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Hand in hand, we walk down to the ballroom. Where I begin with my own speech once the applause dies down.

“Thank you to the American people for allowing me the honor of serving my country one more time. Democracy is defined as a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. That is what defines America and what makes it an amazing country. Throughout this election, you have learned what this administration will stand for, protecting the constitution, giving rights back to the people, gender equality. You have told us that’s what you want and that’s what you are going to get. You have allowed the true story of Larissa and me into your hearts and decided that love, truth, and honor are what this nation needs. And that’s what you are getting. You have elected a president that cares more than she’ll ever let on. She and I are ready to give this nation what she needs. This has been needed for quite some time. It is my honor and privilege to introduce President-Elect of the United States of America, the love of my life, and the mother of my children, Larissa MacLaine.” More applause, screaming, shouting, everything you can imagine echoing off of the ballroom walls.

“Thank you, Malcolm,” she begins, kissing my cheek. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She waits until the noise dies down before beginning again. “ When I was ten years old, I saw Bill Clinton give a speech that wasn’t about anything too special, honestly, I can’t even remember what it was about, but that day my life changed. I saw how charismatic he was and how he commanded the crowd. How we hung onto his every word and I wanted that. I went to the library that afternoon and gobbled up everything I could about what it meant to be the President of the United States. I went back to the very beginning and read forward, never once seeing a woman on those pages. I later learned why. We were second or third-class citizens that had to fight for everything we have now. Everything. I will always be grateful to those women who came before us, knocked down those barriers to get us here today. Tonight, I stand before you humbled, honored, and excited. Humbled and honored that you chose me to lead you into the next phase of this country. And I’m excited for all the little girls watching this at home or at school tomorrow who will now know they can do this. You can do anything you set your mind to. Power and determination get you far in life, but you need passion too. Passion for all things, not just the task at hand. Passion is what gets Americans through the day. A Future for America Worth Caring About has begun in earnest with this historical election result. I. Will. Not. Let. You. Down. I want to thank my family for helping me get this far. I couldn’t have done anything without you. To my son, I know this will mess your life up, but I promise it will be worth it. And Malcolm, my love, thank you for taking this journey with me. God bless America and God bless all of you.”

Chase hugs Larissa first, then me. Then Larissa jumps into my arms. It’s not very dignified, but I don’t care. The American people knew what they were getting into when they voted for us.



easter sunday, 2022

It’s Easter Sunday and we are on the White House Lawn. The twins, Marley and Kyra sit on the Easter Bunny’s lap, dressed as bunnies, for pictures. They really are the best babies. Malcolm and I watch as they squeal in delight. Before Inauguration Day, we got married in a huge ceremony at the Sacred Heart of Mary Catholic Church in Baltimore, my home parish. It was televised as if it was a royal wedding. People are very much interested in our love story and I get it, it’s a good one. I might be biased though. I stood up at the Capitol Building, freezing my butt off, and swore to uphold the constitution of the United States Of America. Come Hell or high water, I’ll do just that. Chase got married too, but that’s a different story.

Being the president is hard work. It’s a lot more than I realized, but I relish in the work. I love being married to the love of my life and having work beside me is just the icing on the cake.

“Don’t stop,” I demand as he fucks into me. We “snuck” into the Lincoln Bedroom where we are currently defiling this fancy bed. Our goal, private goal, of course, is to make love in both the Lincoln Bedroom and the Queen’s bedroom as many times as possible.

Tags: M.K. Moore Erotic