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“I’m a sex instructor,” Rory filled the deputy in. Then he wished he hadn’t when Greer gave Stud and Sex Piston a pitiful look.

“He charging you money?”

Stud’s cheeks flushed. “We made a trade for one of my bikes.”

Greer’s expression grew cunning. “Stop at the sheriff’s office on the way out of town. I have some property I’ve been thinking of selling. Best location in town, right between the town’s dump and the wastewater treatment facility. You never notice the smells until after it rains.”

Stud dropped his arm from Sex Piston’s shoulders. “Are you making fun of me?”

Inexplicably to him, Rory was shocked when The Last Riders moved protectively closer to Greer. The Last Riders were friends with Stud; why would they protect Greer over their friend?

“Nah, I ain’t poking fun at you,” Greer denied, which Rory didn’t believe for a second. “Just me joking around.”

“See me laughing?” Stud wasn’t appeased.

Rory stepped in to ease the building tension, seeing the ring on Greer’s finger. “How about I offer you and your wife a free lesson? Then you can see for yourself it isn’t anything to make fun of?”

The Last Riders and Destructors had laughed off their wives getting in a fight, but they were ready to fight Stud over Greer. It made no sense to him.

Greer made a scornful noise. “Psst. I already know how to do my husbandly duties.”

Rory prepared himself to hold Stud back when he saw the brothers clench their fists at the change of expression on Greer’s face.

“You teach anything else?” Greer asked eagerly.

The change in interest stumped him. “Actually, yes,” Rory began. “I teach intimacy, different types of lovemaking—”

Greer waved a shushing hand. “I ain’t interested in none of that hogwash. Can you cook?”

Perplexed, Rory could only assume the man had diminished intellectual capabilities. Finally, understanding dawned as to why The Last Riders were protecting him. Poor guy.

“Yes, I can cook. Nothing on the gourmet level, but I would certainly be able to teach you a few dishes.”

“Don’t need nothing gourmet.” Then Greer gave him a look as if he was the one with diminished capabilities. “The lessons aren’t for me; they’re for my wife. Woman couldn’t cook her way out of a paper bag.”

“Uh … Okay.

“How much you charge?” Greer handed his prisoner off to Knox. “Put her in the car. I’ll be there directly,” he ordered as if he were the sheriff. “I have some bargaining to do.”

Chapter Thirty-Two

Rory went in search of Jewell after finishing Stud and Sex Piston’s lesson. The lesson had been a total waste of time. Stud was still angry at Greer, and Rory could tell Greer heckling him in front of The Last Riders had him thinking he had been taken. He extended his lesson, and the married couple had left in a rush, more than satisfied they had gotten their money’s worth.

Finding Jewell in the main room, sitting on one the couches, Rory sat down next to her.

“Stud and Sex Piston’s lesson ran late. I was getting ready to text you when they came through here.”

Rory gave a groan of aggravation. “Took me a while to get Stud calmed down. I thought he was going to tear Greer into pieces.”

Jewell laughed. “Greer has that effect on people.”

“It’s a good thing The Last Riders watch out for him. I was about to help Stud beat the shit out of him when he finally left.”

“He can be irritating, that’s for sure. He’s been driving me nuts ever since I helped Ema. When I went to the store the other day, he tried to buy my groceries. Then he followed me to the gas station and tried to pump my gas. He even comes by the factory on his days off to see if I need any help.”

“Damn. When he brings his wife over, I’ll have a talk with him.”

Jewell shook her head, snuggling against his side. “Don’t bother. Knowing Greer, he’ll turn it around and say I’m the one bothering him.”

“The guy definitely has a screw loose somewhere.”

“More like two or three,” she agreed.

Talking with Jewell allowed him to vent his frustration enough that he could ask about Incog and Elizabeth.

“How’s Elizabeth?”

“Sleeping. Viper called Dr. Price. He came over and gave her a sedative. Viper and Shade will talk to her when she wakes up. Ember is sitting with her now.”

“Knox been able to find anything out?”

“So far, we’ve found out who Incog really is—Owen Hudson. He has a police record. Seems like Owen likes to peep in windows and tried to kidnap a female security officer when she was caught watching one of the homes in a neighborhood she had been hired to watch.”

“How wasn’t he in jail for that?”

“The judge knocked it down to a misdemeanor and time served when it went to court.”

“I bet the security guard wasn’t happy with that.”

Tags: Jamie Begley Biker Bitches Erotic