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Jenny filled the ensuing silence. “They’ve wanted a baby for years. That’s why they jumped at the chance to adopt one of the Monterican orphans.”

Huge, salty tears formed in Kerry’s eyes. Not Lisa. She had tried not to form a special attachment to any of the children, knowing that the final separation from them would be heartbreaking enough. But the youngest of them, Lisa, had touched Kerry’s heart in a special way, probably because the child had been more dependent on her than the others had been.

“But surely, if the couple considered adoption at all, they’ve got enough love to give to two children,” she said.

“It’s not that,” Jenny said. “she’s had several miscarriages. They don’t want to jeopardize this pregnancy. The doctor recommends that she spend the next several months in bed. It would be impossible for her to care for the child.”

Beneath his breath Linc said one of the words Jenny had tried to purge from Cage’s vocabulary. “Amen to that,” Cage muttered.

“I see the problem,” Kerry said despondently. “And I understand.”

“It was a difficult decision for them. They had looked so forward to getting Lisa.”

“Hell, we’d take her in an instant,” Roxie said in her lovable, rough way. “But we’ve already got Cara and Carmen to think of. It won’t be so tough now, but college and all...”

Kerry smiled at her and Gary. “You’re generous to a fault. You couldn’t possibly assume responsibility for another child. It wouldn’t be fair to any of you. But I want you to know how much I appreciate the thought.”

Kerry sought out Lisa where the little girl was splashing happily in the shallows of the pool. She squealed in delight each time the sparkling water showered her. “She’s so adorable. We shouldn’t have any trouble placing her in a loving home.”

“That’s what we thought,” Cage told her.

“But tomorrow is the day they meet their families. It will be psychologically shattering if she’s left behind.”

“We’ve already put the word out through the branches of the Hendren Foundation. Of course in the meantime—”

“Cage,” Jenny interjected warningly.

“In the meantime, what?” Linc asked.

Cage shrugged at his wife helplessly. “In the meantime, she’ll be turned over to the immigration authorities.”

“Like hell she will,” Linc exclaimed.

Kerry’s heart felt as hard and cold as a stone in her chest. Lisa would be frightened. She would think that all Kerry’s promises had led to nothing but fear and isolation from everything familiar. “We can’t let that happen.”

“I’m sure it won’t,” Jenny said. “Two very special people will be blessed with her.” She set Trent down and stood up. “Kerry, Cage has agreed to watch Trent while we go to town and do some shopping. I don’t mind if you wear my clothes, but I’m sure you’d like to pick out some of your own.”

“What about the children?”

“We’re staying with them,” Roxie said. “Gary’s taken a week of vacation so we could be at your disposal.”

“And we’ll be here,” Bob Hendren said, speaking for his wife, too.

“What about Joe?” Kerry asked. “I should be here when he arrives.”

“We’ll be back well before that,” Jenny said, laughing.

Roxie gave Kerry an affectionate shove. “Go, enjoy, you’ve earned it.”

However, before they left, Kerry circled around to the terrace again after showering and changing. Cage and Linc had donned swimsuits and joined the children in the water. Cage was tossing Trent high over his head, barely catching him before he landed in the water. Linc was playing with Lisa.

Kerry’s eyes smarted with a fresh batch of tears as she watched him with the child. His face was split by a wide grin, and his eyes were crinkled with laughter.

Sensing her stare, he looked up at her where she stood on the deck of the pool. His gaze moved over her searchingly. Going warm with embarrassment, Kerry realized that her body was now familiar territory to him. She had no secrets from him. And she wondered, even as his eyes lowered to the spot that had known the touch of his hands and lips and sex, if he knew that she still ached there deliciously.

Lisa raised her arms toward Kerry in silent appeal. Kerry knelt down, and Linc carried the child against his naked chest to the edge of the pool. Kerry bent down to kiss the child on her slippery, wet cheek. “Goodbye, darling.”


Tags: Sandra Brown Hellraisers Romance