explore in the darkness,” he murmured, his powerful hands gripping me.

Then he showed me all the things we could do in the darkness.

They were pretty fucking wonderful.

We were in the VIP booth at Klutch.

The most exclusive club in the city. The VIP booth was the most sought-after place to be. It didn’t matter how rich you were, how famous you were, how well connected you were, it was the owner of the club who decided whether you were going to gain access.

Stella just happened to be screwing the owner of the club. Or, more accurately, Stella was still involved in some sex arrangement with the owner of the club. We had yet to destroy Jay Helmick because he was doing something to our friend.

She was positively glowing. Glowing. She was different. I could easily see that. He was changing her. I knew the sex was good for her, but it remained to be seen whether the man himself was.

I wasn’t exactly the best judge of which men were good for you considering I was engaging in a sordid affair with Karson, fucking him any chance I could, and lying to myself that it was just sex, ignoring that he was marking me in a way that felt permanent.

I knew that Karson would be at Klutch tonight. Knew that I would be pretending he was nothing to me and that he would do the same, so I was dressed to torture him. Because I was still playing games.

My dress barely covered my ass, a white tube of fabric that covered my tits and pussy. Those were the only things left to the imagination. It clung to my every curve. My heels were the highest I owned, delicate straps snaking up my legs. I kept my makeup light except for the glitter around my eyes, making the creamy hazel in them pop. I had extensions in my hair, so the chocolate brown locks were tumbling down my back.

I looked good.

Fucking great.

Walking sex.

I was playing with fire, I knew that. But a little heat never hurt anybody.

All of my girls were equally glammed up for the occasion, Stella because we all knew that Jay was sitting in the office that sat above the dance floor like some kind of evil overlord, watching her.

That was solidified when Karson appeared midway through the night to fetch Stella. The task seemed a little above Karson’s paygrade, and that pissed me off just a little, that Jay was treating my villainous ex-superspy as some kind of errand boy.

But then I thought on it as she walked away. That was, of course, after I made a point to ignore Karson, and he made a point to ignore me.

I gathered that Karson was Jay’s most trusted advisor. His second in command. Although I did not know the specifics of that, I had a pretty good imagination. And I was getting to know Karson rather well. He had, thus far, remained tight-lipped about his past with Jay. And Jay in general. Not that we had a whole bunch of conversations about our pasts. It was mostly life changing sex followed by arguments about me not belonging to him.

But, despite my best efforts, I was getting to know Karson. So I knew that Karson was not the kind of man to be someone’s errand boy.

That meant the task of coming up to the VIP booth and escorting Stella through the throngs of people on the dance floor was an important one.

“You don’t think he’s changing, even a teeny bit for her?” I asked as we watched Karson lead Stella to Jay’s office.

He had a great ass. It was exciting, keeping us a secret, even if I couldn’t escape the bitter taste in my mouth that came from lying to my girlfriends.

Tags: Anne Malcom Dark