Page 2 of His Forbidden Kiss

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Kim felt off balance after her exchange with the bartender and maybe even a little annoyed, although she couldn’t say if she was more annoyed with herself or Ali. Why hadn’t her friend warned her? Given her a heads-up? Something. Was the entire night going to be like this?

“Come on,” Ali said, bumping Kim’s shoulder. “I want to introduce you to some people.”

“Oh joy,” Kim muttered as she followed her friend across the room.

They walked up to a group of people who smiled as Kim and Ali drew closer. An older man stood and repositioned himself farther down on the couch to make room for them.

After they’d taken their seats, Ali made the introductions. The older man’s name was Daniel. There were two couples in the group, Beth and Drew, and Nicole and Jeff. Kim learned that both were female dominants and the men were the submissives in the relationships. Kim had to admit it was a foreign concept to her. Then again, so was BDSM really. But as she watched the couples interact throughout the night, the appeal began to resonate. It was in the subtle body movements and the way they touched. Watching them created an ache inside Kim she didn’t understand.

“Would you ladies like something more to drink?” Daniel asked.

He was talking to Ali and Kim. She thought she saw her friend blush slightly as she said ‘yes, please’ and handed Daniel her glass.

Kim did the same, minus the blush, and stared at her friend. Was something going on between the two of them? Surely not. Ali was thirty-two, the same as her. Daniel had to be at least fifty.

As she was contemplating that, her attention shifted to the sound of someone behind her. The voice sounded familiar. When she turned, Kim got the shock of her life. Justin, her brother’s best friend, was standing five feet away. He had his back to Kim so she was able to get a closer look. Justin was talking to a man and a woman and in his hand was a leash—a leash that was attached to a young woman wearing a barely there dress.

Kim quickly turned back around. What was he doing here? Was he into this?

Of course Kim already knew the answer. He had to be. What else would he be doing at a kink club?


She glanced over at Ali. Her friend looked worried. The impact of seeing Justin must have been written all over her face. Kim couldn’t help it, though. He was the last person she’d expected to see here.

During her teenage years, she’d had an ongoing fantasy that Justin would sneak into her room during one of his many sleepovers with her brother and make mad passionate love to her. That never happened, of course. He’d shown no interest in her that way. Then her brother had left for college and the next time she saw Justin was when he’d brought his girlfriend home with him when Mark had returned for spring break. At the time, she’d been crushed.

Seeing him with his girlfriend had been the kick in the pants Kim needed to wake up to reality. Justin was never going to see her as anything but Mark’s little sister. She had to move on and she did. Sort of.

Two months after coming face-to-face with Justin’s girlfriend, Kim lost her virginity to Kyle Zimmerman in a cheap motel room. It had been her way of saying goodbye to Justin.

As it turned out, Kyle wasn’t the best of choices. He’d shown his interest in her the entire year leading up to prom, the night she’d finally relented and gave it up. She liked him, she really did, but he wasn’t Justin. Afterward he’d rolled off her, gone to the bathroom to get rid of the condom, and then began gathering his clothes. Maybe it was just her, but she’d expected there to be more…to feel something different. Instead, she felt sore and a little empty.

Ali wrapped her hand around Kim’s upper arm and shook her. She blinked and refocused on her friend. Kim must have been lost in her thoughts longer than she thought.

“I’m fine,” she said.

Her friend looked doubtful.

She knew she was going to have to say something. It only took her a split second to come up with a topic that would turn the tables on her best friend and put Ali in the hot seat. Leaning in so no one around could hear them, Kim asked the question that had been on her mind moments before she’d spotted Justin. “Is there something going on between you and Daniel?”

Ali flushed. “No.”

Kim gave her a skeptical look.

“He’s nice. He watches out for me.”

“And?” Kim knew there had to be more to it than that given her friend’s reaction before.

“And nothing.”


Speaking of Daniel, he walked over with their drinks in hand. “Here you go, ladies.”

They both thanked him, although Kim still thought there was more behind Ali’s ‘thank you’ than simple politeness.

Daniel leaned back, resting his arm along the back of the couch. Kim didn’t miss how her friend stiffened for a moment before relaxing again. Even if there wasn’t anything there, she was pretty sure Ali would be open to it if he was.

“What do you think of Serpent’s Kiss? Do you have any questions?” Daniel’s inquiry was directed to Kim, of course.

“It’s different.”

He smirked. “Yes, it is. And you haven’t even seen the second floor yet.”

Kim froze. “The second floor?”

“That’s where the fun stuff is.” Nicole winked at her.

Not sure how to react, Kim swallowed nervously.

“Would you like to see?” Daniel asked. “I’d be more than happy to accompany you ladies if you’d like.”

“I don’t know…” Kim looked to Ali for help.

Instead, her friend shrugged. “It’s up to you, but you did come here to see what it was all about.”

Like it or not, Ali was right. If she was going to do this, she needed to suck it up and do it. “All right.”

She stayed close to Ali while shooting discreet glances in Justin’s direction. Kim had no idea who the woman was. As far as she knew, he wasn’t dating anyone. But if that was the case, then who was she and why was he leading her around by a leash?

Justin was still talking to the couple as she passed within ten feet of where he was standing. Another man joined them. As she continued to spy on him, the new man took hold of the woman’s leash and kissed her. Did that mean the woman didn’t ‘belong’ to Justin? Just thinking that left her with a bad taste in her mouth, but she shook it off and looked again at the small group. Justin didn’t seem upset by the other man stepping in and staking a claim.

Kim averted her gaze. So far he hadn’t noticed her. That was good. She had no idea what she’d say to him if he did.

As they reached the top of the stairs, Kim could feel a change in the atmosphere. At first it didn’t make sense because, while there were a few people milling about in the hallway, none of them were doing anything more than standing or talking. Then they came to the first window and Kim glanced inside.

On the other side of the glass was a woman kneeling. She was completely naked and on display for whoever chose to look. Her head was bent so Kim couldn’t tell if her eyes were open or not.

A man she hadn’t seen walked up behind the woman, wrapped his hand around her ponytail, and jerked her head back. He said something to her and she responded. The next thing Kim knew, the woman was being led over to some sort of padded chair-type thing. Instead of sitting, however, she placed her knees on what Kim had assumed was the seat and rested her chest on the flat upper part. When she was in position, the man placed a hand between her legs. She opened them as wide as the bench/chair would allow.

What he did next stunned Kim and had heat rushing to her core. The man ran two fingers along the woman’s slit and then inserted them into her pussy. After pumping them in and out a few times, he removed his fingers. Kim had expected him to wipe them off on a towel or even lick the moisture off as she’d seen done in porn, but that didn’t happen. Instead, he walked to the side and placed his fingers in front of the woman’s mouth. He said something, and a second later she opened her mouth and began sucking on his fingers.

Suddenly there was a loud smacking sound as a leather paddle made contact with the woman’s ass. Kim had been so focused on the woman’s mouth that she hadn’t noticed what the man was doing with his other hand. She felt the moisture leak out of her body. With each smack she got wetter and wetter. Did that mean she was submissive? Kim didn’t know, but she was pretty sure she wanted to find out. And she knew exactly who she wanted to enlist to help her explore these new fantasies.

Tags: Sherri Hayes Erotic