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Atlas had not much considered the appeal of humans. Genetic studies had indicated that the Kitari and human genome might be able to blend in a way that would produce young, but practice had not been carried out due to the ongoing taboo of such relationships. Certainly he would progress no further in the Authority chain of command if he were discovered to be fucking a human.

Fucking a human.

There was a phrase he had not mentally entertained before he met young Ensign Tessil. It was not a phrase he could professionally afford to entertain, either. And yet he could not stop his mind from roaming when he thought about her.

She was so small, so compact, so rounded. So very vulnerable. So weak. His mating mind ran riot whenever he closed his eyes and imagined all he might do to her, how the soft pouting lips of her sex might stretch for his cock, how her alien flesh would envelop him…

There was an innate impudence to the little wretch that attracted him more than he could ever let on. He was a creature of control, and Tessil was about the least controllable entity he had ever encountered. It was one thing to be a rebel in the world. To somehow continue that within the tight and rigorous discipline of an Authority ship was an achievement to be sure.

Her wildness reminded him of home. Of women who would never be broken. Of people who had more spirit in their little fingers than most Authority captains had in their entire bodies. Atlas was not precisely happy on the Audacity. But he was determined to do his job.

It had just been made harder by Tessil, or rather, he had been made harder. His cock throbbed in his pants at the mere thought of her, and when he conjured memories of the way she’d wriggled so prettily under his punishment he was sure he’d spill his seed inside his clothing. Kitari were a people of passion. Before leaving his world, he had mated almost every day. Since joining the Authority his options for carnal relief had been severely limited by protocol and the lack of attractive prospects.

Tessil had no idea what she had done to him. Her outrageous disrespect, her sassy tongue, the way she whimpered when she was punished. In the privacy of his quarters, he freed his cock and wrapped his hand around it, stroking back and forth as he allowed himself to indulge in an imaginary carnal conquest of the bratty little ensign.

He’d spank her again first, until those pretty cheeks were a bright pink turning to a rosy red, every bit of them touched with color. She needed so many spankings. If it were up to him, he’d do it every day. If it were up to him, he’d have her in his quarters, leashed to the bedpost until she learned something approximating manners.

In his fantasy, he’d enjoy the way her bottom felt beneath his rough palm again and again, holding her over his lap so the wriggling of her hips made her wet little human sex spread its gleaming juices over his copper skin. They were not made for one another, but she would stretch for him. He would make her submit, cut through all the bravado and find the soft core he had seen some small glimpses of when punishing her. There was something impossibly beautiful about her, something that drew his heart and mind as well as his throbbing cock.

The lash… the way that had cut hot lines of color into her ass… The memory alone made him want to come, but he held back. This was wrong. He should not be entertaining this kind of thought about a subordinate. She was out of bounds. There was an imbalance in the dynamic of power between them. It was wrong. It was wrong. It was…


He came so viciously hard he felt himself become light throughout his body, pure pleasure finding every inch of his roughened, toughened form.

“Don’t become obsessed,” he warned himself. “You cannot be with her. And she needs you to discipline her. It’s obvious nobody else has.”

Over the next two days, he tried to put the matter out of his head as much as possible and focus on his other duties. The Audacity was running much more efficiently now. Word had gotten around as to what happened to Ensign Tessil. Atlas noticed that everybody from lieutenants down snapped to attention when he passed by with a great deal more vigor than usual.

According to his reports, Tessil herself had not activated a single entertainment device since her punishment. He was glad that it had worked. He had not gone easy on her, and yet what he had done was effective.

There were temptations on this ship mostly caused by instincts and desires that did not fit the Authority mold. From time to time, he needed to remind himself why he had put this uniform on, why he submitted to petty rules and endless procedures. Why he was denying himself the most essential of experiences. With that in mind, two days after he’d punished Tessil, he told the computer to hold all interruptions excluding those coming from the captain herself, and called home.

Tags: Loki Renard Alien Authority Fantasy