Page 38 of His Forbidden Kiss

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Mark strolled into the kitchen carrying two more boxes. He placed them on the table and turned to his sister. “I think this is all of it.”

“Did you get the boxes that were in the front seat?” Kim asked.

“Yep. Dad and I put them in the living room. Did you want me to bring them in here?”

Kim shook her head. “I’ll go through them later. They’re mainly knickknacks.”

Mark glanced around the room, then behind him. Ali frowned. She knew what he was doing—looking for Justin. As far as she knew, the two hadn’t spoken since the family dinner. They also hadn’t fought either, so there was that. And Mark and Kim’s dad had shown up to help today, bearing cookies from Belinda. Ali had needed the sugar. She hadn’t been sleeping well for the last week.

“Justin’s in the back bedroom with Drew and Daniel setting up my old bed if you guys want to help,” Kim said to her brother as her dad came into the room. It had been about six weeks since Davis’s fall and he was getting around a lot better. He’d ditched the crutches for a cane as soon as his doctor had given him the okay, but still seemed irritated at his limited mobility. She couldn’t exactly blame him.

Shoving his hands in his pockets, Mark rocked back on his heels. “Did you need help with anything else, Sis?”

It was Kim’s turn to frown, disappointment clear on her face. Her friend had hoped her family would have come around by now. At least they’d shown up to help today. Ali hadn’t been sure about that. Neither had Kim. “No. We’re about finished in here and all the furniture’s either here or in storage.”

Mark nodded and glanced over at Davis. “I think Dad and I are going to take off then, if you don’t need us anymore.”

Kim sighed. “Okay.”

Davis limped over to give his daughter a hug and kiss her cheek.

“Thanks for coming, Dad,” Kim said.

“Of course.”

The two men exited the room and Kim’s shoulders slumped at the sound of the door closing behind them. Ali’s heart went out to her. Kim was close with her family and to have them react like this to such a major decision in her life was hard. Davis seemed to be slowly coming around. He’d even said hi to Justin when they’d all met at Kim’s apartment that morning.

It took them another half hour to empty the new boxes Mark had brought. Ali removed the last mug from the box and placed it in the cabinet to the right of the refrigerator. “Is that everything?”

Kim glanced around the kitchen. “Yeah, I think so. In here at least.” She gathered the empty boxes from the table. “We should probably go see if the guys need any help.”

Justin, Drew, and Daniel were tackling the bigger stuff while Davis and Mark had carried in the smaller boxes. Kim and Ali had worked to put things away. It was the best division of labor considering the tension and Davis’s injury.

Ali and Kim made their way down the hallway to the spare bedroom. “Not sure we’re going to be much help carrying furniture.” Ali yawned.

“That’s the third time you’ve yawned in the last hour. What’s up with you?” Kim bumped Ali’s shoulder.

“Nothing. I just haven’t been getting a lot of sleep lately.”

“Oh?” Kim asked. “Someone been keeping you up at night?”

Ali snorted. “I wish.”

They made their way to the spare bedroom. “What then?”

As they walked into the room at the far end of the hall, the sight of Drew’s backside as he bent over to connect the footboard to the rest of the frame greeted them. Daniel was facing him, holding the metal part, and Justin was on the other side of the bed, trying not to laugh.

“Need some help?” Kim asked.

Justin looked up and smiled when he saw her. “I think we’ve almost got it.”

Drew grunted as the frame finally slipped into the slot and stood. “That was more challenging than I thought it would be.”

“It was sticking when we took it apart the other day,” Justin said.

Daniel shook his head. “Hopefully, you won’t be needing to take it apart again for a very long time.”

Kim ran her hand over the dark wood. “I don’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon.”

“Damn straight.” Justin grabbed her hips and pulled her back against him.

She chuckled and wiggled her ass into him.

Ali grinned. It was nice seeing Kim and Justin happy together. “Is there anything else that needs brought in or put away?”

“Are you ladies finished in the kitchen?” Justin asked.

Kim tilted her head to the side so she could look up at him. “Yep. All done.”

“Then I think that’s everything.” Justin kissed the tip of her nose. “You’re officially all moved in.”

Daniel cleared his throat. “And with that, I think it’s time we said goodbye.”

“You don’t have to run off.”

Justin cut Kim off. “Yes, they do.”

Drew and Daniel both chuckled and Ali shook her head.

They all made their way to the living room. Daniel helped Ali with her coat, and she had to suppress her reaction to his fingers as they brushed the back of her neck. He didn’t feel that way about her. They were friends.

Her body, however, had trouble remembering that. Every time he touched her, it sent tingles down her arm or her leg or wherever they connected. She’d been attracted to him from the start. Everything about him turned her on, from his lips to his hands to the way he took care of her. She wanted to be his.

But that wasn’t going to happen. He wouldn’t even play with her at the club. The few times she’d mentioned wanting to play, he’d found another Dom for her to play with.

“Everything all right?” Daniel asked as they headed to their vehicles.

“I’m fine. Just a little tired.”

He stopped them both and frowned. “Why?”

This was what was so frustrating. Sometimes he acted as if he were her Dom, but then it never went anywhere.

Daniel waited for an answer.

“I’ve got new neighbors.”

He furrowed his brow in concentration. “They’re keeping you up?”

She nodded as she stifled yet another yawn.

“Did you report them to your complex management?” he asked.

“I can’t.”

Daniel crossed his arms. “If they’re making noise at all hours of the night, you should report them.”

“It’s not...”


Ali glanced around, but they were alone. Justin and Kim had stayed in the house and Drew had already left. She sighed. “They have very loud sex.”

He raised an eyebrow.

“She’s very vocal and he’s...well, he’s not quiet either.” She felt her face flush. “I can’t exactly call management and report my neighbors for having sex.”

Daniel thought about it for a long moment. “When’s your lease up?”

“Not for another six months.” Ali rubbed her hand on her forehead. “It’ll get better.” She hoped.

It took him a while to respond. When he did, it wasn’t how she’d expected.

He took hold of her elbow and walked her to her car. “I’ll follow you home.”

“Why?” Was he going to talk to her neighbors? She wasn’t sure how she’d feel about that.

“Because you’re going to pack a bag and come home with me.”

Her eyes went wide and she opened her mouth to argue.

He cut her off. “Just for a night. I’m sure I can find you something tomorrow.”

“But what about my lease? I can’t afford to pay rent on two places.”

“Don’t worry about it.” He opened her car door and gestured for her to get in. “I’ll figure something out.”

“Daniel, you don’t need to. I’ll be fine.”

He braced himself on the car and leaned in. Her gaze was drawn to the silver at his temples. It made him look distinguished. “You are not fine. Your eyes are bloodshot and you’re slouching. You never slouch.”

Out of habit, Ali straightened. He was right. She’d been slouching.

“That’s not to even mention how many times you’ve yawned since we’ve been here.”

Had she really yawned that much? She didn’t think so. At least not when he’d been around.

When she didn’t answer, he stood and met her gaze once more. “Do you feel awake enough to drive?”

She nodded. “Yes.”

He gave a curt nod. “If that changes, pull over. Understand?”

Again, he was acting like he was her Dom. It was all so confusing, but she was too tired to argue. “Yes.”

True to his word, Daniel stayed behind her while she drove to her apartment. She got out of her vehicle and within seconds, he was beside her. “Do you want some help?”

Ali shook her head. “No. I’ll only be a few minutes.” She wasn’t sure she could handle him being in her space. Eventually, she’d have to come back here. She didn’t need images of him leaning against her bedroom door filling her head.

In less than ten minutes, she had a suitcase packed with all her essentials and enough clothes for a week. Maybe after she got some rest, she’d be able to think clearer about her situation.

With her bag in hand, she stepped outside and turned to lock her door. Ali felt Daniel come behind her, and she bit her lip when she heard his voice so close. “I’ll take your bag for you.”

She handed him her bag without protest. But instead of going to her car, he continued walking to his. “Um?”

Daniel turned. “I’ll bring you back to your car later. Right now, you’re not alert enough to be driving.”

“I made it home, didn’t I?” Even that sounded lame to her own ears.

“Do you really want to stand here and argue about your driving?”

No, she didn’t.

Resigned, she made her way to his car. He opened the door for her and she got in. The plush leather seats were soft against her skin, cradling her. They were warm, as if someone else had been sitting there.

She sighed and closed her eyes. Seat warmers were a wonderful thing. He must have had it on during the drive to her apartment, so it would be warm for her.

The driver’s side door opened, then closed. A faint hint of his cologne or soap tickled her nose. It had her entire body relaxing.

“Are you comfortable?” he asked as he started the car.


He turned on some soft instrumental music. The melody soothed her, making her entire body feel heavy.

She was in Daniel’s car. She was going home with him.

Snuggling down in the seat, she let herself enjoy the moment. Even though she may never have him as her Dom, he was her friend, and she knew he’d take care of her.

A soft smile tugged at her lips as she drifted off to sleep.


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