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Nicola looked at Topaz. 'Time for the buttons?'

'You bet,' said Topaz. 'Everybody into formation!'

They all flew their ShobGobbles into a tight circle directly over the top of Enrico's head.

'Fire!' ordered Nicola.

They pulled out the straps on the clever contraptions that Tyler had rigged up on either side of their saddles. Thousands of Horatio's buttons were released into the air.

'A little gift courtesy of Banks Beautiful Buttons!' yelled Joshua.

Enrico looked up and his face crumpled.

'It's raining buttons!' he screamed, as the buttons tumbled down all around him, catching in his hair and clothes. Enrico batted them away as if they were maggots. 'Beastly buttons! Beastly buttons!'

As the buttons continued to fall, Enrico writhed about so much he toppled off his ShobGobble into the snow, where he lay, sobbing and hiccupping.

His Security Thugs looked appalled by their Commander-in-Chief 's behaviour. 'Um, sir?' said the leader. 'They're just buttons.'

'Yucky yellow! Mucky music! Beastly buttons!'

Enrico's family didn't seem capable of speaking. They just sat in their sleigh and stared.

'Hey, Enrico?' shouted Sean. He pulled out the jar of peanut butter from his coat pocket and flew his ShobGobble down so he was hovering just over Enrico's head. 'Feeling hungry? Fancy a nice peanut butter sandwich?' Sean stuck his finger in the jar. 'Mmmm . . . It's especially sticky peanut butter. It could easily get stuck to the roof of your mouth!'


Enrico rolled over so he was face down in the snow.

'Do you resign, Enrico?' called out Nicola.

Enrico lifted his head. 'Never!'

'Turn up the music, Sean,' said Topaz.

The Screaming Puppies boomed so loud cracks started to appear in the frozen sea. Enrico desperately tried to plug his ears with handfuls of snow.

'Do you resign?' cried Serena.

'But I don't want to!' moaned Enrico.

'Okay then,' said Nicola. 'I guess it's time we bombarded you with these extra large, bright yellow buttons!'

Enrico looked up, his face contorted with horror.

'We don't have any extra large, bright yellow buttons!' hissed Joshua out of the side of his mouth.

'He doesn't know that,' replied Nicola.

Joshua grinned. He raised his voice. 'Oh, Enrico, how about if we dip these BIG YELLOW BUTTONS in some extra sticky PEANUT BUTTER!'

Enrico sat up and lifted his palms in the air. 'Okay, okay, I resign! I resign! Just keep those yucky yellow buttons away from me!'

The crowd roared. Babies were thrown in the air. Couples kissed.

'Success!' cried Serena.

'Whooopeee!' shouted Sean and Joshua, giving each other high fives.

Tags: Liane Moriarty Space Brigade Science Fiction