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“Now, Sunny, don’t be stubborn. It will be our money when we get married.” She only stared back at him resolutely. He sighed. “Okay, for once let’s compromise. You exhaust all your possibilities, then if none of them pays off, we’ll review the situation, keeping my nest egg in mind as a last resort.”

She nodded brusquely. “Agreed.”

“Anything else?”

“I don’t cook very well.”

“We won’t starve.”

“Gardening isn’t my thing. I don’t like bugs and snakes and dirt and stuff, so don’t expect me to enter my homegrown, home-canned green beans in the parish fair.”

“Actually I prefer Del Monte.”

“I’m neat. I’ll expect you to help—”



“Do you like me?”

She gazed down at his face, thinking that it was the dearest face she’d ever seen, even badly in need of a shave as it was. “Very much.”

“Do you love me?”

Emotions welled inside her. She had to swallow hard before saying hoarsely, “Very, very much.”

He whipped back the covers. “Then shut up and get back in here where you belong.”

When she was naked and lying beside him, he gathered her close. “Now that we’ve got all the technicalities out of the way, now that you know my loving you doesn’t pose a threat to your independence, your career, or anything else that makes you you, now that you’re calm, let me tell you how I feel.”

He smoothed back her hair as he whispered huskily, “I love you, Sunny Chandler. I fell in love with you the minute I saw you. Even if I hadn’t made the bet with George, I would have wanted you in my bed as soon as possible, and I would have chased you to New Orleans if necessary to get you.

“Whether it’s chauvinistic or not, I want to protect you for as long as you live. I’ll make certain that everybody knows you are Ty Beaumont’s woman, his lady, his wife. Anybody who hurts you will have to deal with me and, as you well know, I can be meaner than hell. You’re a pain in the ass and a total delight and I adore you.”

Laughing softly, she ran her fingers over his lips. “I could say the same of you.” Her eyes were sparkling merrily as she basked in his adoration. “Why didn’t you use this romantic approach from the beginning?”

“It never would have worked. I had to let you talk yourself into the idea of loving me.”

“Think you’re clever, don’t you?”

“Immensely,” he said without a trace of humility.

She curled her arm around his neck and pulled him down for a deep, lengthy kiss. His hands moved over her lovingly. He touched her breasts and provoked the tender crests until they beaded against his stroking fingers. Lowering his head, he kissed them in turn and laved them with his tongue.

They caressed, perfectly attuned to each other’s desire. Soon, their breathing was choppy and swift.

“Ty,” she sighed, “don’t touch me there.”

“You don’t like it?”

“Yes, yes, but if you don’t stop, it’ll be all over for me before you’ve even started.”

“Want to make a bet on that, Sunny Chandler?”

And don’t miss the unforgettably seductive novel . . .


Tags: Sandra Brown Romance