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"You don't have to worry that I'd get involved in anything involving whips and chains. It all looks painful. Besides," she teased, "I don't think those skimpy black leather outfits would look very good on my new figure."

"I think your new figure would look delicious in anything. It's lovely."

He lowered his hands to her abdomen and massaged sooth­ingly, before moving them down to stroke the tops of her thighs through her skirt. Jenny whimpered and struggled to turn around. He allowed her to, but facing him didn't give her any freedom. If anything, it made her situation more precari­ous. "I've got to go, Cage."

"Later." He moved her hair aside with his nose and dedi­cated himself to pleasuring her ear.

"It's getting late," she gasped when she felt the wet stroke of his tongue. "I should be getting home."


The word was spoken against her open lips and when he closed his mouth over hers, all her resistance melted. He braced his hands on the file cabinet and leaned into her, press­ing his body against hers. He eased away, then leaned forward again, as though doing push-ups against the cabinet. Every time his body brushed against hers, the contact set off electric charges in her.

Moving his hands to her neck, he closed his fingers around it loosely, deepening the kiss as he did so.

"Hm, Cage, no," she protested feebly when she managed to work her mouth free. It was a bone-melting, mind-stealing kiss and she could feel herself succumbing to it.

"Why not?"

"Because it's unhealthy."

He moved against her suggestively. "I beg to differ."

The proof of his healthy condition probed the soft delta between her thighs. "We shouldn't…" He moved again and she groaned in spite of her best intentions to remain immune. "We shouldn't do this in here, in your place of business."

"How about my house?"


"Your apartment?"


"Then where?"

"Nowhere. We shouldn't be doing this anywhere." Recently, every time he kissed her, she was reminded of the night with Hal. Cage's kisses evoked memories that were startlingly vivid. The brothers kissed with similar intensity, their caresses were equally stimulating. But somehow, by re­sponding to Cage's kisses, she felt she was betraying Hal. Had she trembled in his arms the way she did every time Cage touched her?

"Jenny, please."


"I ache. I haven't been with a woman since—" He stuttered to a halt just before saying, "Since making love to you." He changed it to "For a long time."

"Whose fault is that?"

"Yours. I don't want anybody but you."

"Go to one of your old haunts. I'm sure you'll find an obliging lady." She would die if he did. Each day she figu­ratively held her breath, wondering when Cage would tire of spending so much time with her and resort to his carousing. She felt compelled to press her luck. "Or check out the gro­cery store."

"Invite me over tonight."


"You've been living in your apartment three weeks and I've been invited inside exactly twice."

"And that was two times too many. You stay too long and don't behave while you're there." Lord, she wished he'd stop kissing her neck that way. It felt so good. "People are seeing us together around town and they're starting to talk."

"What else have they got to talk about? It isn't football season."

Tags: Sandra Brown Hellraisers Romance