"All right," I say, "I'll talk to you soon. I promise it won't be a month before the next time we get together."

"Sounds good," he says.

I walk outside the bar, feeling both nervous and excited in a way I haven't felt in forever.

Ginny is hot, sexy, ready.

There's a glint in her eyes that tell me she wants to experience a real man. Me.

And I'm going to give her what she wants. It's her birthday, after all.

But when I walk outside, I realize Ginny's already there arguing with her friend in that leopard print dress, Tori.

"You're sure you want to leave us on your birthday?" Tori asks.

"You know I never wanted to come out in the first place. Let me have fun on my own terms," Ginny says.

Tori groans. "Well, you just make decisions spontaneously sometimes without thinking them through. So are you sure you want this? I mean, if you go home with that guy, you're going to wanna, like,” she whispers—but I can still hear, “fuck him."

Ginny presses her lips together. "I know. That's the plan."

Tori looks over at me. "Well, I suppose that is the right kind of man to lose your V-card with."

Ginny's cheeks go bright red, and she groans, "Tori, please. That's personal."

Tori rolls her eyes, "Whatever."

"Are you mad at me?" Ginny asks her.

Tori laughs. "No, there's a hot guy in there named Bobby. I'm going to go hang out with him."

"Will you be safe getting home?" Ginny asks.

“Yes, Denver is the DD tonight.” Tori squeezes Ginny's hands and gives her a kiss on the cheek. "Sorry, I was being a bitch. You should go have fun with this guy. He looks like he’s serious. Maybe you can loosen him up. Be spontaneous."

Ginny smiles. "This isn't spontaneous, you know?" she says to Tori. "I've been thinking about losing my virginity for years. I want this."

Tori laughs, "Good. Then you should get it." Then, looking at me, she points a finger. "But you, mister, be nice. This is my best friend we're talking about."

I chuckle, "I am nice. I promise."

"Good. Love you, birthday queen." Tori waves goodbye to Ginny.

And Ginny looks at me, her cheeks bright red. And she exhales long, slow. "So that was Tori. And she just basically told you I’m a virgin. So if that freaks you out and makes you want to rethink this whole rendezvous, I totally get it. I am 22 and I am a virgin. And I am sometimes spontaneous when I make decisions. Like I spontaneously decided to go against my better judgment to come out tonight even though I wanted to stay in."

"Why did you come out?" I ask her, stepping closer.

She sighs, "I didn't want to be a party pooper just because my day wasn’t great. I wanted to put on a brave face and be a good friend. Tori had been looking forward to this, and I didn't want to let her down."

"But it's your birthday. Shouldn't she be the one doing what you want?"

I shrug. "Maybe that's why I've never been laid, because I am putting everyone else before myself."

I look at her, loving her innocence. The way she says it, just as it is. And I can see it, a girl like her with this heart-shaped face. She is probably giving everyone the best parts of herself and forgetting what she needs in the process.

"Well, I'm not scared by the fact you're a virgin," I tell her, leaning in. No one else is here. Just her and me alone on the sidewalk. The sky is full and black. There's a moon hanging high. I slip my hand around hers. "In fact, I think it's pretty sexy, you wanting to sleep with me considering how hot you are."

She whimpers; our foreheads touch.

I press my mouth to her ear, breathing warm air against it, making her squirm in delight. "I bet your pussy's so fucking tight. I can't wait to touch it, to lick it, to make you cum."

"Oh God," she groans, "Grant, you're making me crazy. Just take me home already."

I laugh, "You're not scared to come home with me, because you know you won't be a virgin come morning?"

She wraps her arms around me. "Thank you, God," she groans, "I'm so ready to finally get rid of this baggage."

I laugh, loving her positive vibes, her humor, her spunk. "All right, birthday girl. Let's get you in bed."



The moment Grant told me he wanted to lick my pussy, I knew I was making the right decision.

He is hot as hell, and he wants to go to bed with me.

I thought for sure, when Tori blurted out that I was a virgin, he would go running. I mean, some guys would be scared by that, but Grant is not some guys. He seems all the more turned on by the fact I’m offering him my virgin pussy.

Tags: Frankie Love Erotic