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“A few hours ago I watched you and your friend decimate two big guys, and then I was pulled through this really fast wind tunnel from my home in Ohio to Scotland. And now you’re sitting at a table, eating a granola bar like you’re a normal person.”

Ari snorted. “I am a normal person.”

“You’re the daughter of a jinn king. You’re a girl from a Disney movie.”

Ari laughed. “Okay, I was a normal person.”

Charlie smiled and continued to watch her eat. Ari had just picked up a bag of chips when he asked, “What was I like? Before? Or in the other … man, this is too weird.” He sat back, running a hand through his hair.

She sighed heavily and dropped the chips. “This is quite possibly the weirdest situation that anyone will ever be in, ever, so if you’re having difficulty computing it after only finding out about it, oh, six hours ago, that’s okay. No one is expecting you to just get it. In fact, I’m pretty impressed by how calm you’ve all been.”

“We were provided irrefutable evidence that this is real. We either accept it or ignore it. I’m not a fan of ignoring it.”

Ari cocked her head with a soft smile. “You sound like the old Charlie. You are, I guess.”

“Was I so different after Mikey …?”

Ari leaned toward him. “Charlie, whatever happens, don’t become a part of this world. It’s not meant for humans. It destroyed you. Watching it destroy you was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.”

He shook his head slowly, his eyes fixed on hers. “You look at me with such affection and familiarity. It should freak me out but … I think I like it. You must have really cared about me to do something so huge with such massive consequences, to save me and my family.”

“You were my oldest and best friend. I would have died for you. I still would.”

“You’re amazing,” he breathed, his expression turning warm. “I can totally see us becoming best friends again.”

Ari chuckled, trying not to blush at the way he looked at her.

“This is going to sound like a total pickup line, but you have the most extraordinary eyes I’ve ever seen. I bet you get that a lot.”

“They’re weird eyes,” Ari shrugged. “People notice.”

“Not weird. Beautiful. You are beautiful.”

“Glad you got that out of your system now,” Trey wandered into the kitchen, shooting Charlie a droll look. “I wouldn’t repeat it unless you want her boyfriend to turn you into some kid’s Buzz Lightyear figurine.”

Ari’s skin burned, not only from Charlie’s very smooth come-on but also from Trey overhearing it. It grew even hotter when Charlie shot her a disappointed look. “Boyfriend?”

She nodded. “Jai.”

Charlie frowned. “So you and I never … I could’ve sworn there was something … we never … ever?”

And in that moment, Ari quickly decided it was for the best if she lied. It would make it easier for everyone, especially Fallon, if new Charlie didn’t get any ideas in his head about his old relationship with a girl he found attractive. She shot Trey a quelling look before turning back to Charlie. “No, we were always just friends. Remember I told you that you dated Fallon, one of the Roes.”

He nodded, but his expression was a little tense. “The Guild Hunter I inadvertently had killed. Is she … mad about that?”

Ari shook her head. “No. She was there because she cared about you. She doesn’t blame you.”

“So this Fallon chick … she’s cool?”


Charlie looked up at Trey. “She hot?”

Trey grinned. “Very.”

“I could work with that.”

Ari glared at him. New Charlie was like old Charlie—charming and irreverent. That wasn’t going to cut it in this situation. Things were far too delicate. “Here’s a heads-up … in our reality, Fallon cared a great deal for you and she was murdered in her attempt to help you. Because she’s jinn, she remembers that reality and was more than a little cut up to hear you don’t remember her anymore. Tread very carefully with her, please. I don’t want her hurt more than she already is.”

He held up a placating hand. “I’m sorry. I’m just … still computing. But I’ll tread carefully.”

The sound of a key turning in the front door shot them all to their feet. Trey and Ari took the lead, hurrying into the hallway as one of the large double doors blew open. In stepped a travel-weary Michael, followed by Caroline, Gerard, Megan, Fallon, and Jai trailing at the back.

Fallon’s eyes immediately sought the space behind Ari, and as they locked onto Charlie, they widened, so many emotions flickering through them, it was difficult to pinpoint exactly what she was feeling. Ari would just go with … a lot.

She smiled reassuringly at Fallon and was just about to shoot Jai a welcome grin when her shoulders hunched up at the appreciative murmur behind her, “Tell me that’s her. If so alternate Charlie had good taste.”

Tags: Samantha Young Fantasy