Page 11 of Between the Pack

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Chapter 11

Paisley’s POV

"You honestly look sogood in that dress," Claire yelled over the music as she filmed me dancing away to the music, not even caring if I looked like a fool in front of everyone. Even the online world. There was something so freeing and exciting about wearing an item of clothing I had designed. I was glad I'd decided to do this. "I want you to make one for me, Paisley. I want to wear it up on stage."

"You do?" That halted me in my tracks for a moment. This was her asking me if she could wear my dress. This wasn't me begging her and looking like a fool at the end of it. "I actually have a design that I created for you. I can make it…"

"Will you?" Claire's eyes shone with delight. "I would love that. You know, I don't have much longer in Vegas. My residency will be over soon, and I don't want it to come to an end without wearing at least one of your designs."

She turned the screen around to me to show hundreds of hearts popping up on the screen. Comments as well. The public loved my dress just as much as Claire did, which was truly heartwarming. I might have put my career on the line to help out Claire, but the more time that went by, the more convinced I became that it was possible. I could have a job in fashion if I really wanted it.

Eventually, Claire ended the live stream and smiled softly at me. "Did you really design a dress just for me?" I nodded. "Why didn't you tell me? I would much rather wear something you have created than someone like Bennie. Ugh, I hated that guy. He was a colossal asshole. I felt like Daisy pushed him on me."

"Really?" I tossed my head back and laughed. There I was getting all super paranoid and for absolutely no reason whatsoever. "I didn't want to feel like I was using your career for my own advantage, you know?"

Claire wrapped her arms around me and hugged me. "You have put everything on hold for me. You think I don't see that? Of course I see it. I owe you a favor. But this won't even feel like a favor because I would love to wear a dress like this."

My heart bloomed with joy. I just couldn't believe it. I probably should have just been brave and asked her if she wanted something to wear. I should have known that she would like this, that she would want to help me as I had helped her.

But I was scared to ask. I was too nervous, too much of a people pleaser, I guess. But something had changed while we were in Las Vegas. Something within me. I was growing stronger and more confident in myself. I felt myself blossoming.

"So, hey, Paisley," Claire whispered as much as she could with the loud music booming. "What's going on with you and…well, I don't know who. Sometimes I think there's something going on with you and Sly, sometimes I think maybe I've got it wrong and it's Jake. Then there are the times I see a spark between you and Vinnie, but when we were camping, it was Ollie."

I couldn't stop myself from smiling. I didn't want to give myself away, but I couldn't stop myself. All the guys made me smile, there wasn't one more than the other, which was incredibly problematic. On the one hand, I didn't ever want the Las Vegas residency to end so I could keep spending time with all four guys and feeling the way they made me feel, but then I suppose there was only one way that could end. With me having to pick one of them and rejecting the other three.

I didn't want to have to make that impossible decision, so when the residency and stay in Las Vegas all came to an end, there was nothing I could do about it. We would all just have to go our separate ways, and that would be the end of it.

"Oh my God, you're grinning." Claire laughed her head off. "Which one is it? You have to tell me. You need to let me know because I'm dying here."

I shrugged. I really had absolutely no idea what to say. I couldn't tell my sister that I had the hots for four guys. She would lose her mind. I would never hear the freaking end of it. It was better for me to say nothing.

"It doesn't matter," I ended up saying, just to get Claire off my back. "Because it would only be a fling anyway. I'm not going to get all caught up in potential feelings for someone I'm never going to see again."

"So, which one have you had a fling with?" Claire demands. "Huh?"

Should I tell her about Sly? About the night I met him in a bar before this residency even started and we had a smoking hot night that was unlike anything that had ever come before? Or Jake? I might have only kissed Jake, but he seriously made me laugh more than anyone else in the world. I adored hanging out with him; he always made me have fun. I loved the kiss we shared, and I thought about it a lot. And Vinnie. I hadn't even shared anything intimate with him. I might have wanted to, but it just hadn't quite happened. But I wouldn’t say no if he wanted something to happen between us.

Then there was Ollie and I sharing that intimate skinny dipping moment. That was potentially the most intense moment of them all. Was it him I was most drawn to?

"I…" I wanted to tell Claire everything, even if she wouldn't understand, just so I could find a way to get it all off my chest and sort through it. Perhaps this wasn't the ideal time because we were in a noisy night club, but beggars couldn’t be choosers. "I don't know…"

Someone grabbed Claire’s arm and tugged her further on to the dance floor. I was lost for a moment. A little upset that I couldn't let it all out, but I suppose it probably was for the best. I didn't want to overstep and say too much, just to regret it later on. Perhaps it was much better for me to work this out alone.

I waved Claire off, smiling at her as she swanned on to the dance floor, ready to shake her booty and have the best night ever.

"Hey, how's it going?" I jumped as someone whispered in my ear. I span around to find Ollie staring down at me with excitement shining in his eyes.

"Oh, Ollie." Immediately my heart started hammering. Damn, there really was a deep connection between us, wasn't there? Maybe he was the one who I felt the most for. "I'm good. How are things with you?"

He grabbed my hand and spun me around, allowing my dress to flare out to show him every inch of it.

"Wow, you look like a freaking goddess in that dress," he gushed. "I absolutely have to take you out on to the dance floor. How does that work for you?"

My pulse pounded even harder. "I love that plan."

He dragged me through the crowds into the middle of the dance floor and we started to move. But only for a moment. It seemed like fate had intervened and a slow song burst out of the speakers. Without even skipping a beat, Ollie opened up his arms to invite me in. I was not going to ignore an opportunity so great.

As I fell against Ollie, the racing of his heart was utterly comforting. I leaned my head on his chest and held him tight, adoring every inch of him.

"So, I see Claire has been posting about your dress online."

I looked up at Ollie and grinned. "Yeah, she wants me to make one for her. One that I've been designing for a while now. She's going to wear it on stage."

"She is?" Ollie looked so pleased on my behalf. "That's amazing news, Paisley. I mean, you obviously deserve it, but that's awesome. I can't wait to see your dress up on stage. That will be absolutely amazing."

"I'll just have to lock myself away for a while to give me time to get it made on time, but yeah. I'm really excited about it. I think Claire will look amazing in it. Plus, it'll help get my fashion designs noticed, won't it? It might even kickstart my career."

Ollie dipped his head down so close that his lips were almost brushing against mine. "You know, I've been thinking a lot about that night. In the lake."

My whole body shuddered with need. "Yeah, I've been thinking a lot about it as well. It's a shame our skinny dipping got cut so short."

His eyes twinkled. "I know. Damn that full moon."

We’d gotten so close. We almost kissed, and I was pretty sure that once we kissed, things would have gone further. I would have easily lost my mind and lost myself in Ollie's body in that lake. I was pretty sure that it would have been phenomenal as well. That would have helped me to work out if Ollie really was the one for me. But then, would he want to sleep with me knowing I had been with Sly?

Oh God, now I wasn't sure what I was doing.

And then Ollie actually brushed those lips against mine and my heart fluttered like crazy. The touch of his mouth turned everything else into a blur. All I could think about was how it felt to be with Ollie under that full moon, and how he saved me from the other guys when they shifted into their wolf form.

I hooked my arms around the back of Ollie's neck, kissing him harder and more passionately. The rest of the world simply melted away. No one else mattered. Just him. And I wanted more of him. So much more.

"Come with me," I whispered as we broke apart just a little. I could still feel his breath tickling my lips, sending shivers down my spine.

Ollie came without hesitation. He allowed me to tug on his hand and pull him off the dance floor. He didn't even ask questions as we left to find somewhere we could be alone. He wanted this just as much as I did.

Only it wasn't as easy to find an empty room as I thought it might be. I wasn't looking for some kind of bathroom, which limited things a lot.

"You know, I have a room upstairs," Ollie finally declared, much to my relief. "I wanted a different hotel than everyone else so I can keep an eye on everyone from a different angle. So, if you want some privacy, we can go right now."

I nodded eagerly. Oh, hell yes, I wanted to get in to Ollie's room before I allowed myself to think straight and talk myself out of it. Luckily, Ollie's room wasn't too high up, so we took the stairs two at a time, giggling the whole time. I felt giddy as all hell. My brain was spinning, my body throbbing with need. I felt more intensely connected to Ollie than I had anyone else ever before.

Or maybe I was just thinking that in the heat of the moment because Ollie was the one with me right now. Who the hell knew? I didn't care, it just felt great.

Eventually, Ollie pulled his key out and unlocked the hotel door. By the time we fell in the room together, I couldn't get enough of him. My hands were all over him as I yanked off his clothing, my desperate need to see him naked again overshadowing everything else. But he wasn't doing the same to me.

Ollie actually pulled back and peeled my dress off carefully, controlling himself enough so he didn't ruin my dress. That was such a sweet move, it turned my legs to jelly. There was something incredible about this man.

Once my dress was gone, and my bra as well, I fell back onto the bed. Ollie slipped down my panties with his teeth, and I breathlessly pushed myself up onto my elbows so I could watch him do this. It was such a freaking sexy sight.

Ollie's eyes met mine as he started to kiss up my legs, his tongue flicking out over my thighs, sending electrical shocks spiraling through me.

"Ollie," I gasped out, because there was something I needed to say to him. I wasn't quite sure what, but it was something. "Oh my God, Ollie."

Fucking hell, I couldn't say a thing. He was making me animalistic and wild the closer he got to where I was absolutely aching for him. I could feel his breath tickling my soaking wet core, and it was utterly phenomenal. I flopped back on the bed, unable to hold myself up anymore because it was all just too much.

He was too much, and he hadn't even really touched me yet.

But then it happened. His tongue grazed lightly over my clit, making my body buck wildly. The burning hot bliss was already sizzling between my legs. And the more his mouth connected with my hypersensitive nub, his tongue tracing insane shapes all over me, the more my hips rolled with desire.

Fucking hell, I couldn't control myself. I had to try to grip the sheets just to give myself something real so I didn't lose my shit completely. The feel of his tongue grazing me, plus his fingers plunging deep inside me, was a combination too much for my body. I couldn’t contain the pleasure. It was stiffening inside me, careering through my veins, curling my toes.

It didn't matter how much I wanted to remain on the knife edge of desire so I could savor every second of this, Ollie's primal lips were too intense.

I fell.

I tumbled head first into the deep abyss of pleasure, hot bliss burning within me, swallowing me up whole and thrashing me around. Ollie gripped hard onto my hips, keeping me in place to make sure I couldn't escape the pleasure. Not that I wanted to, but I had to admit it was a little overwhelming. It was an onslaught of orgasm, one that kept rolling through my body in waves with seemingly no end.

"Oh my God," I managed to say as Ollie finally dragged his mouth away from me. Not that he was done with me yet. Ollie slid up my body and crashed his soaked lips to mine as he slipped his thick, throbbing erection deep inside me.

Holy fuck.I wasn’t sure what felt better. His thrusts, causing the post-orgasmic bliss to just keep on rolling, or the taste of myself on his lips. It might have been strange, but there was something so incredibly sexy about this.

Or maybe it was just Ollie that was sexy as all hell. The strong, silent type shrouded in a mystery that I just couldn't help wanting to unravel.

"Oh God, don't stop," I gasped as his lips left mine and he started sucking and licking the skin on my exposed throat instead. "Fuck, Ollie, don't stop."

This was slower, sweeter, but just as passionate as having sex with Sly. I couldn't even compare the two because the men were just so different. All I could be certain of was that they both made me feel like I was on another planet.

The desire, the pleasure, the intensity…I couldn't get enough. I wanted to remain lying in this man's arms all night long. What started in the lake on the night of the full moon was coming to fruition right here and now. I did not want this to end. I clung to Ollie tightly as the pleasure began to build up once more. I probably even dug my nails into his skin, but I just couldn't help it.

Ollie was just fucking wonderful. He was everything. I needed this man in my life forever. One way or another.

Tags: Laura Wylde Romance