Page 27 of The Silken Web

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He smiled down at her, and his teeth gleamed in the tanned face. “Wait and see,” he taunted, and slung his arm across her shoulder, pulling her closer.

Obediently, she went with him, lacking the will and the strength to argue, and at the same time, glad to relinquish decision-making control to him. She had been solely responsible for her life for so many years, forced by necessity to make each decision. It was a relief to submit to someone else for a while.

He helped her into the Blazer before climbing in himself. He drove toward the compound and then out the main gate.

“This is the way to the swimming area,” she remarked when he took the turn.

“Yeah, but we’ll have to walk a little way to get where we’re going. I want to show you something.”

Again she didn’t argue. The night was cool and there was the merest hint of rain in the air. Erik had left the windows down, and Kathleen leaned her head against the seat and closed her eyes, letting the cool breeze blow across her face.

When the Blazer stopped, she opened her eyes and saw that they were indeed parked at the swimming area. “It’s lovely, but I’ve seen it,” she said dryly.

Erik laughed. “You’re feeling better. Your glib tongue has been restored to full power.” He opened the passenger door and hauled her out. “Come on, smart aleck. You have to walk from here.”

Instead of going toward the river as she had expected him to, he traipsed off into the woods, dragging her behind him.

“Erik,” she said worriedly. “Are you sure—”

“I know where I’m going?” he finished for her. Even the faint moonlight couldn’t penetrate the thick branches of the trees that umbrellaed them. “Yes, I know where I am. I found this place the other night when I was rather… agitated… and needed a place to cool off.” He squeezed her hand tightly and she blushed.

They walked for a few more minutes in silence. He did seem acquainted with the surroundings, for he helped her avoid vines and boulders. “Where are—”

“Listen,” he interrupted her. “Can’t you hear the river?” They stopped and she listened. She could hear the sound of rushing water.

They walked through the last barrier of trees, and the moonlight revealed Erik’s destination. There, beside the river, was an expanse of white sand finer than sugar. It led directly into the pebble-lined riverbed. There were some large rocks about a hundred feet upstream that caused the gentle rapids. At the sandy beach, the water was quite swift. Huge oak and elm trees spread their limbs like natural canopies over the river, which was narrow at this point, creating a feeling of intimacy and privacy. It was beautiful.

“How did you find it?” Kathleen asked in awe. She was amazed that in all her years of coming to the camp she had failed to find this spot herself. But then, it was off the beaten path and in an area too dangerous for nature hikes with curious children.

“I told you I was walking out my frustration.” He smiled. “Come on.”

They ran toward the water’s edge. Erik had brought a blanket from the Blazer and he spread it on the sand. Kathleen paused long enough to whip off the clothes she had worn home from the tubing trip. Earlier in the day, she had untied the neck strap of her bikini in order to get full benefit of the sun and tied it in a bow between her breasts. It was designed to be worn either with the strap or without, so she went into the water unselfconsciously.

“Oh! It’s cold!” she cried as the water gurgled over her ankles.

“Not when you get used to it,” Erik assured her.

He waded out a little farther, but the water never got any deeper than his knees. He squatted down on his haunches, fighting the current, and then sat down on the pebbly bottom, putting his back to the rapids. “It’s like a whirlpool,” he said.

The swift water threatened to unbalance her at any moment as she timorously made her way out into midstream to join Erik. She put her hand on his solid shoulder when she reached him and eased down into the water. Its numbing frigidity almost took her breath away.

“How can you stand this?” she asked as her bottom finally touched the riverbed and she stretched her feet out in front of her.

“You’ll get used to it,” he said. “It’s great, isn’t it?”

After a moment, she was willing to concede that it was. The swirling water, with its bubbling lullaby, was soothing, whisking away her tension as it rushed past her. She supported her torso on her hands and leaned back, lifting her hips and allowing her legs to float in the current. As delicious as it was, her position caused a problem. The water was so swift that it gushed under the cups of her bikini bra.

“I think I might be in danger of losing my bikini.” She laughed nervously.

“Well, I can fix that,” Erik said.

Chapter Seven

Before she knew what had happened, her bra had been whipped from her body and was bobbing away in the swirling water.

“Erik!” she shrieked, and covered herself with crossed arms. “What did you do?”

“I saved you from worrying about losing your top. Now that it’s lost, you’ve nothing to worry about.” He shrugged happily. His smile was dazzling… and dangerous.

Tags: Sandra Brown Romance