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“Allow me.”

He moved up close behind her. His hands were large and manly, but sensitive enough to handle intricate cameras and lenses. Apparently he was adept at undressing women, too. The zipper didn’t intimidate him or make him awkward and clumsy. It glided down her back without snagging once.

Accepting a dare was one thing, but actually carrying it out was another. She had thought that taking off her dress in front of him would be no worse than slipping out of a cover-up on the beach. But she hadn’t counted on his taking an active part in her disrobing, or having him stand so close that she could feel his breath on her back. The sinking sensation in the pit of her stomach threatened to weaken her until she would have to lean against him, as she had a mad desire to do.

Inch by inch she felt her back being exposed to him. As it came open, the zipper left in its wake a ribbon of heat, caused only partially by the sun, mostly by embarrassment and the instinctive knowledge that his eyes were following the widening path of that zipper. It seemed to take forever, but it finally reached the end of its track.

“Thank you.”

Kerry wished her words had carried a more authoritative ring and hadn’t sounded so breathless. She moved

away from him quickly. Hesitating only a few seconds, she lowered the shoulder straps down her arms. The flimsy bodice dropped to her waist. She pushed the dress over her hips and stepped out of it.

That left her standing in nothing but a pair of panties and the strappy sandals. The sun’s fierce heat penetrated her naked skin. The humidity settled on it like damp kisses. All the wildlife in the surrounding trees fell silent, as though they were watching from above, awed by her performance.

Her hands were shaking as she hastily stepped into the trousers. She was barely able to button them. Next, she shoved her arms into the short sleeves of her chambray shirt. She buttoned only two of the buttons, then tied the shirttail at her waist. She pulled her long braid from beneath her collar and bent down to pick up that sleazy dress, which, under any other circumstances, she would have been only too happy to discard.

It was when she was bent at the waist that Linc placed his hands on either side of her waist. “Leave me alone,” she warned him in a low voice.

“No way, darl—”

The endearment died on his lips when she sprang erect and spun around. His pistol was gripped between both her hands and it was pointed directly at the center of his broad chest.

“You and I have a business arrangement, Mr. O’Neal. It’s strictly business. I wouldn’t give you the time of day otherwise. If you come on to me again, I’ll kill you.”

“I doubt that.” His features remained unperturbed.

“I mean it!” Kerry shouted. She thrust the pistol an inch closer. “Last night I had to tolerate your disgusting gropings out of necessity, but don’t ever touch me again.”

“Okay, okay.”

He raised his hands in surrender. At least that’s what Kerry thought he was going to do. Instead, with uncanny speed and humiliating ease, he knocked the heavy pistol out of her hands. It clattered loudly onto the hood of the truck, then slid to the ground. He pinned one of her arms to her side and shoved the other one up behind her.

“Don’t you ever pull a gun on me again, understand? Understand?” He pushed her arm up higher, until her hand was almost between her shoulder blades.

“You’re hurting me,” she gasped.

“Not as much as you’d have hurt me if that .357 had gone off,” he shouted.

“I’m not even sure how it works,” she shouted back.

“All the more reason why you shouldn’t have tried such a damn fool thing.”

“I’m sorry. Please.” Tears of pain and humiliation were stinging her eyes. He relieved the pressure on her arms, but kept her clasped against him.

“I ought to wring your neck for pulling that little stunt,” he said. “Instead...” He lowered his head toward hers.



This kiss was just as possessive as those last night had been. His lips were hungry, passionate, hard, and yet incredibly soft. His tongue slid into her mouth. She tensed, but he brooked no resistance. He investigated her mouth thoroughly. Even though his tongue moved leisurely, Linc was the unquestioned director of the kiss. Kerry was the respondent. In spite of herself, when his tongue glanced hers, it made a corresponding movement.

He raised his head. Her eyes came open slowly, as though she’d been drugged. “Disgusting gropings, huh?” His eyes were maliciously teasing. “I don’t think you found my gropings disgusting at all.”

With breathtaking boldness, his hand moved to her breast and covered it. He caressed the fullness through her shirt.

“Don’t.” She dared not say more for fear that the moan of pleasure she felt building behind his caressing hand would work its way up.

Tags: Sandra Brown Hellraisers Romance