A few days later, on Monday morning, I wake up feeling more heartbroken than ever. I really cared about Grant. Saw more than potential with him… I saw that forever picture he teased me with.

My phone has been off all weekend because the last thing I want to do is be reminded of social media couples who are happy and in love and living their best life. So, I retreated to the cozy corners of my bed with my Kindle and let myself dissolve in a fantasy.

But come Monday morning, Tori tells me I couldn't stay in bed anymore, that I have to get up, turn my phone back on and be an actual person.

I agree to her demands, and once she leaves for her job, I turn on my computer. With my laptop and coffee in hand, I check my email and surprisingly, there is a message from a company called Paper Possibilities.

I open it up and I realize it's a job offer from an eco-company that makes paper products out of recycled materials. It's for the lead marketing position. And the salary that's listed is twice as much as the job I applied for at Water Well!

I do a few quick Google searches of Paper Possibilities and see that the company is expanding, that it's well ranked, and it has its corporate offices right here in town. I reply to the email immediately and say that I would love to come in for an interview. A secretary replies a few minutes later saying if I could come in at ten a.m., that would be great.

Realizing that all is not lost, I put my best foot forward and put on my favorite outfit of slacks, loafers, and a sweater. I straighten my hair, I put on eyeliner, and then I walk the two miles to their offices.

The fresh air clears my head and puts me in a good mental space. And when I arrive at Paper Possibilities, I'm welcomed in right away. But the guy whose office I walk into is someone I recognize.

"Hey," he says, "you're the girl Grant met at the bar, right, on Friday night?"

Heat rising to my cheeks, I nod. "Yeah," I say, "but that was a mistake. I..."

Bobby laughs. "No, it's not a mistake. It's just a really weird coincidence."

"What do you mean, weird?" I ask him.

"Well, he's the person who told me to hire you, to email you and try to get an interview based off your resume. I asked Grant if he interviewed you, but he said no, that it would be a waste of your time because you're way overqualified for his opening."

"Oh," I say, shaking my head. "I thought he ..." I swallow. "I got really upset this weekend when I realized he was the owner of Water Well. I thought he was playing some game with me."

"Really?" Bobby laughs. " Grant would never trick you into anything. That guy has better morals than anyone I know."

Realizing the name on the application that I turned in to Water Well was Virginia, not Ginny, and that I never even went into the interview, I have a devastating realization that Tori was right.

My emotions swept me away. I didn't even give Grant the chance to explain.

Since he doesn't have my last name or a phone number to reach me, I haven't heard from him since. I swallow, tears in my eyes.

Bobby frowns. "What is it?" he asks.

"I need to see Grant. Do you have his number?"

Bobby smirks. "Sure. But it depends."

"On what?" I ask.

"Well, do you want this job?" he asks me.

"I haven't even interviewed," I say with a laugh.

"Everything I know about you tells me you're the person I want to hire."

"In that case, yes."



It was the worst weekend of my goddamn life. Ginny was gone by the time I returned with the fucking bagels, making me feel like a fool. Am I that naive? I thought what we had was special, more than special. I thought it was real.

The kind of feeling you get a few times in your life. Once, if you're lucky.

She was mine. I knew it. I felt it.

I bought her flowers. But more than that, I was ready to give her my whole damn heart. And she wasn't even here when I got back. Didn't even wait to say goodbye. And I have no idea what set her off. I just know that she didn't come back.

I spent the weekend off the grid. The last thing I wanted to do was talk to anybody. Or go out for drinks and explain why I was in such a bad mood.

But by the time Monday morning rolls around, I have to stop my pity party because I have work to do.

And I need to find Ginny. I know nothing but her first name and that she goes to On The Rocks bar on the weekends sometimes. No, actually, I think she said she never goes there. Fuck. Maybe Bobby got the number of her friend. What was her name? Tanya? Tilly? Crap. Tori, maybe. Regardless, that's not much to go on. But by the time I get to my office, I have at least cleared my head enough that I can work.

Tags: Frankie Love Erotic