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Roxy shrugged. "Hell, I'm getting too old to have a kid anyway and Gary says it doesn't matter to him."


"He's the guy I'm seeing," Roxy said, her ebullience re­stored. "Cage introduced us. He works for the phone com­pany. In fact, he should be here soon to install your phone."

From Roxy's description Jenny was expecting Gary to be a cross between a Playgirl centerfold and Prince Valiant. He was neither. He had big ears, a long nose, and a toothy grin, but his face beamed wholesomeness and a self-effacing good hu­mor.

It was obvious to Jenny within moments of his arrival that he and Roxy were madly in love.

"I wanted to come to the party last night and welcome you to the neighborhood," Gary said, pumping Jenny's hand, "but I got called out on an emergency. Where do you want your phones?"

"Phones? Plural?"



"That's what Cage ordered. I suggest the bedroom, living room, and kitchen."


"You might just as well go along with it, Jenny, if that's what Cage ordered," Roxy said.

"Oh, all right."

While Gary went about his business Roxy helped Jenny organize her kitchen. Later they laundered all the new bed linens and towels before folding and storing them. They talked nonstop. By noon Jenny felt she had known the other woman all her life. Despite their separate backgrounds, they liked each other immensely.

"Anybody hungry?" Cage stuck his head through the front door, which Gary had left open on one of his trips to his truck.

Jenny was so relieved to learn that Cage and Roxy hadn't been lovers, she turned toward the door at the sound of his voice and flashed him a dazzling smile. She rushed forward, stopping just short of flinging herself in his arms.

"Well, don't stop there," he said softly.

She closed the remaining distance between them and hugged him, even going so far as to boldly slide her hands beneath his denim vest. "Hi," she whispered shyly when she backed away.

"Hi." He made three syllables out of one. His eyes were busily scanning her face. "Tell me what I did to deserve that welcome and I'll do it some more."

"I'm mad at you."

"Stay mad. I like it. Hug me again."

"Once is enough."

"But my hands are full and I can't hug back, so you've got to hug me twice."

It was pure madness, but in her state of mind it made perfect sense. She reached around him again and linked her hands behind his back, tilting her head back to look up at him. "Now, what are you mad about?" he asked.

"What am I going to do with three telephones?"

"Save yourself a lot of steps." He kissed her quickly. "But you were glad to see me. I could tell. Why?"

"You brought lunch," she quipped, nodding toward the sacks he held in his hands.

"You like cheeseburgers?"

"With onions?"

"Yes," he answered warily.

Tags: Sandra Brown Hellraisers Romance