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My heart rate picks up at his words.

“No. He cannot enter here until my time has come. So, you would be shit out of luck. Now, shower, you smell. And get changed.” He walks out the door, and it closes behind him with a loud click. I would think I made him angry with how he just treated me, but I don’t really know him all that well to judge him. There is a pile of black clothes sitting on the counter. They look remarkably similar to my clothes, but when I touch them, I can tell they aren’t. This is real leather, where mine was imitation. The shirt is made from the same material as what I’m wearing now—silk. It’s sleeveless and shows more of my cleavage than I would like. I reach for the jacket and stroke it—it’s beautiful. Made of black leather with silver zippers all over it. I’ve always wanted one but have never been able to afford something this extravagant. I’ve seen a few vampires wear such a thing, but never a witch.

We don’t get the luxury of clothes like this, unless you’re the queen. She gets everything you could dream of, and more.

As I step into the shower, there are things in here that I’ve only seen in the markets for sale. Shampoos and conditioners in fancy bottles, soap that doesn’t look like it’s been used by everyone who lives there—this one comes in a squeeze jar. After washing my hair and my body, I get out and dress in the clothes he gave me. They fit like a glove. Perfect in every way.

As I go to leave, I search for the door, but there’s no sign of it, so I step in the direction that he left and stand there. As I do, I hear a chuckle as the door opens. I try to not look shocked. But as he isn’t a witch, how is this place so… magical?

“I still want to kill you.” Cinitta is standing there, her arms crossed over her chest defiantly as she glares at me with those violet eyes.

I don’t move. I could probably take her in hand-to-hand combat, but in the forest, she has powers I do not possess. Her chances of beating me are more than double.

“But I won’t. You amuse me.” She turns and walks to the bedroom door, then turns back, throwing her hair over her shoulder. “Follow, witchy.”

I do as she says and trail behind her out to a long hallway. The walls are gray and the flooring is white marble. My boots clink with each step I take until Cinitta stops at the door at the end and pulls it open. I peek through. There are a few people, and the sound of music playing drifts out to me. When I turn to look at Cinitta, she smiles.

“It’s a party. Why are you standing here when you could be dancing in there?”

A party? I look back to where I came from and see no one.

“I would do what he says if you want to see your sister again,” she whispers and basically floats into the party as if her words don’t put me right on edge. I follow her into the room and the door closes behind me. I see Cinitta go to her sisters, and she stands there with a smile on her face, which is not something I have seen from her so far.

Looking around. There are humans, and is that…

I squint, and through the fog of the room I see a black throne, which Viper seems to be seated upon, with a drink in his hand as he watches everyone around the room. He notices and smiles at me. I do not return the smile. I don’t want to be here. This is the last place I want to be, especially entertaining anyone. I want my sisters, I want us to go back to how things were, and I want nothing to do with anyone else.

“He beckons you.” Cinitta is back at my side. I look past her to his throne and away again, my eyes taking in the people around me. “It’s best not to keep him waiting.”

I harrumph under my breath but make no move to leave. Instead, I try to discreetly scan the room for the exits but can’t seem to find anything that resembles a door, let alone an escape route.

“Talia.” The room goes silent, and all eyes fall on me. I see him moving from his throne and walking in my direction. “Since you chose not to entertain me, how about you watch as I entertain myself?” He speaks with authority, and at first, I don’t understand his meaning. Then he lifts his hands, and before I know it, a cage appears. I turn to see him smirking, then his teeth show as he speaks. “I would watch closely.”

Tags: T.L. Smith Crystal Castle Fantasy