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By the time I made it to the bleachers and sat on them, Reagan and Cade were talking at the side of the track. I couldn’t help but watch him as he bent down to show her what her starting position should be.

I tilted my head to the side as his sweatpants pulled against his ass, and his long-sleeve thermal rode up on his wrists and showed some of his tattoos. His head bent down a little, causing his hair to flop forward onto his forehead, and my fingers itched to be able to swipe it out of his eyes.

Nothing I did could stop me staring at him. Not even the notebook on my lap and the chemistry workbook open next to me. I was enthralled with each of his movements. Obsessed with the way he strode away from Reagan as she got into her starting position.

His head turned left and right, a frown forming on his face until he spotted me. My breath stalled in my chest as his gaze landed on me and froze me to the spot. He was affecting me more than I ever thought possible. My head told me this wasn’t going to end well, but my heart didn’t care one bit. Not when he was staring at me like I was the only girl in the universe.

He pushed one hand into the pocket of his sweatpants and leaned against the metal rail that encased the track and field. His stare should have been on Reagan and the way she was running, but I was bathing in it instead.

My stomach dipped, butterflies flapping their wings and flying around at a crazy pace. I didn’t know how long we stared at each other from so far away, but when Reagan stopped in front of him with her hands on her hips, I finally managed to look away.

I’d never been so captivated by a single person in my entire life. He was consuming my every thought, and there was nothing I could do to stop it—not that I wanted to.

Looking back down at my notebook, I knew I wouldn’t get any work done out here, so I packed it away and stood. My ankle was still a little tender, but not enough that I couldn’t walk. I didn’t want to run on it just yet, but I’d be running at the next practice on Wednesday.

I took the steps slowly, still aware of Cade out of my peripheral vision. He’d moved around the track some, so it meant I didn’t have to walk by him to go back inside. But as I made it to the door, I took one glance back. His eyes were focused on me as he took a step toward me. There was still thirty minutes left of Reagan’s practice, but I wished there wasn’t. I’d never wanted to feel his touch so much before, and I wasn’t sure I could wait any longer.

With one deep breath, I turned away from him and entered the building. I was in a daze, but I knew exactly where I was going. The small hallway led to the locker rooms and Cade’s office, and I headed right for his door.

It wasn’t a big room, but it was enough for what he needed. His desk sat in the middle of the room with two bookcases full of trophies on one wall and a whiteboard with chairs underneath on the other. Windows made up the other two walls—one set looked out into the hallway, but the blinds on those were closed, and the other set looked out onto the track and field.

I dropped my bag onto one of the chairs and ambled over to the windows, but when I looked out of them, I couldn’t see Reagan or Cade on the track anymore. My brows pulled down into a frown as I placed my hand on the glass and narrowed my eyes.

“What are you looking for?” Cade’s rough voice asked in a whisper from right behind me. I jumped, but his front pressing against my back kept me in place.

“I—” He moved my hair off my neck and trailed the tip of his finger along the sensitive skin, eliciting a shiver from me. “You…I was looking for you.”

“That right?” he asked, his breath fanning over where he’d just touched. I stuttered a breath as his lips met my skin. “God, you drive me insane.” I couldn’t form any words as he trailed his lips farther down my neck and pulled the strap to my tank top lower. “It took every ounce of strength not to dart across that field and touch you.”

I groaned and closed my eyes. Each one of his caresses was simultaneously breaking me apart and putting me back together again. He’d never know how he made me feel. He’d never understand how much I craved his touch.

“Cade,” I whispered. His arm wrapped around my waist, his hand flattening on my stomach. I stared down at his long fingers that practically spanned the width of my hips.

“Yeah, baby?” he asked, then flicked his tongue on my neck and followed it up with a kiss.

“Shouldn’t you be…” I trailed off as he pulled me tighter against him. There was no denying how turned on he was, and I loved every second of it. I was greedy and wanted more. More of this. More of him. “Shouldn’t you be with Reagan?”

He turned me around and pressed his front to mine, keeping me locked between him and the window. “I couldn’t stop myself,” he told me, his eyes shining with determination. “Not knowing you’d be in here waiting for me.”

I whispered my hand up his arm and grasped the side of his neck. “Has she gone?”

His head dipped, and he rested his forehead against mine. “She’s gone.”

I pulled in a deep breath. “Good.” My lips connected with his, but he was ready for me this time. He bent down and picked me up, and I held on to him like he was my life raft.

My legs locked around his waist on instinct as he dipped his tongue between my lips. He stumbled slightly as he maneuvered us across the room and to his desk chair. My thighs sat on either side of him, my hips aligned with his.

“Will I ever get enough of you?” he asked, but I wasn’t sure he wanted an answer, so I didn’t give him one. Instead, I slammed my lips down onto his and rocked my hips. His erection pushed between my legs, and in response, he growled. “Fuck, Aria.” His large hands cupped either side of my neck. “Do that again.”

I did as I was told and rocked my hips again. His reaction was nothing compared to the way he rubbed in just the right way. I was losing myself to him, and I didn’t care one bit. I forgot where I was. I forgot who we were. I forgot all the pain I felt. The only thing I could think about was the way his lips felt against mine. The way his hands grasped me like I was his, and only his.

Our lips separated slowly, not wanting to be apart, and I finally came up for air. “What are we doing?” I asked him in a whisper.

His eyes were the darkest blue I’d ever seen as his stare captured mine. “I don’t know, baby, but I don’t want to stop.” His thumb rubbed back and forth against the front of my neck.

I smiled, a real smile I hadn’t shown anyone for years. In fact, I had a feeling he was the last person who had drawn the smile from me. “I don’t either.”

Cade closed his eyes, his chest moving on a deep inhale. “We can’t tell anyone, Aria.” He pulled me even closer to him. “I hate it, but…”

Tags: Abigail Davies Fated Duet Romance