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It was very late when she heard the Corvette start up where it was still parked outside her door and drive away.

The next day was Saturday, so there was no rush about getting up and going to work. Jenny stripped the sheets off the bed, having already decided before Roxy mentioned it that they would be more comfortable to sleep on after they'd been washed.

Still wearing her robe, she brewed herself a pot of coffee in her new coffeemaker, which had been only one of a hundred items she and Cage had purchased in the housewares depart­ment the day before.

She was lifting the first cup to her lips when someone knocked on the door. Peering out the window first to see who it was, she sagged against the wall dispiritedly. She wasn't up to facing Roxy so soon after last night.

"Hi," Roxy said gaily when Jenny opened the door no more than a discouraging crack. "I didn't wake you up, did I?"


"Good. Cage would have killed me. Listen, I just made this yummy pastry. It's too much for me to eat alone, and if I don't share it, that's exactly what I'll do." She slapped her generous hip. "Then I'll live to regret it."

It would have been ungracious not to invite her in, so Jenny stepped aside, manufactured a smile of sorts, and said, "Come on in. I just made coffee."

"Great." Roxy set her foil-wrapped package on the new butcher block table and eased herself into one of the bentwood chairs. "You have terrific taste," she commented, glancing around the apartment. "I really like your stuff."

"Thank you, but Cage helped me pick it out."

"He's got terrific taste, too." She winked, but Jenny wasn't sure what the wink was supposed to mean. She concentrated on pouring Roxy a cup of coffee. "Cream and sugar?"

"Black with Sweet 'n Low … the chubby one says as she slices the gooey dessert," Roxy said, mocking herself as she peeled back the foil. "Got a knife and two plates?"

When the pastry had been sliced and Jenny's portion passed to her, she said politely, "This looks good."

"Doesn't it? I got the recipe out of a magazine." Roxy dug into hers. Jenny was more reserved but found the pastry to be delicious. "Did you need me to help you with anything today, like carrying those linens to the laundry room?" Roxy asked her between bites.

"No, thank you."

"Sure? I'm free."

"I can manage."

"Want another slice?" Roxy said, holding the knife poised over the dessert.

"No, thank you. I appreciate your bringing it, though."

Roxy dropped the knife and placed her forearms on the table. She stared at Jenny with disconcertingly candid brown eyes. "You don't like me, do you?"

Jenny was taken aback. All her life she had avoided con­frontations and she couldn't believe she was being forced into this one. She opened her mouth to deny the allegation as dip­lomatically as she could, but Roxy forestalled her.

"Don't bother denying it. I know you don't and I know why. Because I've slept with Cage."

The color that surged to Jenny's cheeks and the way her eyes fell away from Roxy's were as good as an admission of guilt. Roxy leaned back in her chair. "Well, save your hostility and cut the cool politeness. The truth of it is, I've never been to bed with Cage. Surprised?" she asked when she read the incredulous expression on Jenny's face.

"Most folks would be." Roxy laughed. "Well, it wasn't for lack of wanting to, or even for lack of opportunity," she said ruefully. "Cage is a very sexy guy. A woman would have to be dead not to wonder what it's like to ride that stallion."

Jenny swallowed hard.

"Did Cage tell you how we met?" Jenny shook her head. "Wanna know?" She took Jenny's silence for consent.

"It was at a dance after a rodeo. My husband … did you know I'd been married?" Again Jenny shook her head speechlessly. "Well, I was. That night my husband was in a bad mood because he couldn't stay on some damn Brahman bull and lost the prize money to another guy. Anyhow, he took it out on me as he always did. Nearly beat me to death."

"He hit you?"

Roxy chuckled at Jenny's innocence. "Yeah, lots of times. Only, that night he was really drunk and got a little carried away. Cage heard me screaming out in the parking lot where Todd—that's his name—had dragged me. Cage beat the hell out of Todd and told him if he ever did that to me again he could expect another going over."

She dipped her finger into the slice of dessert left on her plate and licked the cream cheese off. "This had gone on for years. Todd would get mad, get drunk, get jealous, and beat up on me. But I loved the guy, you know? Besides, I had no one else. No

Tags: Sandra Brown Hellraisers Romance