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“What does her file say?”

“It’s stamped with ‘escaped’ over it.”

Mary tapped his hand, moving away from him. He watched her wipe her mouth on the napkin before picking up the tub of potato salad. He’d brought more than enough to feed her. Zeke hated the thought of her going hungry, and after yesterday she’d been avoiding food. He wasn’t going to let her get ill because of everything that was happening.

She was the reason he wasn’t going to give up on finding his sister.

“Did they have a plan?” she asked, eating some salad.

Looking down at the files, he looked up at her. “We’re trying to figure everything out. It looked like they had a plan to take over other packs. Dani and Roger were power hungry. They were intent on ruling the whole surrounding area of wolves.”

“I don’t understand why. They had a pack of their own.”

“They simply wanted more. It wasn’t enough for them to keep to their own grounds.” Zeke gathered up the files into one neat stack. His father was filled with happiness knowing his daughter had fought to get out.

“Something so simple shouldn’t have created something so fucking awful,” she said. “You’re talking about them hurting other people, other wolves.”

“They were coming after my pack.” Zeke sat down behind the desk staring at her. The clothes she wore did nothing for her curves. His clothing was much too big. He couldn’t bring himself to let her have the clothes they’d taken from the other house. The stench of the other pack clung to them.


“Yeah, it’s in their game plan. We’ve got Dani’s diary. She was the person behind it all.” Zeke stared down the length of her body feeling desire curl in his stomach.

“Are there any other people missing?” she asked.

“Dad’s finding that out now. He’s talking with the other pack hoping to find the answer to that.” His cock thickened at the thought of being buried inside her cunt. He needed her desperately. “Come here,” he said.

She shook her head. “No, we can’t do that.”

“Do what?” he asked, teasing her.

“You know what. I’m not going to think straight until I know what’s going on.” She put the empty bowl of salad down and started to pace.

“I need to find my sister. She’ll have the answers.”

“How?” she asked, clearly stressing out.

Standing up, he walked around the desk going to her. Pulling her into his arms, Zeke inhaled her warm fresh scent. “We’ve got to go away from here,” he said.

“What? Why?”

“The full moon is over, and I’m needed back in the city. My men are only here to offer me protection under this current threat.” He pushed her long brown hair over her shoulder and inhaled her scent. She smelled like his woman. He felt his canines lengthen, getting ready for him to strike and claim her as his mate.

“What do you want me to do?” she asked.

“You’ll be coming with me. Dad’s taking Jessica with him until we know more. The only safe place for wolves right now is within the city. Our agreement is until the next full moon. We’ve got three weeks left.”

“I know how long we’ve got left.” She looked up at him. Her brown eyes were hooded. Moving his hand down, he cupped her ass, squeezing the supple flesh. She moaned. “Is that all you think about?” she asked.

“You’ve got a body for fucking. I’m just like any red blooded male. Any man who got the pleasure of having you to themselves would take full advantage.”

She obviously liked the way he was speaking. Pushing the shirt he’d given her out of the way he slid his fingers underneath the band of her pants. Her pussy was slick to the touch and burning hot. Mary opened her thighs giving him better access.

Tags: Sam Crescent Erotic