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“No! I had a wedding band with several stones. I had to take it off when my hands started swelling the last few months I was pregnant. I never put it back on. But this… this is from you. This is…”

Words failed her, so she told him of her love with a kiss. His tongue plunged past her teeth to stroke the honeyed interior of her mouth. She responded in kind, moving against him until she felt the hard swelling beneath her hips.

On an impulse, but with slow, languorous motions, she stood up and went to the door. She closed it and softly clicked the lock. Turning to face him, she stepped out of her shoes and began working at the buttons of her cuffs. The black patent belt at her waist fell free and dangled from its thread loops. “Know what I’d like to do?” she asked seductively.

“What?” was his gruff question.

“Play doctor.”

He sat as though glued to the chair while she worked the buttons down her back. When they were undone, she shimmied the dress off her shoulders and then stepped out of it and laid it at the foot of the bed. The red silk slip clung to each curve of her body. Chad’s dilated eyes and heavy breathing told her of his impatience.

Smiling like a temptress, Leigh lifted the lace-edged hem of the slip far enough to unhook the first garter.

“You didn’t,” he said, laughing.

“Merry Christmas.”

The stockings were peeled down long slender legs and heaped atop the dress on the bed. Following came a wisp of red nylon and lace that pretended to be panties. The garter belt was last, a sensual study of black satin and lace.

She stood before him wearing only the red slip. It fit like a second skin to flare out slightly at her hips and fall in shimmering folds to her knees. Hugging her flesh, it outlined the curves of her femininity. Through the lace bodice her dusky nipples beckoned him to move despite the erotic trance into which she had seduced him.

He stood up and began taking off his clothes with the same methodical movements she had used. When at last he had stripped down to the snug athletic briefs that were becoming familiar to Leigh, his sex was a proud declaration beneath the stretched cotton. Then the briefs, too, were discarded, and he came toward her with the unabashed nakedness of an Adam who had just been presented to Eve.

“I tremble with love for you, Leigh,” he murmured as he reached for her with shaking hands.

She, too, trembled under his touch. His fingertips appreciated her body through the silk, stroking her with long, leisurely strokes. He studied the light in her eyes as his hands rested on her hips and drew her against his strength.

He lowered his head and kissed her breasts through the lace that veiled them. His tongue scratched across the filigreed material. Then the thin satin straps were lowered with sensitive fingers, her breasts were lifted free, and his lips availed themselves of her generosity. Repeatedly, he imbedded his lips in the yielding flesh, enriching it with his kisses.

Their knees bumped onto the rug at the same time. He laid her down gently. His hand stole beneath the warm silk. With unhurried motions he stroked her thighs, between them, higher and nearer, until he touched what opened to him with love. Each velvety fold was gently separated until every secret of her womanhood was disclosed.

“My darling Leigh,” he whispered, loving her with his fingertips until she could stand no more. Then he covered her and filled her with all of himself. Their eyes locked while he loved her, prolonging the rapture to the extreme of sensual bliss. When the tumult came and the essence of his body rushed toward her womb, they were still smiling at each other.

* * *

Christmas presents were exchanged as soon as Leigh and Chad brought Sarah down. Lois was somewhat miffed that Chad had already presented Leigh with hers and had kept the rest of them from enjoying her surprise. She was mollified when Leigh opened the ornately wrapped box that Chad had designated as Sarah’s to find a full-length lynx coat inside.

Squealing joyfully, Leigh jumped up and pulled on the luxurious fur. “I don’t think Sarah will mind if you wear it until she’s of age,” Chad said drily, and Leigh, much to the Dillons’ delight and her own parents’ embarrassment, fell on him, kissing him wildly.

Sarah also got a Raggedy Ann and Andy musical mobile for her bed, a Cadillac of a stroller, and a stuffed polar bear that would rival the tiger’s prestigious reign in the nursery.

When Chad opened the framed photographic portrait of Leigh and Sarah, his eyes took on a mysterious glassiness and he embraced them so tightly that Sarah protested vehemently. She was rescued by her grandmother while Chad kissed Leigh with a sweetness that brought tears to her own eyes.

* * *

The week between Christmas and New Year’s was hectic. They gradually moved Leigh’s personal things into Chad’s house, though they decided they’d wait a while to try to sell her condo. He waved airline tickets under her nose, and when she managed to catch them, she saw that their honeymoon destination was Cancun.

“For two glorious weeks in the sun, chasing naked through the sand”

“Straight to jail,” she interrupted his itinerary. “Do not pass Go, do not collect two hundred dollars.”

“They’ll never catch us. We’ll do it at night.”

“And where will Sarah be all this time we’re running naked through the sand?”

“At Grandma and Grandpa Dillon’s house. They’re rearranging the furniture for her, or was that for the wedding? It’s pandemonium over there.”

“Chad, are y

Tags: Sandra Brown Romance