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He stepped back in front of me and took his cock in his hand and waited. Again, I was struck by his control because mine had fled the building a while ago. But I understood he needed me to remove that last bit of fabric on my own.

I’d never really thought about boyfriends and losing my virginity. Standing here now, I could think of no other man I would want to bestow that honor on.

As I gathered the fabric and bunched it in my hands to raise it from my calves to my knees, the memory of future Duncan on his knees before me sent a zing of pleasure to my core.

When the hem reached the middle of my thighs, I didn’t waste any more time. His hungry eyes, filled with desire, mirrored my own need. I whipped the garment over my head and waited.

He stalked forward, slowly at first, and circled me. He stopped behind me and placed an arm around my waist to pull my back against his chest. He slid my hair to one side and planted kisses along my jaw and down my neck. Then his free hand slid down to cup my breast, strumming my nipple with his thumb.

I squirmed in his hold, finding myself rubbing my ass against his cock. His hand left my breast, sliding down my belly to find my nub tight with need. He brushed the pad of his thumb over it again and again, until I was writhing beneath him.

He spun me around, hiked me up by my ass and urged me to wind my legs around his back. When I did, his shaft rubbed my aching center as he walked us to the bed. He laid me down and took my wrist, the mark flaring to light again.

“Ye are mine, right?” he asked, and I nodded. “Say the words. I need to hear you say it.”

How could he have ever believed himself capable of taking advantage of a woman? “I’m yours.”

Then, with his left arm tucked under my right leg, he thrust forward. Where I felt the sting of pain, his face was full of wonder. For a moment, as he stood still, I remembered this was his first time, too. He’d broken his vow of celibacy this night.

All rational thought fled the building after that. He moved in me with a vigor that ratcheted up the intense sensations. Each time, my pleasure hit an exciting new note. He too was enraptured by our tangle of limbs as we moved together toward a purpose we didn’t fully understand.

I clawed at his ass, in need of more. I clawed at his shoulder, wanting his mouth on mine. I clawed toward an unexplained ending that stole my breath when it hit. He cried out, too, neck muscles straining as he moved forward a few more times, filling me with his seed.

He collapsed atop me, but I didn’t care. I longed for his weight. It was a comfort to have him so near. Then I felt our bond slip in place. The empty spot in my heart now filled. I could feel everything he felt in vivid color. He was tired and still a little drunk.

“Ye are real, right?” he asked.

He thought he was dreaming. I reached out and drew a line around one side of his face. “I’m real.”

His grin was one of wonderment before he rolled us to our side. “I’m glad ye’re real,” he said. He brought my marked wrist toward his mouth and brushed a kiss there. “Mine,” he said, before closing his eyes and drifting off.

I rolled onto my back; my heart filled to bursting. If this was witchcraft, I would recommend it to the world. I didn’t think I’d ever felt so wonderful in my life. As he’d come, I’d felt it, which had only heightened my own release. It had been far more amazing than I’d ever allowed myself to imagine.

My happiness was short lived as I felt a quickening in my belly. It was if a veil was lifted from my eyes. Everything made sense. I scrambled off the bed and shook my head at my ruined dress. There was no saving it. The corset was a loss, as I wouldn’t be able to tie it by myself. I’d just grabbed the cloak when the door opened.

It was the girl who had thought she had saved me. Her eyes doubled in size when she spotted the man in her bed. “He found ye.” Her gaze dropped to the floor and spotted the remnants of my clothing.

“It’s fine. He did nothing wrong. I promise. I’m sorry to ask you a favor. Please let him stay. He won’t harm you. This I swear.” I could tell my plea was falling on deaf ears. “You can keep the dress though it’s ruined, I’m sure it’s worth something and the corset too as payment. Wear it or sell it if you like, as long as he stays until he wakes.”

Tags: Terri E. Laine Fantasy