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They stepped inside to find that the place was mostly empty. There were close to a dozen small tables spread about the place while a long bar lined one wall. Only two people were seated at the bar, and four of the tables had occupants.

His companion practically skipped over to the table closest to one of the front windows and dropped into a seat. It gave them a great view of the area and allowed them to see people as they entered the pub. A server with black hair cut in a sleek bob stopped over, poured them some water, and dropped off a couple of menus.

They both needed only to take a quick glance before they were ready to order. With the server gone, Adrian relaxed, stretching his legs out under the table while his gaze casually surveyed the other people in the place. Something about their easygoing, indifferent air made him think they were all locals grabbing a late lunch or an early dinner.

“This has been fun and all, but it will be so nice to be home at last,” Drayce started. He sank lower in his own chair and sighed as he tipped his head back. He closed his eyes, face pointed up at the ceiling.

“Home?” Adrian repeated with more weight than that question would normally get. His heart had fluttered a little at that statement.

Drayce opened his eyes and looked at him for a second before a rough scoff left his lips. He sat up enough to lean close to Adrian. “Stormbreak,” he whispered.

“So, you don’t think of home as…” The Isle of Stone. He couldn’t say it. Not so much because he was worried about others overhearing, but he didn’t want to think about Drayce leaving Erya and returning to the home of the dragons. Something in him felt that if Drayce left, it would be permanent.

“Nah. Not for a long time. And after I got settled in Erya, I realized that it never felt like home. Not like Stormbreak does.”

The reason for that feeling of home likely lay with a someone rather than it being such a great place. Or at least, a group of someones.

“Do you think you’ll return?”

Drayce shrugged and sat up. He trained his gaze toward the windows, watching the people pass on the sidewalks. “I don’t know. There’s not much to pull me there, but I would like to take Cael back. He’d like to spend more time with his family.”

That sounded like such a couple-type thing to do.

Adrian leaned forward, placing both of his forearms on the table. “What’s it like…you know…dating the king?”

His companion made a face that was kind of like a disbelieving smirk. “Really?”

Adrian shrugged. “Yeah. Is it weird?”

Drayce shook his head and huffed a laugh. “Dude, I’m not dating the king. I’m dating Cael.” He picked up his water and took a sip. “I’m dating my best friend. It’s the greatest thing in the entire world. It’s all the things that made our friendship wonderful and so much more.”

“But it doesn’t change who he is.”

“Yeah, I guess, but I don’t think about it. When we’re together, it doesn’t change how we act around each other or how we talk to each other. When I look at him, he’s just Cael.”

Adrian grinned. “And when he looks at you, he doesn’t see an enormous black dragon?”

That earned him a dark glare and another huff, but this one was clearly annoyed. “No, he doesn’t see that.”

Stretching out his leg, Adrian kicked Drayce’s foot under the table. “Don’t get all bent out of shape. You know I’m teasing.”

“And you know that I could bite your head off if I wanted,” Drayce snarled.

“True, but I don’t think I’d taste as good as that brisket sandwich you ordered.”

“Mmm…brisket,” Drayce hummed to himself, his shoulders instantly untensing. At least Adrian knew how to defang this dragon. Drayce suddenly shook his head and glowered at Adrian as if he’d just figured out he’d been distracted. “Whatever. But I get your point. Yeah, I know who I’m dating, but we didn’t start until I got stuck in the middle of all this.” He held both hands out to his sides as if motioning to the world. “He hasn’t had much of a chance to do his job.” He paused and shrugged. “When we get home, things will change. It won’t be bad, only different. We’ll both have to adapt, but I’m not worried. He’ll still be Cael and I’ll still be Drayce.”

Adrian flopped in his seat and put both of his hands behind his head. “Sorry if my presence is cramping all your alone time.”

His friend rolled his eyes and grinned at him. It was the same smile he’d seen dozens of times in the barracks when Drayce had popped by because his best friend had been sent off on some princely duty and he got left behind. “Gods, you’re such a pain in the ass. You’re a good addition to the crew. It doesn’t hurt to have another person watching our backs. Plus, I needed another person to gang up on Rayne with me. Cael is agreeing with him too much now.”

“Yeah, because nothing gives me greater joy than arguing with that man.”

Drayce reached out and flicked the end of Adrian’s nose. “Whatever. People need to argue with Rayne. Otherwise, he gets too bossy. I think he also gets bored if we agree with him too much.”

“I’m going to tell him you said that.”

A sharp gasp jumped from Drayce’s throat. “You evil bastard!”

Tags: Jocelynn Drake Godstone Saga Fantasy