Page 81 of Campus God (Campus)

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“You did mention you’re bringing a friend, right?”

Guilt flashes across her face as she closes and locks the apartment door. “Umm, I meant to…”

“So that’s a no,” I finish for her.

“Don’t worry. It won’t be a problem.” She brightens before adding, “And if it is, we’ll just leave. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.”

I snort and shake my head as we walk to the elevator and ride it down to the lobby before pushing out into the cold. With my arm wrapped around her, I steer us toward my Mustang parked in the lot near the entrance. Once we’re both inside, I twist the key and the engine roars to life. I encircle her fingers, giving them a gentle squeeze and pull out of the lot. The restaurant we’re meeting at is about a twenty-minute drive from her building.

Brooke tells me about her day and the classes she’s taking. Although she was a no-show for her nine o’clock. You’d better believe I made damn sure of that. Hell, I would have kept her ass in bed the entire day if I could. But I had classes and practice that couldn’t be missed.

It doesn’t escape me that there was a time in the not-so-distant past when she’d be hanging out at my apartment and doing the exact same thing with Andrew. Because I was a glutton for punishment and couldn’t help myself, I’d sit sprawled in a chair, pretending not to pay her the slightest bit of attention, all the while hanging on every word. Sometimes, I’d throw out a barbed comment and watch the hurt bloom across her face before being shuttered away behind a mask of stoic indifference.

The only way to keep her at a distance was to be an asshole, and I hated it. Relief pumps through me that the façade is no longer necessary. Now I’m the one she’s sitting beside and talking about her day with. The sound of her voice is sweet music to my ears. My fingers tighten around her more delicate ones. If I have my way, I won’t ever let go.

Maybe some guys would be pumping the brakes and wanting to slow their roll, but I’m not interested in that. I’ve spent way too much time fantasizing about this girl and craving every part of her. Now that she’s mine, I want to hang on with both hands and enjoy the ride.

Even though there are a few things that need to get straightened out, I’m confident we’ll work through it. I just need to find the right moment to tell her.

I hit the turn signal and swing into the crowded parking lot before pulling into a spot and killing the engine. I turn to her as she swipes both palms down the front of her short skirt before straightening it with tense fingers. I know Brooke well enough to realize that a burst of nerves has flared to life inside her.

“Everything’ll be fine, I promise.”

I slip my hand around the nape of her neck and pull her toward me, nipping at her lower lip before my mouth settles more firmly over hers. She opens almost immediately. One brush of my tongue and her muscles turn slack as she sinks into the caress.

I just want to kiss her all night long.

Fuck her parents. They can eat by themselves.

It’s only when her hands settle on my chest that I break away. A hazy quality fills her eyes.

“Mmm, do we have to go?”

A pained chuckle slips free from me. “I really wish we didn’t, but yeah, we do.”

Her teeth sink into her lower lip before she tears her gaze away and stares at the restaurant that looms in front of us. It takes a moment for the sexual fog to clear before she jerks her head into a reluctant nod. “Okay. We should probably go before I change my mind.”

“You might not believe this, but I’m actually good with parents.”

She releases a steady breath on something that sounds suspiciously like a laugh. “Is that so? Well, I look forward to seeing just how smooth you can be.”

“Oh, baby.” I grin. “You’ve already seen it and you had no complaints.”

She snorts before flashing me a full-on grin. My comments do exactly what they’re meant to and lighten her mood.

We exit the vehicle before meeting around the front of the sleek hood. With clasped hands, we stroll toward the entrance. I hold open the door before following her inside. My gaze unconsciously drops to her backside as it sways from side to side. Damn, but she’s got the best ass. I love palming the rounded cheeks when I’m eating her out.

Once we arrive at the hostess stand, Brooke gives the older woman her parents’ names and we’re immediately ushered to a table in the main dining room.

“Here’s your party,” the woman says, waving to a table set for four. “Please let me know if you need anything.”

Tags: Jennifer Sucevic Romance