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Another set of footsteps sound, and I brace myself, not knowing what to expect other than the absolute fucking worst.

“Sisters.” A slightly accented voice purrs the word, and a shudder rocks my body. “I’ve always had a thing for sisters, and now I have a pair. Here to do whatever I want.”

The man is handsome in a menacing sort of way with dark hair and even darker eyes. Everything about him is dark, from his black leather jacket and dark jeans to his giant black boots with a heavy sole. This man is the devil. I know that as well as I know anything. “Let them down.”

Someone is behind us, and I gasp when his body presses against mine. His hands fumble with the chains until I fall to my knees, my arm sockets burning. He does the same thing to Kelsey, and I reach out for her.

“You okay?”

She nods but says nothing, never looking up, and at that moment, I know that this is one of them who violated her.

“Aw, look at these sisters so worried for each other.” The man laughs, and it comes out low and wicked and just plain evil. “You two must really love each other.”

“Really,” the guy behind us repeats with a disgusting laugh.

“Who are you, and what do you want,” I growl at him, ignoring Kelsey’s warning because I don’t think being docile will get us anywhere either.

The man puts a hand to his chest and laughs. “Me? I’m Hector Santos, President of the Iron Kings. You know me?”

“No, thank God.”

“Ain’t no God here but me, bitch, so you better bow down.” He smiles and grabs his dick through his jeans. “I think we’ll have some fun with these sisters, Nogales. A lot of fucking fun.”

“I do love sisters,” he moans, and I’m sure he’s touching his dick too.

“You ever seen two sisters fuck each other? I mean, a sister sixty-nine, it’s a thing, isn’t it?”

The man behind us, Nogales, laughs. “It can be a thing in just a few seconds,” he shoots back.

“We’ll get to that,” he says slowly.

“Where are we, and what do you want?” I snarl again, if for no other reason than to get their disgusting conversation to end.

“You are at one of my many real estate holdings,” he says in a mock-snooty tone that raises my hackles. “Are you enjoying your accommodations, Miss?”

“One star,” I spit out. “Dirty and cold, and the host is fucking evil.”

Hector laughs. “I like you. McKenna, right? You’re Ace’s bitch.”

“I’m nobody’s bitch.”

Suddenly Ace’s warnings all make sense. This guy is out of his fucking mind, and he is willing to do unspeakable things to me just so that Ace knows he did them. And he probably will if we don’t find a way to escape. Quickly.

“If that’s true, I’ll just fuck you and let my boys all have a ride through all your holes before they put a bullet in your head.”

Bile rises in my throat, but I swallow it down and never break eye contact with this guy. He’s a bully, plain and simple, and I hate bullies.

“Seems like that’s the only way you boys can get laid, so that’s going to happen either way. Isn’t it?”

A flash of rage lights his dark brown eyes but only for one terrifying moment before it vanishes. Hector tries to cover it with a smile, but it doesn’t work. I see the monster just beneath the surface, and now I know what I’m dealing with.

“I hate a smart-mouthed bitch more than anything.”

I smile. “More than the Reckless Souls just being better than you?”

“Bitch! Watch how you speak to me!” Hector is furious now, and when he lifts his boot up, I close my eyes and brace myself for the hit that’s about to come.

Long, eternal seconds pass, and I start to think it’s a scare tactic and open my eyes. But it’s a mistake because as soon as they open, all I see is black for two long seconds before his foot smashes against my face.

White-hot searing pain radiates from my nose throughout the rest of my face, up to my forehead and out through my cheeks. Even my chin vibrates with radiating pain. I fall backward as warm liquid seeps from my nose. I don’t think it’s broken, but it hurts like hell.

A pair of hands grab my shoulders and pushes me up onto my knees. “Get up bitch. Get up now and apologize.”

I wipe the blood from my nose and look up at Hector’s smirking face, so sure of his power position when staring down two women who have nothing to do with his business.

“I’m sorry, Hector. I’m sorry that you’re so jealous of the Reckless Souls and what they have that you can’t see or think straight.”

This time I’m ready when a fist smacks against the side of my face, leaving my ears ringing.

Tags: K.B. Winters Reckless Souls MC Dark