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A fresh wave of power washed through me, followed quickly by responsibility, a weighty feeling of wanting to take care of Daniel. Wanting to make him feel amazing physically, obviously, but also wanting to not let him down on a deeper level. Mine to care for.

I dropped a solemn kiss to the freckle on his hipbone. His freckles contrasted with his lean muscles and kissing them one by one made my dick throb. Well, that, and the proximity to his straining cock. I swept a thumb down its length, and suddenly, the way I jerked off without much fantasy made sense. I liked the feel of a cock in my hand, liked how it looked, and having a cock that wasn’t mine in my fist made my abs tense and balls tighten.

It was like tasting an exotic dessert and realizing I’d craved that exact flavor for years. Heady stuff, and I had to roll so I could push against the blanket as I played with him, pressure on my cock so delicious I had to groan.

He echoed my moan, a low sound ricocheting through the forest. “Fuck. Move so I can touch you too.”

“I’ll go off like a rocket if you do, and I want to make this last.”

“I’m good with fast.” He grinned only to tip his head back on a moan as I dropped a kiss to his oval cockhead. Smooth. Satiny yet surprisingly firm. Liking how it felt on my lips, I did it again, making him gasp. “Or that. Good with that too.”

“And this?” Feeling playful in a way I wasn’t sure I ever had before, I swept my tongue down his whole length. That felt good too. Electric. And he must have agreed because his entire body shuddered.

“That works.” His eyes were tightly shut, and he’d fisted both hands in the blanket.

“What? No pointers?” I kept licking and teasing, earning a steady stream of babble from Daniel. This was different from anything I’d done before, and yet right. Tasting him was a thrilling turn-on, but also right in a way I’d never anticipated.

“More. More like that. And…oh.” He arched his back as I took the tip into my mouth, sucking lightly. “That. Yes. A-plus.”

I pulled back long enough to laugh. “You’re easy.”

“Told you.” He laughed too, then moaned as I tried sucking him deeper. As good as the weight had felt in my palm, it felt even better on my tongue. Heavy. Faintly metallic. Responsive too, the way it pulsed the harder I sucked. I used my fist to keep him from going too deep, but I loved taking enough to fill my mouth. “Damn. Cash. Please.”

“Yeah.” I had no idea what I was agreeing with, only that this was the most turned-on I’d ever been, bar none. My rubbing against the blanket got more purposeful, the solidness of the earth a counter to how light I felt. The more I licked and sucked, the better I felt, and the more he moaned and thrust up to meet my fist and mouth. It was a perfect rhythm, all the steps to a dance I hadn’t realized I knew.

“Cash.” Daniel’s voice shifted to an urgent whisper as he shoved hard at my shoulder. “Now. Right—”

He pushed again, hand coming down to cover mine, and I got the idea, raising my head but continuing to work him with my fist as he came with a shout, ropes of creamy fluid shooting all over his stomach in the sexiest fucking thing I’d ever seen.

With my other hand, I somehow got my belt and fly open, cock already pulsing even before I gripped it. Mouth watering, I licked one of the puddles on his belly. Oh yeah. I liked that too. Couple of firm jerks, and I was coming too, moaning his name. Not quite the galaxy rattling event of the night before. This was more pure pleasure, familiar sensations dialed way the fuck up until I was shuddering right along with him.

Humming softly, he stroked my head with a gentle hand.

“Did I pass the class?” My voice was rough, throat dry as August dirt, but I didn’t want to roll away to find one of the water bottles, didn’t want to break the spell.

“Oh, you passed.” Making a satisfied snuffling noise, he closed his eyes again. I watched him breathe for several long moments, heart so full, it fucking hurt. I needed to go fetch some creek water for us to clean up with, but memorizing how he looked dozing naked and spent in the spring sunshine seemed like the only thing that mattered. That, and figuring out how soon we could do it all over again.

Chapter Eighteen


“So now do we get to play with fire?” I tried to sound extra eager to get a laugh from Cash, and it worked.

Tags: Annabeth Albert A-List Security Romance