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It had gone over better than anticipated, and all I got for it was a sore bottom and an hour-long lecture about taking risks and what would happen to me if I ever did it again. If he only knew that I couldn’t wait to go back to the island and see those women again because the adventuress in me can’t wait to clasp hands with them on another mission, whatever that may be.

Gabriel did threaten, though, to keep me barefoot and pregnant if it was the only way to keep me out of trouble, and he’d spent every day and night since then doing his best to keep his word. I looked at the test in my hand, the one he’d left out on the bathroom counter. Trust Gabriel to find an early-early pregnancy test.

We’d spent the morning with the children after picking them up from their grandparents and had just put them down for their two-hour afternoon nap. He’d been so excited for some reason that he’d gone out and bought about ten of the things. Excited and sure.

Now I watched and waited for the stick to change color, and as the lines turned a pale shade of pink, I felt my heart jump and kick in my chest. I heard the door open behind me and turned with a smile, holding the little plastic stick with the color lines forming in the window out to him.

He didn’t even look at it, just kept his eyes on mine as he came towards me and lifted me off my feet. One strong arm went around my middle while the other got buried in my hair, and he pulled my lips towards his as I wrapped my arms and legs around him. I felt his erection stir against my butt, then the hardness of his fingers as he wrestled to undo his pants, and then I was being lifted, then lowered onto his thick shaft.

We moaned into each other’s mouths as he moved me up and down on him until it was no longer enough in this position. Our mouths stayed fused together as he turned and walked towards the bathroom door, each step sending him deeper inside me until we reached the bed where he laid me on my back, coming down on top of me.

We didn’t speak with our mouths for the longest time, just our eyes and our sex as we moved together. “I told you so!” He had a devilish look in his eyes as he looked down at me with excitement and happiness shining in his eyes. Then those eyes fell to my chest that he’s been so fascinated with.

“How’re you going to feed all my babies? And their daddy.” I cried out when he sucked my nipple into his mouth and felt the throbbing of his cock as he spat precum inside me, himself affected by his words. His hand came down between us and covered my still flat tummy even as he moved in and out of me, and I came on a long slow sigh.

Making love with Gabriel in the beginning when there was so much uncertainty between us was magic. Love-making with Gabriel now that our love was sure and secure…there are no words in any language to describe it.


Another baby, or two, or three. Multiples run on both sides of the family, so who knows what this pregnancy will bring. I’m just glad that I’ll be here to enjoy it with her. “I think I knew the moment I got you pregnant.” My eyes and hands roamed her body, fascinated and in awe.

“How? Is that even possible?”

“I don’t know how to explain it; it’s a feeling, a sensation, just a sense of knowing.”

Her breasts called out to me again, and I lowered my head to suckle, waiting for the feel of her tightness clutching at me the way it always does when I lick or suck her nipples. Her body was covered in love bites from the night before and this morning, and my lust became inflamed, that insatiable need for her growing even as I fucked her.

Tags: Jordan Silver The Life Romance