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I tucked the puppy against my chest and put my free arm around Jett’s waist. His went around my shoulder.

“Yeah,” I said in agreement. “We’re so fucking doing this.”

“I heard that!” Newt shouted from one of the tables and then there was the distinctive sound of a jar jingling. I automatically looked at Jett who dropped his arm from my shoulders so he could dig out his wallet.

I didn’t even see how much cash he dropped in the jar that was thrust under his nose. I had eyes only for him.

“Worth every penny,” he said softly before dropping a kiss to my mouth and then leading us to where our family was once again arguing about the topic that would probably go on for years to come— the true identity of Puddles’ baby daddy.

And I, for one, couldn’t wait.

The End

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Tags: Sloane Kennedy Pelican Bay M-M Romance