Page 74 of Ruthless Rival

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I expect a disaster—she's young and she's significantly lighter than I am—but Opal is a Pierce through and through.

She aces it.

And when she leads me to the living room, presenting me to Simon like an artist presenting a painting, she too wishes me good luck and tells me she won't be home until her curfew at midnight.

But, just in case, she tucks her cell phone number into my purse.

In case I need to tell her to clear the space early.

Chapter Thirty-Six


"Ms. Moyer." Preston, my sister's father-in-law, greets me with a smile. "You look as radiant always."

"Nice to see you, Mr. Charles," I say.

"Call me Preston," he says.

I nod as neutrally as possible. I'm in the middle of a highly decorated restaurant, meeting and greeting potential donors at an event celebrating—

What the hell are we celebrating?

Women in STEM.

If we spent half as much time trying to hire women for STEM jobs or encouraging girls to pursue STEM hobbies as we do celebrating women in STEM, we'd make a lot more progress.

But this organization is willing to spend to look generous. They want to look like they help women.

I need money to help women.

Men too. But mostly women. And most people assume survivors are women.

But I'm not here to contemplate the bigger picture.

Only to look professional and schmooze. I can't awkwardly greet my sister's father-in-law. I need to own our greeting.

"Of course, Preston," I say. "Call me Vanessa."

"And Mr. Pierce." He offers his hand to Simon. "I didn't expect to see you here."

"He's my plus-one," I say.

"A date?" he asks.

"Something like that." I catch Simon's gaze. Try not to swoon over his smile.

How can he project this much warmth?

It's intoxicating

"How is Harrison?" I ask.

"You know more than I do," he says. "He's never been one to share with his father."

"He's private," I say.

Preston nods of course. Presses his hand to the table next to us, steadying himself. He's not as strong as he was a year ago, but otherwise, his condition isn't too noticeable.

He's a little pale, sure, but that's easy to explain as a habit of working too hard and getting too little exercise. Especially at his age.

Have Lee and Harrison told Preston about their baby making efforts? Either way, he must know. Lee isn't shy about spreading the news. Or bragging about their attempts.

I don't want to bring up something so prickly, so I say, "I only know he and Lee are staying busy."

"They're newlyweds." He smiles, proud. "I only wish they'd take their honeymoon."

"They will." After he's gone. So much for avoiding uncomfortable topics. "When work calms down."

"Work never calms down," he says. "If you put things off, wait until life is easier, you'll never get to them. There's always something else. Another project. Another emergency. Another relative who needs help."

"Another engagement," Simon says.

Preston smiles. "Are Liam and Briar here?"

"No. I'm Vanessa's date, not the other way around. We weren't invited," he says.

"Really?" Preston looks around the room, scanning for the organizer.

"Who did you piss off to make that happen?" I slip my hand under Simon's suit jacket. Press my palm into the small of his back. "That's what he wants to ask."

"It's personal, not professional." Simon scans the room. Stops at a tall brunette with a sharp bob. "An ex of Liam's."

"Liam has exes?" I ask.

Simon looks to Preston. Hesitates.

"I realize young men have sex," Preston says. "I'm not a fool."

"They were friends with benefits," he says. "That's all I know."

"Are you sure it's that?" Preston asks. "And not the percentage of women in your software department?"

I can't help but laugh. "Way to call him out." I offer my hand.

Preston shakes. "Pierce is below the national average."

"I'll look into it," Simon says.

"Really?" I ask.

"Of course," he says. "It's my responsibility."

The brunette spots us. Shoots Simon an irritated glance.

"Should I ask?" Preston leans in to whisper. "She doesn't seem to like you."

I laugh.

"I don't care if she likes me," Simon says.

"That's something I always appreciated about you," Preston says.

"This is the first I've heard that," Simon says.

Preston smiles sadly. "Neither one of us was prepared for your father's passing. I suppose sons never are. I was older when I lost my father, but I wasn't ready. How could I be?"

How can anyone be ready?

I was terrified to lose Mom. I still am. She's better now. She's in remission.

But cancer returns.

And even if it doesn't, she's mortal.

One day, I'll lose her.

One day, I'll lose Daddy.

"I'm sorry. You're here to celebrate your love, not listen to an old man talk about grief," Preston says.

"You're not old." I don't add we're not in love. I don't feel that. I don't know what I feel.



"Perhaps not, but I hope I'm wise." He clasps his hands. "I hope you realize what you have. With each other. And your families." He looks to me. "Your parents are lovely people."

Tags: Crystal Kaswell Billionaire Romance