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Taking my hand in his, he slides the ring into place and my heart explodes with joy. “It’s stunning,” I tell him. “And you’re wrong. I will wear every diamond you want to give me if it means getting to keep you forever.”

Marcus grins as I hear Sebastian’s soft laughter behind us, and he takes my hand and raises it to his lips. He kisses the back of my hand, his eyes warm and full of life. “Do you remember that diamond chandelier that you shot out of the sky?”

“How could I not? I have one of them perched up on my trophy shelf.”

Marcus grins at the fond memory before indicating to the ring. “I stole the diamonds for you, all of them,” he says. “I didn’t want anyone else to get their hands on them, so I had them collected and stored away with the intent to have each one forged into the most priceless piece of jewelry. I hired a full time jeweler solely to create pieces for you. Earrings, necklaces, rings, anything you desire is yours.”

I stare at him in shock. “You did all of that for me?”

“Of course, I did,” he tells me. “These diamonds are rightfully yours. They’re a part of your story and it wouldn’t be right for anyone else to have them. One day when the time comes, they can be a part of your legacy, something you tell your children about and pass down through generations.”

I throw my arms around him and hold him to me, my heart booming in my chest. I’ve never been one for wearing heaps of jewelry, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love to gawk at it every chance I get. “Thank you so much,” I whisper. “Before meeting you three, no one had ever done anything for me, never went out of their way to love me, never cared enough, but you … you’re out here on your knees wearing your heart on your sleeve, asking me to love you for the rest of my life. No girl could ever be this lucky, Marcus. I love you so damn much.”

He smiles and draws me in. “Then what the hell are we waiting for? Let’s get this ceremony over and done with so I can officially call you mine.”

Marcus leads me down the aisle and I meet Roman’s stare, my husband. We’ve talked about this ceremony a million times over, and as much as we have committed to it, it was always something that we never got around to doing. There was always something else that demanded our attention, but now that it’s here and the boys are ready and waiting, I couldn’t be more excited.

Sebastian immediately flies out of Roman’s arms, diving toward mine, and I catch him before he gets a chance to fall. “Hello my sweet boy,” I coo, my heart shattering with overwhelming love as I take in his tiny little suit that has his dinner smeared across the front. “You look so handsome.”

“Mama,” he babbles as Roman puts his arm around my waist and presses a kiss to my forehead.

“Are you surprised?” he murmurs against my skin.

“Surprised is an understatement,” I tell him, meeting his warm stare. “Are you ready to be technically married to me?”

“Damn fucking straight, I am,” he says, his eyes sparkling with laughter as he turns his attention to Levi. “The question is, is he ready to sound like a sappy bitch, pouring his heart out on the ground for the world to see?”

Levi shoots his brother a lethal glare and I step out of Roman’s arms before walking directly into Levi’s and tilting my head. They don’t know him like I do, don’t know the private conversations we’ve shared, don’t know just how gentle his heart can be. He might not be sentimental in the same overwhelming, scream it from the rooftops type of way that Marcus is, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel it just as strongly as I do.

Levi wraps his warm arms around me and brushes his lips over mine. “Too fucking right, I’m ready,” he murmurs against my lips before raising his head and glancing toward the priest. “Let’s get the show on the road before the next sorry asshole decides to paint a target on her back.”

And no sooner do the words come falling out of his mouth does the property light up in red and blue flashing lights, sirens echoing through the mountains. “Well, fuck,” Levi says, switching out my hand for a gun. “I suppose I spoke too soon.”

My red-bottom heels are kicked off as Sebastian is handed over to the priest and directed to our safe room and just as the heavy door of the bulletproof chamber closes behind them, the FBI come tearing through our brand new home.

Our guns go up as wicked grins stretch across our faces.

Happy fucking birthday to me.

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Tags: Sheridan Anne Depraved Sinners Romance