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'Yes,' said Nicola. 'But we're not sure how we pay you.'

'No need for money!' said the man cheerily. 'Haven't you heard? The Shobblings are the nicest people in the galaxy.'

He handed each of them a long thin stick made out of a hard gold material. It was about the length of a baseball bat. There were two buttons at one end of the stick labelled SHOCK and RETREAT.

'Let me show you how it works,' said the man.

He held out the Shock-Stick in front of him like a sword and pressed the SHOCK button. The stick sprang out to at least triple its length. There was a bright white light at the end.

'I recommend yelling "GOTCHA!" at the same time,' said the man. 'Just my little tip. I think it adds to the shock value. Make sure the light shines directly into the Biter's eyes. Then just press the RETREAT button.' The stick sprang back to its previous size. 'Easy, eh?'

'What if a Biter comes at you from behind?' asked Shimlara.

'It's advisable to watch each other's backs when you're crossing the bridge.'

'What if you're the last one in the line?'

'Try not to be!' chortled the man. 'Or put your least favourite person last!' He handed each of them a Shock-Stick. 'Good luck! I'm sure you'll all make it across the bridge. Or most of you, anyway. Ha ha!'

The Space Brigade gave him sickly smiles.

Holding to their Shock-Sticks, they walked back to the ShobGobbles.

'I'll go last,' said Nicola bravely.

'I should go last because I'm the tallest,' said Shimlara.

'That's exactly why you shouldn't go last!' said Nicola. 'You'll be a target for the Biters.'

'I should go last because I'm the oldest,' said Sean.

'Well, I should go last, because, um, I wear glasses,' said Tyler.

'What's that got to do with anything?' said Greta. 'I should go last because I'm the least favourite person.'

There was a stunned silence. Everybody turned to look at Greta in shock and embarrassment. It was actually true - but it wasn't the sort of thing you were meant to say out loud. Nicola felt terrible. Imagine being in a group where you knew you were the least popular person.

Greta shrugged. 'It's fine. I'm really popular in other groups, like my maths club. It's just that you people don't really get me.'

Nicola said sternly, 'You are not the least favourite person. I'm going last because I'm the leader and that's all there is to it. Shimlara, you go first.'

Silently, they all climbed back on to their ShobGobbles, their feather-whips and Shock-Sticks held nervously aloft. With Shimlara leading the way, they clip-clopped towards the Safe Hands Bridge.

'Just remember, we're doing this for Katie!' called out Nicola as their ShobGobbles began to cross the bridge in single file.

She tried not to look at the water below. The bridge swayed back and forth as if they were on a ship.

Then Shimlara screamed.

The first Biter had shot straight up into the air from the river below.

Nicola caught a glimpse of a sleek wet body, an unspeakably evil mouth and tiny cruel eyes.

'GOTCHA!' cried Shimlara and pressed the button on her Shock-Stick. At the sight of the bright white light, the Biter recoiled and dropped straight back into the river like a falling stone.

'Easy-peasy!' cried Shimlara, although her voice sounded a bit strained.

They continued on for several minutes without anything happening. Nicola felt her shoulders relax. Shimlara must have frightened off the Biters. They were now about halfway across.

Tags: Liane Moriarty Space Brigade Science Fiction