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“I don’t even know her.”

“So why do you keep hanging around her even though we asked you not to?”

“And what are your reasons for asking me not to be around her? If you can give me a valid reason, then we can discuss it.”

“We just don’t like her, isn’t that enough?” Okay, so sometimes I know I have to take a step back when dealing with these two, especially now that they’re adults who are about to go off to school away from everyone and everything they know. I’ve known them for so long that I know pretty much the way their minds work, which is why I’m having such a hard time with this.

“Can I tell you something?” Maybe it was my tone the way it changed up that caught their attention. Rosa stopped puttering around the room and took a seat next to her sister on the divan. “I think she’s been hurt.” Just as I expected, their whole demeanor changed.

“What do you mean hurt?”

Now usually, I don’t discuss my job with them because it would probably give them nightmares. Due to the program, I’d signed up for straight out of high school, I was more or less thrown into the deep end of crime though it started out slow at first. In this program, as with any, I guess, the higher-ups choose who progresses from one stage to another, and it’s all based on performance and results.

In other words, I was pretty much learning on the job and wasn’t spared because of age or experience. Part of my earliest training was to recognize signs of trauma and abuse in victims. You’d be surprised what you see when you know what you’re looking for. “I’m not a hundred percent sure, but I think someone may have hurt her really bad. I think the reason she clings to me is because of my job; maybe it makes her feel safer.”

They fidgeted but didn’t say anything, still mad, of course, because why should my life be easy. “Why don’t we just cut to the chase? You don’t know this girl, and I doubt she’s been here long enough to do anything that could cause this much animosity in you two. So, I’m guessing you just don’t want another female in the mix.”

“What I don’t understand is why you two are so threatened by her presence? What is it that you think she’s going to rob you of? Do you think either Gabe or I will put her or anyone else before you two? That’s not going to happen, no one is ever going to take your place, and you should know that.” That seemed to settle them down a bit, and I rolled my eyes internally.

“Still, she calls you all the time, and you go running to her.” Rosa sniffed, and I hid my grin. For the last year, these two have regressed to their tween years. Those were fun; not.

“Yep, and you spend more time talking to her than to us these days.”

“Anna, didn’t I just get through saying that I think she’s been hurt? It’s my job to help people in her situation. Besides, what do you think we talk about her and I?”

“How should we know? We’re never there.”

“We talk about her home in Sicily, her mother who just died and….”

“What? Her mother just died? How why?” They grabbed each other’s hand on the seat between them, and I started to relax a little. I’d genuinely become concerned by their behavior these last few days because they were leaning heavy into mean girl territory.

“Yes, her mom just died, now she’s here in a strange place with people she doesn’t know, two of which have been treating her rather poorly. I don’t know the whole story, but I’m sure Gabe will tell us in due time; but for now, ease up on the attitude and cut the girl some slack. I don’t see you being hard on the brother.”

“Her brother doesn’t call you twenty-four-seven, keeping you away from us now, does he.”

“Ah, I see. So, the fault is with me, not her. I’m the one who’s been neglecting you. I’m sorry. I’ll try to do better from now on. I just figured you two are so mature and capable that you wouldn’t need me as much now that you’re going off to school.”

“You see, that’s just what we’re talking about. Just because we’re going off to school doesn’t mean we want someone else taking our place while we’re away.” Ah-ha, I knew it. I knew there was something else responsible for their sudden bouts of crazy.

“Who’s going to take your place? How is that even possible? Do you think that I’m so fickle that I’d throw you over for someone else? I thought you knew me better than that. Now I’m hurt that you think so little of me.”

Tags: Jordan Silver The Life Romance