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Gasping for breath, Astrid gazed at her hero – he was handsome, tough, and rugged. She didn’t know who he was either, but she was sure glad he was here.

The man draped his arm around her shoulders, and she melted with relief at his safe, secure embrace.

“I’m her boyfriend,” he growled. “Now get the fuck out of here before I rip your fucking balls off.”

Graves scrambled to his feet. “Oh really?”

The man stepped forward – planting himself between Astrid and Graves, protecting her. “I said get out of here. Or you’ll be sampling the local hospital food through a straw.”

Realizing he’d lost, Graves stepped toward his car. He was a typical bully – happy to torment women, but not willing to tackle the six-foot wall of muscle that was now looming over him. He straightened his designer suit. “This isn’t over between us, Astrid. I’ll be paying you a little visit at home later.”

Her mind flashed with worry. “You know where I live?”

“I do.” Graves started to climb into his car, but – halfway in – he turned and eyed them suspiciously, knowing he was now a safe distance.

“Get out of here,” the man growled. “And if you go within a mile of her home, I’ll tie weights to your ankles and throw you in the goddamn Hudson.”

Graves didn’t move. “Funny, I didn’t realize you had a boyfriend, Astrid. From my research, I thought you were single.”

Losing his patience, the man lurched at Graves like a wild animal, making him stumble into the backseat. Graves scrambled to close the door, locked it, then gazed at them from inside.

Astrid glanced up at her hero. She realized she was shaking with fear. “He said he knows where I live.”

The man shot her a mischievous grin. “I guess we’d better make our relationship look convincing then, huh?” he whispe

red. “Don’t want him paying you a visit.”

“What do you mean?” Astrid asked.

“Trust me.”

He gazed deeply into her eyes. She studied his handsome features and gorgeous lips – losing herself in his perfect face. She was jolted from her trance as he threw his arms around her and pulled her close. Astrid understood what he was doing, and instantly relented. Her heart pounded double-time and she tensed as he lowered his face and kissed her hard on the lips – causing passion to flood over her body, making her feel light and weak – this time from lust, not fear. The world spun around her, fading into nothingness until there was only them and this glorious kiss, which she melted into like a warm winter bathtub.

The dank street fell away and the kiss increased in intensity – beyond what they needed to do for the benefit of convincing Graves they were together. The man pulled her even closer, and Astrid felt herself unwind into him. She groaned – causing their lips to vibrate together. He eased his tongue into her mouth, whooshing pleasure through her body – and unlocking a pent-up desire that had been dormant for far too long.

Their tongues clashed and writhed with passion. He tasted manly – and he smelled of masculine cologne, which bypassed Astrid’s rational mind and aroused her animal lust.

Behind her, Graves’ car drove away with a roar and a rev of the engine – embodying how frustrated he was. She realized they no longer needed to continue kissing, so she stepped away – her body trembling gently with the aftermath of the assault – or was it with passion from this incredible man?

She gazed at him and frowned, confused at the way he was staring at her – as if she was a goddess. That couldn’t be right…

She pulled herself up to her full five-five height, refusing to let him know the effect he’d had on her. “Thanks for helping me.”

The man caressed her cheek. “You’re very welcome.”

Her body tingled and she was overcome with the urge to elope with him. But she was far too sensible for anything like that.

“You all right?” he asked.

She nodded, trying to stop herself from shaking. He made her feel like a teenager in the presence of a rockstar. He was so strong and masculine. Yet there was a spark of kindness behind that tough expression.

She glanced at where Graves’ car was now wheeling around the corner, disappearing – leaving her alone. For now… But he knew where she lived!

“I’m Jake,” the man said, grinning. He held out his hand for her to shake.


They shook hands and laughed at this surreal formality – after such an amazing kiss.

Tags: Julie Farrell Tycoon Billionaires Billionaire Romance