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“Please,” Will begged. “Harder.”

“You want it harder?”

Maddox was toying with him. Will could hear the smile in his master’s voice and feel the throbbing and twitching of his cock as Maddox swelled at the prospect of drawing out this carnal torture.

“Yes, please!” Will’s voice was higher and lighter, breaking with need.

But Maddox was not going to give in that easily. He was enjoying reasserting control. Will could hear it in his voice and feel it in his touch. Will knew he was very fortunate not to have been beaten within an inch of his life for having run off with what amounted to a stranger. If not for the damage done to him by the entire ordeal, he would probably be in physical agony right now. Instead, Maddox was settling for keeping him on that terrible edge of pleasure that was not quite orgasmic in intensity.

Will’s balls were fucking aching. His cock was straining. And still Maddox held him in place, not allowing him to move an inch, his other hand stilling Will's hips so that he did not have the simple ability to control the thrusts. Will had to take only what his master gave him and no more. He cried out, he begged, he whimpered and he whined more than he ever had while being whipped, but Maddox showed no mercy. He continued to fuck William slowly, pulling all the way out of his hot, desperate flesh and then sliding back in with an evermore impossible to handle slowness.

“Maaaad!” Will cried out.

“Yes, my boy?”

“Fuck me! Make me come!”

“I’ll let you come when I decide. Your orgasms are mine, just like the rest of you,” Maddox growled against Will’s ear, slowing his strokes even more, which Will didn't think was actually possible. He groaned as he felt the whole process becoming even more deliciously frustrating. As time spiraled by and his desire reached peaks he didn’t know he was capable of attaining, he felt himself dripping precum almost constantly. Maddox wrapped his hand around Will’s cock, taking control but without providing anything in the way of relief.

“Do you understand?”

“Yes!” Will gasped.

“Tell me.”

“You own me,” Will gasped. “You own my cum.”

“Best you remember that, boy,” Maddox squeezed Will’s cock and thrust deep inside him in one harsh, powerful thrust that gave everything William had been craving the entire time. Maddox fucked him like the monster he was, pounding and slamming Will against his hand, sliding that hand up and down Will’s cock, jerking him toward a desperate orgasm.

“FUCCCK!” Will screamed as he came, Maddox’s orgasm following in quick succession. The vampire pounded his dark seed inside Will, snarling and growling as much as Will did. Together they were thrusting, writhing beasts sating appetites lying deep in their souls.

Finally, Will was released from that prison of need. Finally, some other impulse was allowed to sneak in, or rather, charge in.

“I’m hungry,” he announced the moment he could breathe again. “I’m going to get something from the kitchen.”

“Hurry back,” Maddox said languidly.

Will took a look at his handsome master lying recumbent in that decadent four-poster bed, the sheet down to his waist, the muscular lines of his chest and belly exposed. There was no way Will was going to be gone for long. He just needed a quick snack.

He ran down to the kitchen and prepared his preferred food. It only took ninety seconds, and that was good because he was fucking famished. He didn’t even bother taking any time pouring the icing out into a careful pattern like he usually would. Instead, he stuck a knife into the packet and smeared it on the finished product, burning his fingers on the hot pastry in the process.

“Yes,” he murmured to himself. “This is going to be good.”

He stuffed it into his mouth like the ravenous beast he was, but to his dismay he was not met with the usual flavor profile of butter and sugar. Instead it tasted like sawdust and sugar, dry and crispy in his mouth. It wasn't that it didn’t taste good. It was that it didn’t even taste like food.

Maddox came downstairs about fifteen minutes later. He had waited for his boy patiently, but when Will didn’t come back up sticky with disgusting corn syrup products, he knew something had gone wrong.

He found Will in the kitchen, surrounded by the wreckage of about ten boxes of toaster strudel. There was packaging everywhere, a small ecological disaster. Will stood naked in the midst of it all, a terribly sad and concerned expression on his face.

“What’s going on, boy?”

“There's something wrong with the toaster pastries,” Will said, his eyes full of tears. “There has to be something wrong with them. Because if there’s not… then there’s something wrong with me.”

“Oh, William,” Maddox sighed, moving to Will to embrace him. "You have been through a lot. Do not worry about food tonight.”

Tags: Loki Renard Vampire Kings Paranormal