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“What? No.” I shake my head, frowning. “Of course, I don’t despise you. Not at all. I just thought . . . You’re obviously not interested in buying my paintings, and I’ve stayed too long already. I don’t want to bother you—”

“You’re wrong, Avery. I am very interested in your art.” When I pause, she goes on. “These three pieces are very good. Better than good. But what I really want to know is why you want to sell them to me.”

Her blunt question takes me aback, but I realize directness is just her way. I appreciate that about her here today, and I feel that I owe her some of the same respect now.

“To be honest, Kathryn, I need the money. I’m . . . I’m in some trouble and I need to find a way out.”

She regards me in silence for a moment. “Trouble that Dominic can’t help you with?”

I shake my head. “I can’t ask him to. I won’t. I have to find a way through this on my own.”

“I see.” She sets the glass down on the side table next to the sofa. “How much money will it take to make your trouble go away?”

“Ten thousand dollars.”

One fine brow lifts above her fatigued, but erudite gaze. “Your paintings will be worth much more than that one day, my dear. But I will be glad to have them for the price you need.” She stands up and smooths her black silk robe. “I trust a personal check will suffice?”

“Yes. Of course.” My breath rushes out of me on a heavy sigh, gratitude nearly overwhelming me. “Kathryn, I don’t know how to thank you.”

“Yes, you do. Be good to him, my dear. Love him for me, even if he doesn’t make it easy for you.” Her smile is beautiful, if broken. “Love him especially then.”

Chapter 19

I call for Patrick to pick me up a while later, knowing Nick always prefers that I use his driver instead of taking the subway. Today I feel safer in the limo too. I cashed Kathryn’s check after leaving her apartment, and the knowledge that I’m walking around the city with ten grand in large bills tucked into my purse has left me nervous as hell.

Even more so than the reason I need the money in the first place.

Once I’m in the backseat of the sleek black car, I send Nick a quick text. Would you be disappointed if we stay in for dinner tonight?

His reply comes back almost instantly. Staying in with you is never a disappointment. Shall I bring dinner home with me?

I stare at his message—at the mention of home, and the implication that the word belongs to both of us. On any other day, with anyone else, that word might mean nothing. Just a casual reference chosen for convenience more than anything else.

But Nick does nothing without deliberation. He is as careful with his words as he is with his feelings. And right now, he is telling me that I belong with him.

I’m already emotional from my meeting with Kathryn. Now, tears prick the backs of my eyes and it’s all I can do to hold them at bay as I type my response to his text. Just come home when you’re ready. I’ll take care of dinner.

His answer is immediate. A surprise, then? I can hardly wait.

Me too, I reply, then slip my phone back into my purse and lean back against the soft leather seat with my eyes closed so Patrick won’t see that I’m on the verge of breaking down.

As the car rolls through the midafternoon traffic, I try to reassure myself that everything will be better once I’ve given Rodney what he wants and he’s out of my life again. I can only pray the money will be enough to get rid of him for good.

After he’s gone, I’ll find some way to make things right with Nick.

I’m terrified of what he’ll think of me if he knows the truth. I’m even more afraid to let my secrets fester between us indefinitely. But I won’t let Rodney control how Nick finds out. And I damn sure won’t let him hurt Nick or the life he’s worked so hard to build.

I can barely contain my relief to see no sign of my stepbrother anywhere near the Park Place building as we approach. I’ll have to see Rodney soon enough as it is. He gave me only seven days to get in touch to arrange for him to collect his money. That means tomorrow.

The bundle of a hundred one-hundred dollar bills feels like a stone in the bottom of my purse. As glad as I’ll be to get rid of it, I can’t stomach even the thought of Rodney while my head and heart are still reeling from the time I spent with Kathryn.

I need Nick first. I need to feel his warmth and strength in order to find my own in preparation for facing my past again in what I can only pray is the last time.

“Thanks again for coming to get me on short notice,” I tell Patrick as the limo slows to a stop at the front entrance.

He nods. “Anytime, Ms. Ross.”

Manny opens the backseat door for me, greeting me with his friendly hello and smile brightens my day as usual. Even so, it’s difficult to make small talk right now, and I simply go through the motions as I head for the elevators and step into the empty car. I don’t relax until I am finally alone inside the penthouse and able to sag against the closed door, exhaling the ragged sob that’s been clawing to get out all day.

Tags: Lara Adrian 100 Erotic