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Eggs were a safe bet with almost any human, and certainly with Will, whose tastes seemed to stick strongly to the contemporary masculine. Scrambled, on toast, with a side of juice and a dash of vitamin and mineral powder designed to ensure that his precious pet would suffer no imbalances.

Maddox took great pleasure in cooking for Will. It was nice to take care of somebody who needed so very badly to be taken care of. He knew Will's sad history, but even if he didn’t, the effects of neglect were so plain to see in Will’s eyes, on his tongue, and in his behavior.

His good little pup sat nicely at the counter and waited patiently for the food to be plated before demolishing it with all the aplomb of a Tasmanian devil.

“Thank you,” Will said when he was done with his meal, less than sixty seconds after receiving it. “It’s… nice of you to do that for me.”

“Yes, though know you are free to consume anything from the kitchen,” Maddox said. “There is no need to wait for me to cook.”

“There sort of is. I have no idea how to cook.”

“Then allow me to teach you. Come here.”

Will hesitated. “You sprang me from prison to teach me how to make eggs?”

“I sprang you from prison because that is not where you belong. Now. Come here.” He took Will's hand and led him around to the business side of the kitchen counter.

“We’ll make something simple. How about pancakes?”

“Alright,” Will said. He sounded nervous. He felt nervous too, when Maddox wrapped his arms around him and put him in between them, so he was both behind and over Will, able to direct his movements like the good little puppy puppet he could be.

“First we’re going to break three eggs into a bowl," Maddox purred in his ear.

Will could feel the vampire thickening against his ass. It was more of a distraction than he could bear, given he had less than no talent for or experience with cookery. Every time they were this close there was a charge between them, something that turned the mundane into filth. Even what should be a pedestrian attempt at breakfast was suddenly dirty as hell.

“Tap the egg on the side of the bowl.”

Will hit the egg on the bowl. It broke open and oozed everywhere, bits of shell mixing with broken yolk and messy clear goo.

“Maybe not that hard,” Maddox chuckled. "You do everything with such intensity, my boy.”

“You’re distracting me,” Will grunted.

“Am I?”

Will felt the vampire’s hands pulling down the boxers he’d come to breakfast in. There was a small provision of clothes in his room, but Will didn’t care for most of the pants. They were too formal or too business-like. He’d tried putting a pair on but he felt like he was going to apply for a loan or maybe sell a second-hand car. Now all that stood between him and the vampire was a thin veil of cotton easily brushed aside.

“Try again,” Maddox urged.

Will tried again. This time he was successful in not completely annihilating the egg.

“There,” Mad praised. “You see, sometimes, less force is the way.”

Will felt the vampire’s hands sliding over his cheeks, one on each mound of flesh, pulling them apart, separating them. His own cock was hard as fucking hell, bumping against the counter. He wished he wasn’t trapped in a cast. He wanted to be able to move, but instead he was more like a doll to be positioned.

“You want me to do another?”

There was a growl in place of an answer. Maddox lifted him up and over, bending him at the waist, smearing his dick in the remnants of the mess he’d made. Will had no objections. Lust had taken over, the kind of desire that seemed to inevitably flare between them no matter how pedestrian or important a task might be.

“This can’t be the way to make pancakes,” Will grunted as Maddox used the kitchen oil for a less than orthodox purpose. He felt it drizzling down between the channel of his spread cheeks, pooling around the tight little bud of his ass.

He wanted Maddox inside him. He wanted to be fucked and he wanted to come. Both were inevitabilities and all he had to do was submit. Relax. Let it happen. So why was his hand inching toward a very sharp knife Maddox had been using to cut oranges? Why did violent impulses constantly rise in him whether he liked it or not?

He gripped the knife. Maddox grabbed his wrist and slammed it down on the counter hard enough to make Will drop it.

“Bad boy,” he growled softly, pushing the thick head of his cock against Will’s ass. “What were you going to do with that?”

“Knife play with a vampire is harmless, isn’t it?”

“You don't want to be harmless, boy.” Maddox gripped him by the back of the neck and thrust his cock forward roughly, spreading Will open, claiming him to the very hilt of his dick. Will’s growl made him laugh as he pulled out slowly and repeated the treatment. “I started this so nicely and gently, didn’t I? But you had to make it rough. You need it hard, don't you, Will.”

Whatever Will might have replied was lost in the thrust and roll of Maddox’s powerful and agile hips. He fucked like the supernatural he was, contorting his body in ways that gave Will more pleasure than he could contain.

“Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my…”

“There’s no god here but me, boy,” Maddox growled in his ear, pulling his head back to force him into a carnal arch. Will felt the vampire's cock as deep inside him as anything ever had been, stirring his innards and making him little more than a proverbial fuck puppet.

Will’s pleasure soon overcame his capacity for it. His balls were tight, his cock throbbing in a mixture of flour and egg as he was ravaged roughly, banged against the bread board, fucked in his tight little hole until finally his seed joined the mixture in great shooting spurts, accompanied by great roaring cries of pleasure.

Maddox pulled free suddenly. Will thought it was over, the abrupt ending perhaps punishment for the knife, but it wasn’t. He felt the vampire’s hand at his collar, and he was propelled suddenly across the kitchen. Flying through the air with come filling his ass, he screamed in surprise as the wall rocketed toward him, or vise versa. He couldn’t rightly tell. All he truly knew was that he was about to get fucked the fuck up.

“Easy, boy.” Maddox grabbed him again, plucking him safely out of thin air. One moment he was one place, the next he was another. He was toying with Will, showing his powers.

“What the fuck!?”

“Oh, shush. One little orgasm into the flour is not enough for either of us, is it?” Maddox extended his fangs. Will felt a pang of fear.

“I don’t want you to forget what I am, boy. And I desperately want you to remember who you are.” With that, Maddox drew him forward and sank his fangs deep into Will’s flesh. Will felt himself submit instantly, like being dropped into a warm pool. Post-coital bliss was mixed with fear and the primal connection of being fed from. Will collapsed against Maddox, feeling the beauty of surrender and the incomparable safety of submission.

“What do you want me for?”

Will panted the question in the aftermath of the most passionate sex he’d ever had. Maddox was holding him close, the two of them covered in the elements of baking, and not a pancake to be seen. Maddox had not taken much in the way of blood, his purpose had obviously not been to feed, but to connect.

“What do you mean?”

“This doesn't feel like… it’s not as if…”

“You’re trying to understand why I make love to you when I claim to want to use you as a hunting dog.”


“You’re fuckable, Will. I find myself attracted to you in a way I rarely am to any human.”

“You’ve been with men like me before? Human men?”

“Over the centuries, many.”

“So you’ve watched them get old and die.”

“None of my partners ever got old.”

Will felt a chill run through him. “You mean you killed them.”

“No. The kind of men who make my lusts rise are not the kind who live long lives. Rough men. Violent men. Men who need to be tamed. Men like you, William.” Maddox smiled. “I once fucked Robin of Locksley. Do you know who that is?”

“Robin Hood? He’s fake.”

“No. He wasn’t. He was very real, and he liked to be spanked.”

“He did not,” Will laughed.

“Oh, yes he did. With a birch lash. It would make him orgasm within a dozen strokes when he was truly in need.”

“You’re fucking with me,” Will said, shaking his head.

“I am absolutely not fucking with you. He was a very brave, very idealistic young man when I knew him.”

“So you’ve fucked your way through all the hot guys in history, is that it?”

“Not all the hot guys. Just the ones with edge, and style. The ones who knew how to use their viciousness for good, or who needed some help in seeing that they could.”

"And that's what you’re doing with me?”

“That's what I am hoping to do with you.”

Tags: Loki Renard Vampire Kings Paranormal