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I stood up and walked over to the mirror. “Tavlor. I’m here.”

“Oh, thank the Fates. I was worried.”

“You were worried! You just stood there while my father lied about my parentage and they sentenced me to death!” I gestured wildly. “To death!”

I hadn’t realized how betrayed I felt until this moment, while I was staring at a man designed to be a protector, who hadn’t even tried to help me.

“I protected your mother’s essence from being detected and gave her back to you before they took you away,” he said, his voice even.

That was true.

I nodded once. “Yeah. Thank you for that.”

“I have not abandoned you, Ava,” he said. “Also, I bring news.”

“What is it?” Abigail asked from next to me.

I didn’t want to know, because it was all bad. Nothing good seemed to happen lately.

“The Council has issued a warrant for Ava’s immediate capture.”

Yep. All bad.

Abigail groaned. “Yeah, of course. They’re not just going to let her get away.”

My heart thumped hard as my stomach dropped. “What does that mean, exactly, Tavlor?”

His lips tightened into a grimace. “They want me to hunt you down and kill you. I was given the order ten minutes ago.”

I reared backwards and landed in the chair behind me. “Oh, my God.”

He glanced out of frame, and then lowered his voice. “They’re coming. I must go. I will portal later for our next plan.”

He disappeared, and the mirror reflected the room I was in.

Abigail turned to me. “Ava. Are you okay?”

She took my hand and I struggled to speak as the shock of it all hit me.

I was a fugitive.

On the run, with the best killer the Council had on the hunt for me. A killer that made my blood boil, my skin crave his touch, and my lips long to taste him.

Holy Shit. Where had my quiet existence gone?

I grasped the locket that was burning around my neck.

Well, my girl, came my Mother’s voice. You’re in a real pickle now.


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Tags: Amelia Shaw Daughters of the Warlock Paranormal