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“Best seat in the house,” I say, smiling as we get settled.

Nick returns my smile, his gaze holding mine. “Definitely the best view.”

I dig in to the most amazing crêpes I’ve ever tasted, practically embarrassing myself with the orgasmic sounds I can’t even begin to contain. Nick grins, making quick work of his meal then excusing himself to fetch a carafe of coffee.

I’ve just popped the last bite of strawberry and cream goodness into my mouth when he returns. Instead of returning with coffee, he comes up behind me and crouches at my back. I start to turn, but his low command halts me. “Close your eyes, sweetheart. Give me your hands.”

His deep voice ignites my senses. I obey him without hesitation, my pulse thrumming, my skin heating from just those wicked, whispered words. I am attuned to him on a primal level now, eager to go wherever he leads me.

He’s ruined me for any other man, and right now there is no fear in that realization. Only desire. Only love.

His fingers push up the loose sleeves of my robe, baring my forearms. He strokes me, his mouth pressing a gentle kiss to the side of my neck. Something cold and metallic wraps my left wrist.

“You can open them now.”

My eyelids lift and bring my arms back around, realizing with a gasp what he’s done.

Around my wrist is a gleaming gold-and-platinum watch, its elegant face encrusted with glittering diamonds. Cartier. It must have cost a fortune.

I pivot to face him as he moves around from behind me. “Nick, my God. It’s incredible. It’s too much.”

He takes my hand, turning my wrist so the gold and gems catch the warm light. “It’s perfect,” he says. “Let’s reset the clock, Avery. Let’s do everything over again. Starting now. On this date.”

“Today?” I look up at him, wondering if he knows what it means to me. But I should know better than to doubt him. He remembers. Of course, he does. I’ve only mentioned it to him once, but he pays attention. He realizes the significance of this date, what it means to me.

More importantly, he understands what I need to put it behind me.

I need him.

All I need is him.

“Nick.” My voice catches as I stand up and wrap him in my arms. He kisses me with such tenderness it nearly breaks me.

When our lips finally separate, his eyes burn into mine, scorching yet questioning.

“I want to do it right with you,” he murmurs. “I’ve never wanted anything more.”

I smile up at him, troubled by the bleakness that’s crept back into his eyes. “Well, this is a hell of a way to start. Last night and this morning wasn’t bad either.”

A grin tugs the corner of his mouth. “Shall we pick up where we left off? Paris is for lovers, so they say.”

I laugh and smack my palm against the firm slabs of muscle on his chest. “It’s also for tourists, and it’s my first time here. So I hope you plan on showing me all of the sights.”

“I’ll show you anything you want.”

I tip my head back for his kiss. “I wish you had clued me in yesterday so I could’ve packed some extra clothes and shoes.”

“You’ll find a selection of things in your sizes already waiting for you in the dressing room closet. I’ve had it stocked for weeks.”

“Seriously?” My mouth drops open. “You think of everything, don’t you?”

“I prefer not to leave anything to chance.”

Shaking my head, I smile up at him in wonder. “How did we get so lucky?” He doesn’t answer, but his eyes smolder as I reach up and bury my fingers in his silky hair. “This is a fairytale, Nick. You’ve slain all my monsters. You’ve picked me up and carried me off to your castle. You’ve saved me.”

He curses, low under his breath. Something dark flickers across his expression as he caresses my face in his strong hands. “I’m not a prince. God, never hold me in that light. You’ll only be disappointed.” His touch gentles, even as his gaze goes hard with intensity. “I’m not a good man, Avery. But I am the one who loves you.”

They are words I’ll never tire of hearing from him. Words I’m still afraid to believe, for fear that I’m going to wake up one day and find this was all a dream.

Tags: Lara Adrian 100 Erotic