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Stevie wanted to tag along to meet Asher, but Berk convinced her that they should stay home and make brunch so when I get back, we can all eat together, and I can fill them in on the meeting.

I glance at the line of people waiting to order their morning beverage.

I don’t spot Asher, so I look to the left.

When I’m glancing to the right, I see him approaching me.

A ball cap covers his brown hair, and his tattoos are hidden beneath the sleeves of a leather jacket, but it’s unmistakably him.

A few people even do a double-take when he passes by them.

“Astrid,” he says as he steps closer to me. “I’m happy to meet you.”

He’s happy to meet me?

I’m in awe meeting him.

Not only is Asher a talented musician, but he’s a master songwriter. The lyrics of his songs are rooted in his love for his wife, Falon.

“I’m blown away by meeting you.” I laugh. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

He smiles, and it carries all the way to his brown eyes. “Let’s grab some coffee. We have a lot to talk about.”

I have no idea why he wanted to see me, but just meeting him is a gift to me.

As we move to stand in line, he glances at me. “So you haven’t signed with Keyline Music Group yet?”

I nod. “That’s right. I need to make a decision today. I’m set to fly out to California tonight.”

A grin slides over his lips. “I’m about to try and convince you to stay in New York.”

Intrigued, I perk a brow. “You are?”

He nods as we inch closer to the counter where three baristas are busily taking and making beverage orders. “I believe we can help each other, Astrid. I think you’re about to make one of my dreams come true, and I’m going to do everything in my power to do the same for you.”

Bouncing with excitement, I knock on the door to Berk’s townhouse.

He swings it open almost immediately.

Gathering me into his arms, he plants a lush, deep kiss on my lips.

I feel boneless as he pulls away, so I grab a fistful of the sweater he’s wearing. “Wow.”

His left brow cocks. “I’ll kiss your pussy like that tonight.”

I lean closer. “Promise?”


I glance past his shoulder. “Where’s Stevie?”

“Writing in her diary,” he whispers. “You need to come in, and I need to get a key cut for you.”

I follow him inside to the foyer. “A key? For me?”

“It seems appropriate, doesn’t it?” he asks as he helps me slide off my leather jacket. “We met because of a key. The next step in our relationship should involve a key.”

I slide my palm over the front of the black blouse I’m wearing. “What’s the next step in our relationship?”

“You moving in when you’re ready.” He locks eyes with me. “No rush, Astrid. I think we both know this is a forever thing, so when you’re ready, you say the word, and we’ll get you moved in here.”

“Astrid is moving in!” Stevie’s voice carries over the thud of her footsteps as she races down the staircase. “I heard you say Astrid is moving in.”

I glance at Berk before I level my gaze at Stevie when she comes into view. “How do you feel about that, Stevie?”

“I feel happy.” Her hands clasp together on her chest. “My heart is doing a happy dance in my chest.”

I already filled Berk in on my meeting with Asher, so I want to do the same with Stevie now.

I drop to one knee. “Guess what?”

Her hands circle my neck. “What?”

“I’m going to make a record with Asher Foster.” The words sound surreal. “We’re going to work together on my music.”

Her blue eyes widen. “No way.”

I laugh. “Yes, way.”

“This is the best news ever.” She kisses my cheek. “We’re going to be a family, and you will have a hit song everyone will dance to.”

I hurry back up to standing when I feel Berk tap my shoulder.

He looks into my eyes. “Being the first artist on Asher’s record label is a big deal, Astrid.”

It feels that way to me.

Asher is set to launch Falon Records, and he wants me to be his debut artist. We talked about how important creative control is to me. He sees my talent the same way that I do. He doesn’t want me to compromise who I am.

I’ll record in his studio in Brooklyn, and play small venues and subway stations in the five boroughs.

A small summer tour is on the table if it fits into my family’s schedule.

“Family is always number one in my books, Astrid,” he said right before we left the café. “I’ll never ask you to sacrifice anything for your music.”

“It’s an honor,” I whisper to Berk. “I can’t believe this is my life.”

“It’s our life.” He reaches for Stevie’s hand as he holds me close to his chest. “It’s only going to get better from here on.”

Tags: Deborah Bladon Billionaire Romance