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“And don’t forget to take his blanket. He likes to—”

“Belle,” Mom interjected, staring at me in the mirror. “They’ll be fine. And if they’re not, they can call Dad or me, and we can go over there.” She raised her brows. “Relax, sweetie. Relax.”

“It’s hard,” I croaked out. “I just—”

“I get it,” Mom said. “I was the same with you and Asher. But I promise you, you need your own time too. Dad and I have a date night at least once a month without fail. It’s why we work so well. Just enjoy the night because tomorrow, you’ll have a screaming baby wanting milk from you again.”

I shuffled on the chair and winced. Leo wasn’t the hardest to feed, but my nipples were starting to protest, and cracked nipples weren’t much fun.

“Okay.” I waved Aria off. “Go downstairs. I’ll be down in a while.”

She grinned at me, then cooed at Leo, and off she went, taking the half of Ford and me with her.

“Now.” Mom placed her hands on my head. “What are we doing with this unruly hair today?”

I chuckled. “Anything to keep it out of my face.”

“I’ve got the perfect idea.”

Chapter Thirteen


I’d been on a handful of dates in my entire life, but I’d never been as nervous as I was as I pulled up outside Brody and Lola’s house. I’d been in and out of this house for over twenty years, and yet, for the first time, I was scared to walk up the driveway and knock on the door.

Swallowing, I stared at the cars outside. Brody and Lola’s were there, as well as Asher’s—and Cade’s to boot. They were all here, and I knew it was most likely solidarity and to warn me against hurting her. They didn’t realize that I’d never do that to her, or maybe they did but just wanted to push the point home. Either way, it wasn’t going to be a quick knock on the door, and then us leaving.

I took a deep breath and pushed out of my car, straightening the rolled-up sleeves on my button-down shirt. The dark-blue material matched with my black slacks, and I wasn’t sure if I’d gone overboard with the way I’d dressed. I’d told Belle where I’d booked us a table, and it was in the best restaurant in town, which had an unspoken dress code. She’d sent me a collection of shocked emojis when I’d messaged her this morning, and I wasn’t sure if it was a good or bad thing. It was too late to change now, though.

The front door opened before I’d even gotten halfway up the drive, and a grinning Aria stood in the doorway. “Damn, Ford. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look so smart.”

I ground my teeth together, but it wasn’t out of anger, just out of nerves. Tonight was the first night where I had a plan for my future. I’d always just gone along with things and lived day to day, trying to survive the streets and then the jobs I’d been undercover on. But now…

Now I had a real chance at a proper life with Belle, and I was shit scared I’d fuck it up.

“I aim to impress, Tyson,” I replied, trying to sound easy, but I was anything but.

She stepped back to allow me inside the house, and as soon as I walked into the living room, all conversation stopped dead.

“Well, shit,” Cade murmured. “I didn’t think you owned a shirt.”

“Har-har.” I shrugged off his words and moved over to him, intent on having a cuddle from Leo, but he was fast asleep in his arms. I knew better than to wake a sleeping baby, so I simply pressed a light kiss to the top of his head and pulled in a breath of his sweet baby smell.

“She’s nearly ready.” I turned to look at Lola as she bounced into the room with a huge grin on her face. “It feels like prom all over again.” I gritted my teeth at her words because Belle’s prom night was torture for me. I’d wanted to chop off the kid’s hands as he touched her, but I hadn’t known then what I know now.

We all waited with bated breath as her footsteps echoed down the stairs, and finally, she appeared, but I hadn’t expected what I saw. Her body was covered in the most beautiful dress, and the slit up the side showed her leg as she stepped into the living room. She wasn’t looking up, but as soon as she did, her gaze met mine. I could have told her there and then how I felt about her, but I had to keep my mouth closed. It wasn’t the right time, no matter how much my brain told me it was.

Her hair was braided and then pulled to the side with curls finishing it off, and a lone curle

d piece flowed over her face. Her lips were painted the same color as the dress, and I craved to touch them. To show her what she was doing to me. But I couldn’t because I was glued to the spot, stuck in a trance she’d caused.

“Hey,” she whispered, and my body jerked back at her soft voice. My pulse thrummed in my ears, and my skin went hot and cold.

“Hi,” I managed to croak out, not sure what else to say. I’d known Belle was beautiful, but right then, coupled with the knowledge of the way I felt, she was everything. She would always be everything.

She seemed to float across the living room toward Cade, and I realized I wasn’t the only one who was speechless. She’d knocked us all sideways, and I was the one who was taking her out. Would it be wrong to change the plan and keep her all to myself instead of sharing her in public?

She stroked her hand over Leo’s head and placed a kiss to the tip of his nose, then turned to face me. “You ready to go?” she asked from next to me, and all I could manage was a nod. She led the way out of the house.

Tags: Abigail Davies Bonded Duet Romance