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Pike’s thumbs brushed up and down my body, and he smiled at me warmly like he was content to just stand there with me all night, swaying, wrapped up together. “I think you said something about watching TV?” he said softly, but I suspected that if I just shook my head and made us stay here, he wouldn’t have objected.

I stepped back, taking his hands and pulling him across the room towards the couch. The memory popped into my head of my mom napping on the couch on top of my head, the way he would stroke his hand through her hair, and I thought about doing that with Pike, about getting to be together like that—just sharing space, cuddling, casually touching each other.

I wanted that, more than I could say.

Pike spun us around, making me squeak in surprise as my feet slid on the hardwood floor, so that he could sit on the couch first and then pull me on top of him. I landed sideways across his lap, and he pressed our foreheads together, grinning at me.

“You know if you just stare at me the whole time you won’t know what’s going on,” I told him, grabbing the remote and turning the TV on.

I was a massive hypocrite because I didn’t even care about what was showing on the TV. I changed the channel through infomercials and reruns of old cartoons until I found some sitcom from when I was a kid, one that I used to sneak onto the stairs to watch through the slats while my parents were watching it, and left it on with the volume a bit low.

Pike settled himself back onto the sofa, spreading his legs out, and I adjusted myself so that I was curled into his side, resting my head on his shoulder. Pike slung his arm around my shoulders and I relaxed more into him, little by little until I felt like I was completely melting into his side. He was so warm and solid against me, supporting me, and God, this was more than I could’ve hoped for.

At first, we really did watch the television. Or tried to, anyway. But as the episode progressed, I found that I cared more about the feeling of Pike’s thumb swiping back and forth against the strip of skin between my shirt and my shorts, and how close his neck was to my mouth.

He was so close to me. Just relaxed and warm. And we were alone, nobody in the house until tomorrow afternoon…

I nuzzled into his neck, brushing my lips against his pulse, feeling it flutter. Pike inhaled sharply, and then his arm tightened around my shoulders briefly. Feeling bold, I ran my hand up his thigh, skittering my fingers over his crotch.

“You’re playing with fire there,” Pike murmured.

I moved my hand up from his crotch to his chest, up underneath his shirt. “I want to burn,” I promised him.

Pike turned his head with a small groan and kissed me, his hand moving to my hair, seizing a handful and going tight as he tugged on it to tilt my head up, get the perfect angle. His tongue slid into my mouth as I gasped, heat shooting through me. I was quickly finding out that I liked having my hair pulled, liked Pike being a bit dominant and in control.

Pike pulled back, planting small, teasing kisses along the corners of my mouth, using his hold on my hair to keep me from diving in for a deeper kiss, smirking when I growled at him in frustration.

“Y’know, I’m starting to think you want me just for my body,” Pike teased, tugging my head back even further, making me whine.

“I like you for your personality too, I suppose,” I said, like I’d been considering it but the jury was still out.

Pike chuckled and released my hair, finally letting me swing myself back onto his lap properly and kiss him. Fuck, yes. I could grind down against him now, roll my hips properly, and I could feel him getting rapidly harder as we kissed. I really did feel kind of like the naughty teenager I’d never been. I’d never been with anyone before Pike, and since I was uselessly pining after him the whole time, the idea of being with someone else and doing all that crazy stuff with them had just never appealed to me.

But now I was getting it—that crazy making out on the couch thing, only without the possible horror of my parents coming home and interrupting us (and grounding me). But the whole grinding down against each other on the couch while we make out thing, that we were nailing to a ‘T’.

Of course, as a teenager this probably would’ve been as far as we would’ve gotten. My determination to seduce Pike at the Christmas kegger was different from how I usually was. If I’d had a proper boyfriend—if Pike had been my proper boyfriend while I was a teenager—I would’ve wanted to hold back, to wait, to take my time building up to actual sex. And to be fair, I probably would’ve come just from grinding down against Pike’s erection, the one I could feel growing steadily harder underneath me, between my legs.

Tags: Katy Kaylee Erotic