Page 4 of Between the Pack

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Chapter 4

Jake’s POV

Opening night

"Yes, Sly,"I reassured him, wondering if I should have just turned my damn work burner cell phone off after the fifth call. "I'm backstage right now and everything is fine. We're all in place and there is nothing to worry about."

That wasn't enough for Sly though. "I need you to go through everything again," he barked. "Daisy, the manager, is really worried about tonight because it's Claire's first show. She's convinced that if anything is going to happen to her, it will start tonight. We need to be on top of everything."

I gritted my teeth and rolled my eyes, glad he couldn't see me. Sly was in charge of this particular operation, but that didn't mean the other guys and I didn't know what we were doing. I couldn't be mad at Sly, though, because I knew he just wanted to make sure we protected this girl properly.

"I will check everything again. Don't you worry."

"Okay," Sly replied, although I wasn't totally convinced he was satisfied. "I'm going to call the other guys and check in on them again."

Thank God, because I needed some time without the intense phone calls. Vinnie and Ollie could take the hits for a while.

"Cool, talk to you later."

I let out a deep sigh once I hung up the phone and glanced around the backstage area, confirming once more that everything was fine. I was watching the one entrance in and out. Everywhere else was blocked off, so it was going to be fine. I knew exactly who was in here, my photographic memory assisting me with that. All was good. Sly needed to chill the hell out.

"Are you Jake?" A delicate, soft-spoken voice caught my attention.

I turned to see a woman so beautiful she blew me away. She flicked her long red hair over her shoulder and stared at me with worried bright blue eyes.

"I am." I straightened up a little, smiling at her.

"Ah, I'm Paisley. I don't know if Daisy told you about me…"

"Claire's personal assistant, right? And sister?"

She nodded, grateful that I already knew who she was. That kick ass memory of mine won once again. "Right. I just wanted to confirm with you that everything is good. This is the only way in and out of backstage, right?"

Bless her, she was so sweet, all anxious about her sister's safety. Daisy had likely gotten her all flustered with her panic as well, just like Sly. Well, that was fine, it was up to me to calm her down. I didn't mind that job.

"Everything is under control, don't you worry," I replied with a grin. "But if there is anything you want to check in particular, let me know."

Paisley's lips turned down into a frown as she read and re-read her check list. "I think everything is all good. You look like you have it under control here."

I held up my hands in a surrendering gesture. "You don't need to worry. With the other guys and me around, all will be fine."

She met my eyes and smiled a little. "Yeah. I'm starting to see that."

There was something about that look that really made my heart hammer hard against my ribcage. Damn, she was fine—the hottest woman I had ever laid eyes on—and there was something kind of naughty about her as well. I liked it, and absolutely wanted to know more.

Paisley was just about to walk away from me, and I couldn't have that. I needed to stop her. I wasn’t sure why, but I instinctively knew I had to say something to keep her closer to me.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?"

When Paisley span back around to look at me, there was a moment of blank confusion in her eyes before she seemed to realize what I'd said.

"Oh, uh, nothing at the moment." She frowned for a second and glanced down at the papers in her hand. "No, I think everything is under control. I'm just checking everything again for about the hundredth time. I want it all to be perfect."

Aww, she was so sweet. So kind, the love for her sister really shining through her words. It warmed my heart to see her being so caring, and looking out for Claire's career.

"That's great." I beamed at her. "If there is anything I can help you with, I'm here. Anything at all."

Almost as if something needed to shatter the magic of the moment before I leaned closer and kissed her, sounds from the other side of the stage caught both mine and Paisley's attention. We stared toward the curtains, tension flooding the pair of us.

It was kind of exciting actually. This wasn't the sort of place my work would normally take me. I didn't have to know the music of C'Dion to get just a little swept up in the atmosphere surrounding me. Not enough to distract me from my job, of course, but with Paisley so close to me, I could get just a little lost in anything.

The earlier anxious energy Paisley was carrying with her seemed to just melt away. Instead, her fun side came burning out. She danced along to her sister's song, exclaiming and whooping the entire time. It was really sweet. I couldn't help but notice just how beautiful Paisley was. Especially with her awesome quirky clothing shining in the stage lights. My heart was beating a whole lot faster as I stared at her. She was affecting me in ways I didn't know a woman could, especially when I'd only just met her.

I hoped Paisley would stay here for the rest of the show, just so I could watch her dance and cheer for her sister.

* * *

"That was so good,wasn't it?" Paisley clapped her hands together with excitement. "Oh my God, Claire was so good. I'm so proud of her."

I couldn't help but let out a little laugh, her enthusiasm infectious. Every moment I wasn't helping out with the set or the monitor, my eyes were on Paisley. She was just so intoxicating, I couldn't help myself. It was like there was a magnetic attraction dragging me toward her the entire time.

"She did do a great job," I agreed. Not that I ended up spending too much time watching Claire. "I think she's going to have an awesome residency here."

That was a stark reminder that my time in Las Vegas was going to be fun, but short lived. Only four weeks, so I needed to make the absolute most of it. If that meant perhaps taking this gorgeous woman out on a date, then so be it.

I parted my lips, just about to ask her if maybe she did want to go out for a drink while we were here, but I didn't quite manage it. Before I could get any words out, the curtain opened widely and Claire came swooping through.

Now was not the time. I would have to wait.

"Claire, oh my God," Paisley squealed excitedly. "That was amazing. That was just…" She flung her arms around her neck. The love between the sisters was absolutely adorable. "You were so good. That was so much fun."

"You think so?" Claire sounded smaller than she did before the show, a little nervous as well. Much less sure of herself than she was before. Perhaps that was an anxious front she put on when she was pushing everyone away. "That was the craziest show I have ever done. I can't believe it. That crowd…I don't think I have ever had to perform for a crowd that big."

Paisley pulled back and squeezed her sister's hands reassuringly, which was a really sweet gesture. "You did great, and you will continue to do so the entire time you're here. I believe in you. I'm just so excited to be here with you."

"I'm glad you're here as well. I feel so much better with you."

Movement off to my left caught my attention. I turned my gaze in that direction to see Sly coming out of the woodwork with his usual very grim, serious expression on his face. He was one hundred percent in work mode, and there was never any time for messing around. That sometimes encouraged me to make some jokes in an attempt to cheer him up, but I could sense this wasn't the time.

"We need to go to the dressing room," Sly said quietly to Claire. "Come on."

She left, and Paisley went with her, which was a little disappointing. But I suppose at least there was a big chance we would get to see one another again. Sly nodded in my direction, and I did the same back, before it was time to get a move on once more. There was still so much to do. Always.

* * *

My God,I needed a drink. We all needed a drink. It had been one hell of a long day. Thankfully, the bar at the hotel we were staying at had opened up a VIP area for us, so even Claire could join us without worrying about being harassed by fans.

It was a pretty nice space, all smoky and cool with smaller tables and chairs with different heights around them. Of course, there were also shot girls and people handing out hors d'oeuvre to keep all the guests happy, but I wasn't interested in any of them. As I nursed my beer, there was really only one person I wanted to see, but she hadn't arrived yet. I'd been assured that she was coming though.

Fuck, I was being a crazy person, wasn't I? Watching the freaking door just in case the gorgeous redhead, Paisley, came flying through. While everyone else was having a good time, I drummed my fingers endlessly on the table, my leg bouncing anxiously. I ended up having to jump up from my seat to go outside for some fresh air just to get a break.

"We have to keep this a secret."

As soon as I got outside, I stumbled upon some random strangers arguing in hushed tones, trying not to be overheard by anyone. But here I was, listening in.

"We need to remain professional. We can't let anyone see you touching me."

"I don't know what you're talking about," another voice replied.

I tried to tune them out, but it definitely didn't work.

"It's fine. I don't think anyone is paying you and me any attention."

I needed to move. I absolutely had to get away before I got caught eavesdropping. That would be seriously embarrassing, but I wasn't quite ready to go back inside just yet, so I stepped further into the parking lot.

Shit. My heart leapt up in to my throat as I realized I'd stepped right in the path of the couple. That wasn't supposed to happen, I was supposed to get further away from them. But now...

"Sly?" What the hell? How did I not realize this was Sly? My friend and coworker. "Sorry, I was just… I didn't…"

My words trailed off as I spotted who Sly was with. Who he had his arms around and looked like he might have been kissing. This was where she had been hiding out the whole time. I did not know how I was supposed to feel about that.

"What's going on?" I found myself asking awkwardly.

Paisley backed away from Sly, staring at the both of us in horror. She parted her lips a couple of times, as if there was something she wanted to say, but she didn't. Instead, she ended up backing away until she headed inside the bar.

Damn it, now she was inside, and I was out here. Typical.

"Sly, what's happening?" I persisted because now I had to know.

He grit his teeth before he responding, which was unlike Sly. He was usually the most composed person I knew. "It doesn't matter. Just a little issue needing ironing out, that's all. Don't you worry about it. It's all sorted out."

"Hmm, right." I didn't know how to respond to that without demanding to know absolutely everything. I mean, that conversation was about keeping things professional, wasn't it? I thought they were a couple when I first overheard them. On top of that, I was pretty sure Paisley mentioned that he had his hands on her.

If something had happened between Sly and Paisley, there was nothing I could do about that. But it did not stop me from having intense feelings for this woman.

"Okay, well, we should probably go back inside, right? Check in on Claire."

Sly didn't look too impressed by the idea, but he did nod sharply and follow me in. Even through the foggy atmosphere, my eyes were automatically drawn toward Paisley. She was in the middle of the dance floor, her hands thrown up in the air as if she could not sense all the eyes in the club upon her.

Sly pushed passed me, clearly not ready to have more conversation. Probably for the best since I wasn't too worried about talking to him either. Not with this weird energy surging between us in regards to Paisley.

I headed straight back to my seat and my beer. That was the best place for me to be. I could watch and admire Paisley quite happily from this place. Because it didn't even matter to me that she had something going on with Sly. I still seriously had the hots for her.

"Hey, Jake."

Oh my God, how long had I been sitting just watching Paisley? Sly’s hands on my shoulders had made me jump. "Claire wants to go back to her hotel, so I am going to take her."

"Sure thing. What do you want me to do?" I went to get up from my seat, but Sly gently pushed me back down.

He shook his head. "Oh, no, nothing. Don't you worry about that. You just stay here and enjoy the night. Keep everyone here safe, okay?"

"Right, yeah, sure. Thanks, Sky."

I watched him take Claire and Daisy out of the building. She had to be exhausted. Claire really did put all of her energy into her gig tonight. But I couldn't watch them for long; that damn magnetic pull had my eyes back on Paisley again. Only this time, she wasn't alone on the dance floor. There were a couple of skeezy guys who had somehow made it into the VIP area dancing near her.

They were dangerously close, leering at her in a way I did not like one bit. Just because Paisley hadn't seen them watching her, didn't stop me from feeling incredibly protective. I mean, this was my job, wasn't it? To keep everyone safe?

I justified it to myself as I banged my legs against the table in my haste to get up to save Paisley. I barely even cared if anyone was staring at me, I had a job to do and I was going to damn well do it.

"Hey." My hand reached out and touched her hip before I could really think about what I was doing. Paisley's eyes snapped open and she stared at me in shock. "I just wanted to see if you're okay. There are a few odd characters here."

I glanced over her shoulder, giving the guys a warning look. They backed off, thank God, but it didn't mean I wanted to leave her here alone.

"Dance with me," she whispered as she seductively shook her hips, luring me in. "Come on, Jake, come and have fun with me."

Shit, I couldn't resist that, could I? There was no way I was strong enough to fight off such temptation. Especially since Paisley was pretty much sex on legs, the hottest woman I had ever seen. I edged my body closer to hers and started to dance. She grinded against me, setting me alight. The heat of her sizzled through me. The rest of the club seemed to melt away into nothingness. It was just Paisley and me in this gloriously sexy moment.

The passion intensified the longer we danced together. My whole body was in flames. I hooked my hand around the back of her neck to keep her as close to me as I possibly could. The fire dancing behind her eyes matched my desire. Fucking hell, how the hell was I supposed to stop myself from ripping her clothes off? I just wanted her right here, right now. I wanted to know how hot she really was.

But it was actually Paisley who made the first move. She was the one who rose up on to her tiptoes and crashed her plump, soft lips to mine. She fucking claimed my mouth with hers. It was so intense and powerful that she ripped the air from my lungs. I couldn't get enough; I never wanted this moment to end. It was the most intense kiss I'd ever experienced.

The fireworks…holy shit, the fireworks. They exploded, but not right in the pit of my stomach, all over my entire body. Fuck, Paisley was everything. I thought she was smoking hot from the very first moment I laid eyes on her, but now I had a feeling my emotions were deeper than that.

I connected with Paisley. There was a definite bond between us. As my hands knotted in her hair and my tongue snaked between her lips, deepening the kiss and the passion surging between us, I knew I really did not ever want to let her go.

I had no freaking idea what was going on with Paisley and Sly, but I couldn't stop this. I just couldn't.

Tags: Laura Wylde Romance