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“You’re both the love ’em and leave ’em type.”

Sunny shrank back in her seat. “Oh.”

They watched Ty take the carry-out sack from the waitress and tip his hat to her before pulling it down low on his brow again. His slim-hipped swagger, emphasized by the black leather gun belt, held them both spellbound as he walked toward his patrol car. Just as he reached it, one of Fran’s daughters whizzed in front of him on her skateboard, followed closely by her sister.

“Uh-oh,” Fran said.

Ty stopped both girls and crouched down on his haunches to lecture them about skateboard safety. They listened with respectful attention and followed con-tritely when he led them back to the car.

“Are we under arrest?” Fran asked him as he bent down to speak to her through the window.

“No.” He flashed a thigh-melting smile. “But it would sure as hell brighten up the jail to lock you two in it.”

“Let us off easy, Sheriff. Please,” Fran teased.

“This time I just advised the girls to be more careful.”

“I’ve advised them the same thing,” Fran said, giving her offspring an intimidating look over her shoulder. “Maybe they’ll listen better to you.”

“Ready for the wedding?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

“Steve’s chomping at the bit.”

During their exchange Sunny sat as still and quiet as a field mouse when the barn cat was on the prowl. She jumped when Ty spoke her name. “How are you?”


“Any more intruders?”

“Intruders?”Fran exclaimed.

“No.” Sunny turned her head and looked at the sheriff with open hostility, which he seemed to enjoy immensely, if his grin was any indication.

“How’s the dragonfly coming?”

“Dragonfly?” Fran’s questions were beginning to sound alike.

“I’m still working on it,” Sunny told Ty.

He nodded. “Let me know how it comes out. Well, I gotta be going or my cheeseburger will get cold. You girls remember what I told you,” he said, glancing at Fran’s daughters. “See you at the wedding.”

“If everything gets done in time,” Fran replied and added a short laugh.

“The wedding is still three days away. I’m positive that everything that’s supposed to be accomplished will be.”

Referring to his bet with George, he spoke directly to Sunny. Her cheeks grew pink. They were still warm long after he got into his patrol car and drove away.

Fran gazed at Sunny, who was wrapping up the remainder of her lunch. Thanks to Ty Beaumont, she’d lost her appetite. “Well?” Fran demanded.

Sunny cleared her throat uneasily. “Well what?”

“You failed to mention any intruders to me.”


Fran continued to look at her as though waiting for enlightenment. “Raccoons?”

Tags: Sandra Brown Romance