Page 173 of Breath of Scandal

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It was easier to touch him when she wasn’t looking him in the eye. Timidly, she laid her hand on his chest. He grunted with surprise and pleasure, but didn’t release her mouth from his thorough kiss.

His skin was warm. His chest hair felt springy and alive against her palm. His nipple was raised and firm. She could feel it in the center of her hand. For several minutes she couldn’t bring herself to move. But his kisses were potent, pulling from her all her anxiety and imbuing her with a restless curiosity and desire.

She moved her fingertips a fraction. More hard muscle. More hair. Her thumb glanced his nipple. He sucked in a quick breath and held it. Jade’s hand froze where it was.

“I didn’t mean to scare you,” he rasped. “Don’t stop.”

“I didn’t expect you to feel so—”

“So what, Jade?”

“So… nice.”

Laughing softly, he buried his face in her hair and hugged her close. He rolled her on top of him. The shift in positions was so sudden and unexpected that Jade didn’t have time to prepare for the shock of lying between his thighs. Frozen, she stared down into his face.

“If you don’t like it, we can change it,” he said solemnly.

After analyzing it, she realized that she was experiencing arousal, not fear. It had been years since she had necked with Gary Parker. Because it had been so long since she had felt like this, she almost hadn’t recognized it for what it was.

Yet the adolescent petting they had done couldn’t compare to this. Gary had been a boy. Dillon was unquestionably a man and she was no longer a girl. She had been a woman for years, but Dillon was the first man to make her aware of her womanliness. It was a heady, exhilarating awakening.

His erection nestled in the vee of her thighs. Warmth radiated from that point of contact to every other part of her body. Her femininity felt feverish. It pulsed with the sweet swelling of arousal. She was aching, and it was delicious.

“I like it, but I don’t know what to do,” she said on an anguished whisper.

“Do whatever you want to, Jade. This isn’t a test. I’m not grading you. You can’t pass or fail. Anything you do is right.”

She lowered her lips to his for another kiss. He held her head steady between his hands while his mouth engaged hers in an orgy of kissing that left them gasping. She threw back her head to draw a breath; he seized the moment and nuzzled her throat. He raised one hand to the first button on her blouse.

“What…? No.”

Keeping his hand where it was, he said, “This is part of it, Jade.”

“I know, but—”

“I want to see you. Let me touch you.” Their eyes remained locked. Finally he said, “Okay. If you don’t want me to.”

“No, wait.” She hesitated only a moment longer before walking her hands backward over his chest and stomach. Sitting back on her heels between his thighs, she drew Dillon into a sitting position and guided his hand toward her chest. “Don’t hurt me.”

“Never. I never would. I want to show you how good it can feel to be touched.”

She nodded assent and released his hand. He undid the first button and moved to the second. His movements were unhurried. When he was finished with the buttons, he eased the hem of her blouse from the waistband of her skirt. Then, reaching inside the loose blouse, he bracketed her ribcage.

“Can I touch your breast, Jade?”

His hands felt cool against her skin. They were callused and rough, but his touch was gentle.


He cupped her left breast. “Tell me if I hurt you. Tell me when to stop.”

“I’m not afraid you’ll hurt me. I’m afraid I’ll be unable to stand it. I’m afraid it’ll make me remember, and the memory will ruin it.”

“Don’t think about anything but now. Concentrate on the sensations.” He kneaded her gently through her brassiere. He lightly rubbed his knuckles across her nipple. It

drew taut. Involuntarily, she made a small purring sound.

“I’d like to unfasten your bra.”

Tags: Sandra Brown Romance