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Duncan protested at once. “I’m not the king of Scotland. Bloody Charles is.”

“He’s the king of England,” someone shouted from far off.

“Sure ye are. It’s what the people want. They see ye as their king,” Eaon protested.

Duncan’s fist hit the table. “Then this wedding is for nocht. Ye even said I must do it for my king.” His anger silenced our table, but whispers passed through the crowd at large. Their conversation died with the tide of curiosity.

“Well, I think it’s time for the bedding ceremony,” came a voice from the end of our table.


Raucous cheers hid my bafflement. They couldn’t possibly mean what it sounded like. A bedding ceremony?

“Is this necessary?” Duncan asked. “It’s an old tradition.”

“Yes, my lord. The king ordered it so. He wants to ensure your compliance.” It was the priest who spoke, though his words had been measured, given the talk earlier about Duncan being the rightful king. “You will do as your king bids, correct?”

The room had gotten quiet enough the sound of chair feet scraping across the floor as Duncan abruptly stood was thunderous.

“Let’s get this over with,” Duncan groused.

A fresh round of cheers passed through the drunken crowd as they knocked mugs of ale in support of this decree.

I, on the other hand, glared at the hand Duncan held out to me. For the briefest of moments, I nearly told him to fuck off—a term I’d heard many times on the shows I watched to keep me entertained. Likely, he wouldn’t get it and it would only get me in trouble. He was the lord, or the king, depending on who you asked. My fate was in his hands. So I took his.

He didn’t yank me up, despite his mood. He was gentle yet firm, helping me to my feet. For a second, his hand landed at the small of my back, sending shivers cascading throughout my body. But both were gone as quick as they’d had come. Instead, he threaded my arm through his as we were once again paraded through the castle.

Up, up, up, we went to the third floor where, to my surprise, we ended up in front of my door. How quickly I’d claimed the room even though I hadn’t yet spent a full day in there, or had I? The changes of time had my brain all confused.

My stomach protested, reminding me I’d eaten little. At the same time, it was in knots at the prospect of what was to come next.

How could I go through with this charade? Yes, my life was at stake, but giving my virginity to a man who had made it very clear he didn’t want me in this time or mine was a hard pill to swallow. His ruining of my first kiss was child’s play compared to this.

Yet the lady—me—doth not protest or something like that. He opened the door, and we stepped through. A dozen or more people followed us in.

The bed, which I had given little thought to before, was daunting now. The sheer fabric that hung from the canopy and had been tied to each poster like decoration was spread wide as a flimsy curtain between us and the spectators.

“It will be fine,” Duncan whispered to me.

I hadn’t realized that my breathing had become labored. I was on the verge of hyperventilating.

“Calm now. Just follow my lead and everything will be fine,” he said.

I glanced over his shoulder at the peanut gallery, salivating at the prospect of me losing my virginity.

His hand reached up, but he stopped. “Fiona,” he bellowed.

She must have been just outside the door because she came running in. “Yes, my lord.” The poor girl looked frightened.

“Remove this dress,” he commanded.

My eyes couldn’t have gotten any bigger. I was to disrobe right there in front of everyone. I felt a fine sheen of sweat cover my skin as I wondered at what point, if any, I could put a stop to this madness and survive.

His words repeated in my head. Calm now. Just follow my lead and everything will be fine. It was as if he’d repeated them just for my ears alone. I met his eyes, and he held my gaze. For some strange reason, a peacefulness washed over me. My gaze didn’t stray from his the entire time Fiona worked.

When she freed the buttons at my back, the dress pooled at my feet. But there was more to go. The corset had to be removed. Once it was gone, I exhaled and sucked in a lungful of air. Not just because I had more room to breathe. But also because Duncan nodded, and Fiona skittered away.

It was only then our spell broke. He turned and pulled back the sheet on the bed. I was so grateful not to be naked. I stood in a thin sheath, which was better than nothing. I slid into bed and dragged the coverlet up to my neck as Duncan walked around the bed before sliding in on the other side.

Tags: Terri E. Laine Fantasy