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“I must.” I kissed the back of his neck. “I need to take care of you.”

And I did. I needed it with an ache far more intense than the throb in my cock, a deeper level than I could even begin to explain. Taking care of him in bed did something for me. More than a turn-on or a kink, although there was that aspect too, a certain sexiness to making sure he was ready for penetration. But the caretaking was also a necessity that fed needs I hadn’t even known I had.

“Yes.” He huffed out a breath before slumping against the mat, turning his face against a pillow, a prince grudgingly submitting to my whims. But my only real want was to please him, peppering his neck and back with kisses as I stroked his arms and sides.

As I slithered lower, counting the freckles on his shoulder blades and licking the small of his back, he seemed to guess what I was after and rocked up with a groan.

“Want something?” I kissed the curve of his tight ass, first one cheek, then the other, squeezing and kneading his glutes until he moaned again.


“Please, what?” I wasn’t playing a sexy power game as much as I simply wanted him to say it.

“Please take care of me.”

“Oh fuck yes.” I’d been angling to make him say the word rim aloud, but this was even better, especially his needy little exhale, the way the admission seemed to have cost him. And now I was even more determined to reward his honesty, dropping lower so I could lick down the seam of his ass. Groaning again, he pulled his knees up under him, giving me easier access to his hole. My cock pulsed from how fucking hot his display was.

I wasn’t even sure why I loved doing this so much, but I did, every flick and tease turning me on. The way he moaned and wriggled only inflamed me further. I gave myself over to rimming him open, licking and sucking until he was rocking up to meet each thrust of my tongue.

“God. I do love this,” he moaned into his pillow, holding it close.

“See? Benefits to patience.” I doubled down on the teasing, getting a spit-slick thumb into the mix, rubbing and pressing. Remembering what he’d shown me last time, I lubed my index finger so I could slide it in, work that spot deep inside him that made him gasp and moan.

“Cash. Cash.” He bucked his hips, fucking back onto my fingers. “I can’t wait. Now. Please.”

“Okay, baby.” I could only deny him so long. And now he was soft and open enough that I was no longer afraid he was going to hurt himself taking it way too fast. I opened another packet of lube and generously slicked up my cock, my hand shaking from how damned much I wanted him. Holding my cock, I teased one more time, drawing a circle against his rim. And holy hell. I could feel every last nerve ending where his slippery skin met mine. “Fuck. Your skin is so hot.”

“I feel you.” His voice came in harsh gasps, harsher still as I started to press in. “Fuck. I’ve never done it like this. So intense.”

The trust he was showing in me made a possessive growl escape my throat.

“First for both of us. I like that.” And fuck, I liked it so much that keeping control was like trying to steer a small boat in a churning sea of need that kept threatening to swamp me. He was hot and slick and tight, and I loved that no one else had ever had him like this, open and bare and begging for more.

“Oh. That.” His moans became louder as I experimented with angles until I found the right spot.

“This?” I nailed him there over and over, deep thrusts that had us both shuddering.

“Yeah. More.” Danny thrashed underneath me, each movement sexier than the last until I had to hold his hips to keep him still before he dragged me over the edge way too soon. Danny arched up into my grip. “Love when you touch me.”

“Want to touch you everywhere.” Shifting positions, I hauled him against me, his back pressed to my chest, both of us on our knees, him in my lap, letting me push in even farther.

“God.” He groaned low, giving me more of his weight as he settled more against me. “You’re so deep.”

“Yeah, I am.” I stroked him everywhere I could reach—the long column of his neck, his strong chest and arms, holding him fast as I thrust up. I’d intended the change of positions to buy me more time, but it was having the opposite effect, making each movement that much more urgent.

“Damn. Cash.” He stretched into my touch, inviting me to grip him even tighter. “You’re getting me close, just like this.”

Tags: Annabeth Albert A-List Security Romance